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Faculty Development of International Colleagues: Opportunity for Discipleship and Maturity of Faith Inis Jane Bardella, MD, FAAFP Associate Dean Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty Development of International Colleagues: Opportunity for Discipleship and Maturity of Faith Inis Jane Bardella, MD, FAAFP Associate Dean Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty Development of International Colleagues: Opportunity for Discipleship and Maturity of Faith Inis Jane Bardella, MD, FAAFP Associate Dean Faculty Development & Global Health Initiatives Professor Department of Family & Preventive Medicine Chicago Medical School, Rosalind Franklin University North Chicago, IL USA

2 Session Objectives Discuss the need for deep discipleship that results in a culture of Christianity. Explore the needs and opportunities globally to develop effective medical and health professions educators. Discuss models and strategies for faculty development that build faculty and leaders who are anchored in Christian principles and effective educators. Apply the discussed strategies to develop international colleagues.

3 My Dilemma Why After 1000s of years of Christian missions and billions of dollars of investment, why is the world not more dramatically changed for Christ? What What is required for progressive, sustained change that honors God? H ow How can I and you be used by God to change the situation – the culture?

4 Some Answers Why Lack of maturity of faith that results in one choosing to live the culture of Christianity, regardless of price. What Deep discipleship – spiritual and professional long term mentoring How Teach, disciple, mentor – commit for the long term The Biblical Model

5 Rationale Commanded Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:19-20 ASV

6 Rationale Jesus’ effective model Spiritual teaching Professional development Modeling Interactive discussion Experiential learning Entrustable professional activities (EPAs)

7 Rationale Responsibility And to whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required; and to whom they commit much, of him will they ask the more. Luke 22:48b ASV Who better to teach the next generation? Value human life Believe we are accountable to God What better method than living your life as a Christian health professional?

8 Needs and Opportunities

9 Education and development of health professionals is an ongoing need in every country. Development of research and education are desired in every country. There are interest and active efforts toward common competencies and professional expectations regionally and globally. Faculty have a high level of influence on students, patients, and institution and system priorities. All of this requires development of faculty!

10 Needs and Opportunities Faculty development Education Students (undergraduate) Residents (postgraduate) CME, CPD Research Bench Clinical Public health Leadership Academic Health systems Government

11 Needs and Opportunities Intermittent in-country Annual conferences Targeted activities Ongoing communication Medium term in-country Several months, few years Time specific development Ongoing communication Long term in-country Several years Evolving development Sustained commitment Disciple Mentor Develop Network Sponsor

12 Needs and Opportunities Mentor-up the next leader Program director Medical/Dental/Nursing director Department chair Dean Partner, collaborator Program development Curricular initiative Research activity Education development Developing colleague Mentor Disciple Sponsor Friend Peer-mentoring Director Chair Dean Minister of Health

13 Models and Strategies: Kyrgyzstan Comprehensive health system reform since 1996 Limited access country for missions Science Technology Language Institute (STLI) Activities Family medicine residency Retraining other specialists Faculty development Primary care nurses Policy development CME Quality improvement Medical school curriculum

14 Models and Strategies: Kyrgyzstan Strategies National initiative with multiple partners Multipronged approach Development of national faculty and leaders Deliberate, planned faculty development Bible study and cell-type groups Ethics curriculum Long term in-country expatriates Intermittent short term consultants, experts Tent making evangelism and discipleship

15 Models and Strategies: Kyrgyzstan Outcomes Family medicine residency and faculty Improved health outcomes CME/CPD with national leadership Certification/recertification process Quality Improvement Medical school curriculum reform Hospital reform Regional impact Some leadership with mature faith

16 Models and Strategies: Albania ABC Health Foundation, 1995 Christian mission organization and clinic Christar Prepare Albanian health professionals spiritually and clinically Activities Model family medicine practice Internship Final year medical student clinical training Mentoring Albanian GPs/FPs Family medicine & GP CME Develop Christian teachers of FM Develop Christian leaders

17 Models and Strategies: Albania Strategies Expatiate leadership transition to nationals Employment of nationals Discipleship Practice model Curriculum Mentoring Faculty development Leadership development Long term in-country expatriates Short and intermediate term consultants Long term distance mentoring Short term fellowships

18 Models and Strategies: Albania Outcomes First [Albanian] family physician faculty in DFM Completed Masters in Medical Education Leading curriculum reform Family medicine PhD candidate at University of Antwerp Second Albanian ABC Medical Education Director First Albanian ABC Executive Director First Albanian ABC Medical Director, in training 11 internship graduates 5 with past or current medical education roles Semi-annual CME conference Albanian ABC Foundation Board members

19 Models and Strategies: Rwanda Postgraduate, residency development 2007-2013 Secular US university Enhance existing residencies Establish family medicine residency Activities Curriculum development, implementation, maintenance Program development, implementation, maintenance Provision of information resources Provision of expatriate faculty Development of African national faculty Development of family medicine educators, leaders

20 Models and Strategies: Rwanda Strategies Peer-mentoring of East African faculty, leadership Model effective teaching Mentor Rwanda residents Educators Leaders Faculty development Leadership development Long term in-country expatriate faculty Short and intermediate term expatriate faculty Long term intermittent advising

21 Models and Strategies: Rwanda Outcomes 6 family medicine residency graduates 3 current fourth year residents 5 second year residents (2-year program) 1 graduate pursuing PhD 1 graduate potential part-time teaching DRC Goma, DRC FM faculty DOCS USA + HEAL Africa National Expatriate

22 Models and Strategies: PAACS Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons Commission of CMDA – Train and disciple Christian national surgeons for Africa Strategies Biblical training and discipleship in country Surgical training in country Long term and short term national and expatriate faculty Network of hospitals and faculty

23 Models and Strategies: In His Image In His Image Family Medicine Residency Christian residency – Prepare family physicians for domestic and international missions Strategies Faculty development for residents and graduates planning to serve as faculty Spiritual Education Development of national faculty Recurring in-country faculty development

24 Models and Strategies: MEI Medical Education International Ministry of CMDA – Teaching to Transform Strategies Short-term academic and clinical teaching Recurring visits to develop relationships Model medical education Curriculum Teaching Peer-mentoring Faculty development

25 Application How can this be applied where you are working or planning to work? What are the challenges to consider and address? What additional models, approaches should be considered?

26 Summary Long term commitment Discipleship Mentoring Spiritual and professional development for maturity of faith and practice

27 Resources Teach to Transform Connects inquirers with coaches and needs with resources Teaching to Transform Short term teams provide academic and clinical teaching

28 Resources elopment/FacultyDevelopment.aspx Programs, materials for faculty development Secular International network of professional healthcare educators, committed to integrating rigorous science and compassionate care for the whole person. Christian, relationship with ICMDA

29 Murakoze Chane Shume Falemindarit Merci Beaucoup Asante Sana Mucho gracias

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