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Lesson 1 Why we must pray? The importance of prayer as a Muslim Do you know the 5 pillars?

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 1 Why we must pray? The importance of prayer as a Muslim Do you know the 5 pillars?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 1 Why we must pray? The importance of prayer as a Muslim Do you know the 5 pillars?

2 As Muslims,we MUST know the 5 pillars As Muslims,we MUST know the 5 pillars As Muslims,we MUST know the 5 pillars The acknowledgement of God ( شهادة, shahādah) shahādah The ritual prayers (صلاة, şalāh)şalāh The paying of alms (زكاة, zakāh, often Anglicized as zakat)zakat The fast during Ramadan (صوم, şawm, or صيام, şiyām)Ramadanşiyām The pilgrimage to Mecca (حج, ḩ ajjMecca ḩ ajj

3 The Shahadah " I testify that there is no god but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah." Asyhadu Al-laa ilaha il-lallah. Wa asyhadu anna Muhammadar Rasulullah.

4 We have to pray because......... We are Muslims

5 Praying is the………… 2 nd pillar of Islam

6 It is a form of conversation to Allah. the prayer is performed properly – with true remembrance of Allah and turning to Him for forgiveness Every Muslim MUST pray

7 Praying helps us…….. To be happy To cleanse our mind,heart and soul To keep away from syaitan or iblis To think better To be a better Muslim To forget our worries

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