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ColorColor  Why study color theory?  Color in everyday life is very diverse, from knowing that a fruit is ripe to eat, to understanding how Color can.

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Presentation on theme: "ColorColor  Why study color theory?  Color in everyday life is very diverse, from knowing that a fruit is ripe to eat, to understanding how Color can."— Presentation transcript:

1 ColorColor  Why study color theory?  Color in everyday life is very diverse, from knowing that a fruit is ripe to eat, to understanding how Color can affect our moods.  If you are involved in the creation or design of visual documents such as Multimedia application, then an understanding of color will help when incorporating it into your own designs 9/12/2015Color1

2 ColorColor  Seeing color depends on 3 factors: The nature of light: consists of a large number of waves varying frequencies and wave length The interaction of light with matter: parts are absorbed and parts are reflected. The physiology of human vision: photoreceptors receive the light and different frequencies gives different color sensations.  For example short wave colors like violet, blue, and green while longer frequencies gives yellow, orange, and red 9/12/2015Color2

3 9/12/2015 History of color  Newton (1704) used a prism to show that sunlight was composed of light with all colors in the rainbow. He defined it as the spectrum. 3Color

4 9/12/2015Color Light  Light combining intensity of all frequencies is called white light  Sun light is called white light. It preserves the color of objects.  Black is the absence of light, not a color. Object that appear black absorb light of all visible frequencies.  Achromatic light has no color, but may vary in intensity, also called luminance (physical concept), which is perceived as brightness (psychological term) or level of grey. We can represent it by a scalar between 0 (black) and 1 (white) 4

5 9/12/2015Color Light Energy  We are all surrounded by electromagnetic waves of energy.  Light (color) is just one form of energy that we can actually see.  A wavelength is the distance between the same locations on adjacent waves.  The frequency of a wave is determined by the number of complete waves, that pass a given point each second. 5

6 9/12/2015Color The color of light  Candlelight lacks high frequencies. It emits yellowish light.  Shining light emits light at all visible frequencies, but is richer towards the low frequencies and hence enhances the reds.  Fluorescent light is richer in high frequencies and enhances blues.  Sunlight has all frequencies but they have an uneven distribution: the mid-range (yellow, green) are stronger.  Since humans evolved in sunlight, we are most sensitive to yellow and green. 6

7 Color Terminology  There are several other terms used to describe color, including Hue Saturation Value 9/12/20157Color

8 Hue  Definition – a distinct color of the range of a color model defined by a particular wavelength  This is what most of us refer to when we say “color”  ROY G. BIV = Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet 9/12/20158Color

9 Saturation  Refers to the amount of a color used. When a color is at full saturation, it is extremely bright and vibrant( نابض بالحياة ). When a color is "desaturated," a large amount of color has been removed.  These desaturated colors constitute the grayscale; running from white to black with all of the intermediate grays in between High saturation Low saturation 9/12/20159Color

10 Webpage Example  The two screen shots primarily differ based on their saturation… How has the appeal changed? Is one of the slides more “generally appealing” than the others? 9/12/201510Color

11 Value  The intensity of light present, also referred to as “brightness” or “intensity” how light or dark the color is  Range from “tints الصبغات ” (light values) to “shades” (dark values)  Often accomplished by mixing the color with various amounts of white or black tints shades 9/12/201511Color

12 Hue, Saturation and Value 9/12/201512Color

13 Color Model: HSV/HSL  HSV specifies a value from 0 to 255 for Hue Saturation Value  HSL (Hue, Saturation, and Lightness/ Luminance) is a similar model, but “L” expands from white to black (rather than HSV’s black to hue), therefore providing a “double cone” 9/12/201513Color

14 9/12/2015Color HSV color coding  Hue: cyclic [0,360] R-Y-G-C-B-M  Saturation: pure color  Value: Luminance or Brightness Black Red Green BlueMagenta Yellow Cyan White Black Red Yellow Green Cyan Blue Magenta S V 14 White

15 Color Wheels  Help to arrange colors and determine appropriate combinations of color  Two types subtractive color wheel(artist’s wheel or paint mixing) additive color wheel 9/12/201515Color

16 Additive colors  Are colors that are associated with emitted light directly from a source before an object reflects the light.  When equal amounts of Red Green and Blue light are combined, they produce white light. 9/12/2015Color

17 Additive Color Wheel  Models how projected color combines  Black = no light (i.e., no color)  White = all light (i.e., all color)  Primary colors = RED GREEN BLUE From which we get RGB  Used in computer monitors, TV sets, and stage lighting (LCD lights) 9/12/201517Color

18 9/12/2015ColorColor, slide 18 The 3D space of additive colors Black (0,0,0) Red (1,0,0) Green (0,1,0) Blue (0,0,1) Magenta (1,0,1) Yellow (1,1,0) Cyan (0,1,1) White (1,1,1) Where does the gray appear?

