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Presentations can be viewed from three stylistic perspectives Structure and Speech Delivery Archives, Cal-Tech Visual Aids.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentations can be viewed from three stylistic perspectives Structure and Speech Delivery Archives, Cal-Tech Visual Aids."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentations can be viewed from three stylistic perspectives Structure and Speech Delivery Archives, Cal-Tech Visual Aids

2 One type of visual aid that deserves reflection is the presentation slide

3 Audiences remember more when you use well-designed slides 1020304050 60 Recall (%) Hear and See See Hear

4 What information to include? Excluded Included What format to choose? No matter what type of projection you use, you must make certain decisions

5 Choose a format that is easily read Arial BOOK ANTIQUA Choose legible type Choose a helpful layout words

6 Color can distinguish a presentation

7 Color affects how fast the audience can read The color combination that is read most quickly is black on yellow.

8 Color affects how fast the audience can read What is important is that the combination has contrast—the one on this slide fails to do so.

9 Color affects how fast the audience can read Combinations of red, green, and brown are difficult for many people to read

10 Color affects the emotions of the audience Avoid having a hot color such as red or orange as your background color.

11 Headline Body Recommended here is a sentence-headline design that quickly orients the audience The sentence headline succinctly states the main assertion of the slide Body supports with words Body supports with images compressor combustor turbine

12 Secondary flows enter the primary flow through film-cooling holes and dilution jets Turbine Vanes Secondary Flow Primary Flow Secondary Flow Dilution Jet Combustor Simulator Film-Cooling Holes

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