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Unit 5 It must belong to Carla No. 1 Middle School 九年级.

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2 Unit 5 It must belong to Carla No. 1 Middle School 九年级

3 Period 1

4 Studying Aims 1 ,学习运用情态动词 Must, might, could, may, can’t 确信程度大小: must 〉 may > might 肯定和否定的推测: must (肯定) can’t , couldn’t ( 否定) 2 ,通过推理,猜测,培养学生的判断 能力。

5 Whose notebook is this? It must be Ning’s. It has her name on it Lead -in Task 1

6 A: Whose pencil-box is this? Is this yours? B: No, it’s not mine. I think it’s Tom’s.

7 Whose guitar is this? It might belong to Alice. She plays the guitar. Task 2 Present


9 must can’t could might 100% probably true 20%-80% possibly true 0 almost not true

10 Zhang Lei Task3 Practice

11 Guessing Who has the following things?


13 He can ’ t be _______. He can ’ t be _______. He could/might be _______. He could/might be _______.

14 He can ’ t be _______. He can ’ t be _______. He could/might be _______. He could/might be _______.

15 He can ’ t be _______. He can ’ t be _______. He could/might be _______. He could/might be _______.

16 He can ’ t be _______. He can ’ t be _______. He could/might be _______. He could/might be _______.

17 He must be __________. He must be __________.

18 Can you guess what it is? It could be _________________. It also might be ______________. a white vase two faces

19 It could be ___________. It also might be ___________. Can you guess what it is? a dog two girls

20 Could A be bigger than B? In fact, A and B must be ___ ________________. Which one is bigger, A or B? A B the same size No.


22 1a Look at the picture. Write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart. ClothingFun thingsKitchen things hatvolleyballplate jacket T-shirt CD toy car magazine book cups Task 4

23 1b Listen and match each person with a thing and a reason. PersonThingReason Jane’s little brother Mary Carla Deng Wen Grace volleyball toy car magazine book CD Hemingway is her favorite author. She loves volleyball. He was the only little kid at the picnic. She always listens to classical music. He loves cats. Task 5

24 Whose T-shirts is this? It can’t be John’s. It’s much too small for him Task 6 Pairwork

25 Sample dialogue 1: A: Look! Whose book is this? B: It must be Mary’s. Because Hemingway is her favorite author. Sample dialogue 1: A: Look! Whose book is this? B: It must be Mary’s. Because Hemingway is her favorite author. Practise making conversations Practise making conversations Practise making conversations

26 Sample dialogue 2: A: Look! Whose toy car is this? B: It must be Jane’s little brother’s. Because he was the only little kid in the picnic. Sample dialogue 2: A: Look! Whose toy car is this? B: It must be Jane’s little brother’s. Because he was the only little kid in the picnic.

27 Sample dialogue 3: A: Whose CD is this? B: It must be Grace’s. Because she always listens to classical music.

28 2a Bob and Anna found a backpack in front of their school. Listen and write down the things in the backpack. Things in the backpack 1. 2. 3. T-shirt hair band tennis balls

29 2b Listen again and fill in the blanks. 1. The person go to our school. 2. The person be a boy. 3. It be Mei’s hair band. 4. The hair band belong to Linda. 5. It be Linda’s backpack. must can’t could might must

30 2c Fill in the blanks with the words from the unit. Then tell your partner why you choose the words. The notebook be Ming’s. It was on her desk. The homework be Carol’s. She wasn’t at school today. The soccer ball be John’s or Tony’s. They both play soccer, don’t they? The French book be Li Ying’s. She’s the only one who’s studying French. must/might can’t might must

31 I can’t find my backpack. It be still at school. The photo be Lu’s. Those are his parents. The red bicycle be Hu’s. She has a blue bicycle. This ticket be my aunt’s or uncle’s. They’re both going to the concert. must/might can’t might must

32 1 . This hook ________ be Carla’s. Her name is on the book. A . might B . could C . must D . can’t 2 . Jack’s bike is blue, so this yellow one ________ be his. A . mustn’t B . can’t C . couldn’t D . mightn’t 3 . The guitar ________ belong to Alice. Only she plays the guitar here. A . could B . must C . can’t D . can C B B Some excises

33 4 . —What do you think “upset” mean? —I’m not sure. It ________ mean sad, A . must B . can C . might D . can’t 5 . I’ll have a test ________ writing next week. A . at B . of C . on D . in 6 . This backpack must be ________. I saw her carry it yesterday. A . Lucys B . Lucy C . Lucys’ D . Lucy’s C D C

34 1. 这本书一定是李雷的。他正在找 这本书。 This book _____be Li Lei’s. He is looking for it. 2. 这个发带可能是韩梅的。她喜欢 戴发带。 The hair band ______be Han Mei’s. She likes wearing a hair band. must could

35 3. 这个玩具熊可能是约翰的妹妹的。 她还是个小姑娘。 The toy bear ________belong to John’s sister. She is a little girl. 4. 这个排球不是玛丽的。她根本不喜 欢排球。 The volleyball ______be Mary’s. She doesn’t like playing volleyball at all. might can’t

36 Some excises 1. I didn’t hear the phone. I ___ asleep. A. must be B. must have been C. should be D. should have been 2. Mary ____ be in Paris. I saw her in town only a few minutes ago. A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. may not

37 3. Peter ____ come with us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet. A. must B. may C. can D. will 4.I thought you ____ like something to read, so I have brought you some books. A. may B. might C. could D. must


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