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Employee Assistance Program Supervisory Orientation For:

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Presentation on theme: "Employee Assistance Program Supervisory Orientation For:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Employee Assistance Program Supervisory Orientation For:

2 Supervisory Training Agenda EAP Benefits Overview Goals of Supervisor Training Supervisor/Manager Role Signs & Symptoms of the Troubled Employee Managing the Troubled Employee Confidentiality & Reporting Types of Referrals Summary

3 Manager/Supervisor/HR Virtual Folder The virtual folder is your managers’ tool box which includes: ACI contact list Promotional materials Program training materials Supervisory referral documents

4 Employee Landing Page Husqvarna’s landing page gives employees a brief overview of the EAP benefits and gives them access to: Benefits summary Links to resource web portals EAP brochure & announcement flyer

5 Why use the EAP? Mental Health Marriage & family conflicts Substance abuse Stress management Emotional challenges Health concerns Grief and loss Work/Life Childcare Referrals Eldercare Referrals Legal Consultation Financial Consultation

6 EAP Sessions Employees and Family members are authorized for: Up to 3 face to face sessions per year provided by your employer EAP is a short-term approach for diagnosis, referral, and/or short term problem resolution

7 24 Hours Medical answering service available for after-hours calls. On-call counselors are available. This is not an Emergency Number. Call 911 if there is an emergency. Business Hours: PST – 7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. CST – 9:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. EST – 10:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.

8 All Family Members We mean all family members. Living with you or not. In the same state or not. All are welcome: Children Spouses Significant Others Parents Grandparents

9 Multi-Cultural/ Multi-Lingual All ethnic concerns accommodated All cultural issues addressed All special interests acknowledged Multilingual services available

10 Many Locations Just tell the intake person where the most convenient location is for you to be seen: Near Work Near Home Or in between

11 Comprehensive Work/Life Comprehensive Work/Life benefits offer an innovative blend of referral services designed to make life easier Childcare Referrals Eldercare Referrals Pet Care Referrals Legal Service Financial Services Educational Assistance Referrals

12 Childcare Services Referrals for preschool, after school, and day care facilities Special Needs Summer Camps Background and Security Check Referrals And much more…

13 Senior Care Services Referral for nursing and home health care Adult day care and support groups Transportation and Meal Sources Emergency and Respite Care Companionship programs

14 Pet Care Services Referral for boarding and grooming Referrals for Veterinarians Resources for traveling with pets Emergency pet services

15 Legal & Financial Services Speak directly with an attorney about your legal problems Speak directly with a Financial Planner 90% of all calls handled over the phone without further referral needed

16 Legal Services Unlimited phone consultation with a licensed attorney Landlord Tenant/Real Estate Custody/Visitation Concerns Wills and Trusts Family Law And much more…

17 Financial Services Unlimited phone consultation with a Financial Planner Credit Card Consolidation Credit Restoration Retirement Planning And much more…

18 Educational Opportunities College preparation guide Resources for advancing education Financial aid referrals Career counseling Executive coaching Scholarship information

19 Affinity Online Personalized self-paced assistance Strategies for better and healthier living FREE services no matter how often accessed Help available 24 hours per day, seven days per week

20 Healthy Literature Information is available to you on any issue of concern on a variety of topics HealthYMail Monthly Newsletters Affinity Quarterly Newsletters

21 Personal Services Information and referrals including, but not limited to: Car Rentals & Repairs Cleaning Service Event Planners Errand Runners Entertainment Personal Safety Reservations & Tickets Transportation & Travel ACI Personal Services are here to help!

22 Confidential All information provided by the employee and family member is protected by State and Federal Law No information gets back to the company that the employee accessed the EAP The utilization report has no names on it

23 Training Topics that Highlight the EAP Services Fun, Entertaining & Educational Your choice of how they’re conducted: On-site trainer Webinar Do-It-Yourself To arrange a training work through your location HRD and/or contact ACI directly.

24 Examples of Critical Incidents Include: Death of an Employee Severe Injury Prolonged /severe Illness Workplace violence Any traumatic event that impacts employees EAP Help in Critical Times

25 Supervisor/Manager Role To expect good job performance To provide a safe work environment Make sure the job gets done Ensure quality in the product/service To do this the manager must: Know what it takes to get job done Know the employees’ abilities Know if there is a change in either Communicate job expectations

26 Signs and Symptoms Absenteeism On-the-Job Absenteeism Difficulty in Concentration Appearance Confusion Inconsistent Work Patterns Generally Lowered Job Efficiency Poor Employee Relationships

27 Managing the Troubled Employee Recognition Documentation/Consult with HR Discussion Job Performance Improves or Job Performance Problems continue EAP Interview Follow-Up

28 Stages of Addiction & Alcoholism Early Stage Middle Stage Late Stage

29 Workplace Violence Some indications of impending violence: Overreaction to changes Threats, even in jest History of antagonistic or violent behavior Blaming of others for serious problems Repeated policy violations Vague references to a “plan” to “get even” Mood swings or substance abuse Repeated references to weapons

30 Supervisory Referrals EAP is not a part of the disciplinary process 100% confidential unless employee signs a release of information Excellent resources to get problems solved How and when to make a referral – refer to the Virtual Folder Risk Management tab for procedures

31 Self-Referrals- An employee or family member contacts the EAP directly Supervisory Referrals- You recognize that an employees’ job performance has deteriorated and that continuing or emerging patterns of behavior are cause for concern Types of Referrals

32 Positive substance screen result Refusal to submit to substance screen Frequent/unexplained absenteeism/tardiness Absent from the worksite while on the job Difficulty in working with others Inconsistency in quality/quantity of work output Extreme irritability/anger Insubordination/Questioning authority Disregard for the safety of others Types of Job Related Supervisory Referrals

33 Promotes early intervention for employees personal problems Reduces employee absenteeism and low productivity Facilitates good mental health which reduces overall health care costs Communicates the company’s commitment to their employees’ well being Summary

34 Manager/Supervisor/HR link: Employee link: Email: Call: 800.932.0034 Do you need someone to talk to? Talk to us! Multiple resources are available at your fingertips…

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