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a way to take large herds to railway shipping points A.) long walk B.) animal husbandry C.) Cattle Drive D.) reservation L C.) correct answer F.

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4 a way to take large herds to railway shipping points A.) long walk B.) animal husbandry C.) Cattle Drive D.) reservation L C.) correct answer F


6 Cheap metal fencing used on the range A.) Barbed wire B.) pickets C.) chain linkD.) brick LF A.) correct answer


8 Land set aside for native Americans A.) annuity B.) reservation C.) Tariff D.) lein L B.) correct answer F


10 Sioux Chief who left the reservation A.) Crazy Horse B.) Crazy Cat C.) Wild EagleD.) Laughing Bear L A.) correct answer F


12 staked a claim in Six Mile Canyon that turned out to be pure silver A.) Jim Crow B.) Chester Winster C.) Henry Comstock D.) John Freedman L C.) correct answer F


14 A process that use picks and shovels to mine at the surface A.) Data Mining B.) Place Mining C.) Strip MiningD.) Quartz Mining L B.) correct answer F


16 This cycle was repeated in mining towns A.) Feast/Famine B.) Friend/Foe C.) Bull/BearD.) Boom/Bust L D.) correct answer F


18 provided land where ranchers could graze their herds for free A.) big yard B.) open range C.) badlandsD.) 10 percent law L B.) correct answer F


20 This crossed the plains and connected the east and west coast A.) Highway 55 B.) telephone lines C.) transcontinental railroad D.) prairie highway L C.) correct answer F


22 A stray calf with no markings A.) pinto B.) mustang C.) chargerD.) maverick L D.) correct answer F


24 To absorb a group into a culture of a larger population A.) Articulation B.) copyrighting C.) musteringD.) assimilation L D.) correct answer F


26 Performed by Sioux Indians to return them To greatness A.) Rain Song B.) Ghost dance C.) Passion Play D.) Medicine Show L B.) correct answer F


28 Money paid by contract over the course of many years: A.) anschluss B.) abolition C.) articulationD.) Annuity L D.) correct answer F


30 method of planting seeds deep in the ground where there is enough moisture for them to grow A.) power planting B.) under seeding C.) Dry FarmingD.) sod busting L C.) correct answer F


32 Farmers tried to make it through lean times by ________ their land A.) mortgagingB.) renting C. ) primingD.) replanting L A.) correct answer F


34 Congratulations! Thank-you for playing…


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