19 Color Model: RGB  RGB stands for the primary additive colors RED GREEN BLUE  Has become a standard and is often used in languages and programs (i.e., HTML, Flash)  Each value given an integer range from 0 to 255  Can also be expressed as a hexadecimal value 9/12/201519Color

20 Subtractive colors  are colors that are associated with reflected light.  Blue red and yellow are associated with the subtraction of light and used in pigments for making paints, inks, colored fabrics.  All printing processes use subtractive colors in the form of Cyan (blue) Magenta (red) Yellow and sometimes Black. 9/12/2015Color20

21 Subtractive Color Wheel  Models how painted color combines (since it is now on the paper and reflecting the light)  White = no color (all reflected)  Black = all color (none reflected)  Traditional (artist’s wheel) primary colors = RED YELLOW BLUE OR… 9/12/201521Color

22 Subtractive Color Wheel  Printers (computer) use the following primary colors = CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW From which we get CMYK  Subtractive color works through light absorption (what we see is the color not absorbed) Magenta + Cyan = Blue Cyan + Yellow = Green Yellow + Magenta = Red 9/12/201522Color

23 Color Model: CMYK  CMYK stands for the primary additive colors CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK  The “K” stands for “key,” which is short for “key plate” (printing term) 9/12/201523Color

24 9/12/2015Color Subtractive color mixing  Colors can be mixed to combine their absorbing powers Blue paint reflects blue, violet, green, but absorbs red, orange, yellow Yellow paint reflects, red, orange, yellow, green, but absorbs blue, violet When mixed, they reflect only green  This is called color mixing by subtraction 24

25 Color Model: CMYK  Used especially in the printing of images ++=+ ≈ 9/12/201525Color

26 Using the color wheel…  The color wheel makes it simple to determine color schemes for a multimedia project Types of Colors  Primary  Secondary  Tertiary Complementary colors Split-complementary Triad Analogous 9/12/201526Color

27 Using the color wheel: Primary Colors  In the traditional wheel, the colors of the wheel that consist of RED BLUE YELLOW  Primary colors are useful for designs or art that needs to have a sense of urgency.  Primary colors are the most vivid colors when placed next to each other,  Notice that most fast food joints use primary colors in their logos, as it evokes speed. 9/12/201527Color

28 Using the color wheel: Secondary Colors  colors equidistant between the primary colors  In the traditional wheel, these consist of  VIOLET (blue and red)  GREEN (yellow and blue)  ORANGE (red and yellow)  Secondary are usually more interesting than primary colors, but they do not evoke speed and urgency 9/12/201528Color

29 Using the color wheel…  Tertiary Colors colors between the primary color and secondary color In the traditional wheel, these consist of  RED-VIOLET  BLUE-VIOLET  BLUE- GREEN  YELLOW-GREEN  YELLOW-ORANGE  RED-ORANGE 9/12/201529Color

30 Using the color wheel: Complementary Colors  Exist across from each other on the color wheel that is a primary and a secondary  Contrast because they share no common colors (e.g., red and green (blue and orange))  Produce excitement and “action”  Combining complements produces a neutral grey  Seen often in color schemes and logos  Example:  BLUE and ORANGE 9/12/201530Color

31 Using the color wheel…  Split-Complementary Colors Exist on either side of the complementary color  A primary and two tertiary Contrast, but not as significantly as complementary colors Example:  BLUE and YELLOW-ORANGE RED-ORANGE 9/12/201531Color

32 Using the color wheel…  Triad Colors Three colors located equidistantly around a color wheel  Primary colors  Secondary colors  Group of tertiary colors Provides a balanced color scheme Can be a good place to start exploring color palettes 9/12/201532Color

33 Using the color wheel: Analogous Colors  Colors adjacent to each other on the color wheel  Share enough common attributes that can complement each other  They are good for very serene-feeling designs and artwork where you want viewers to feel comfortable.  But, provides little contrast  Example: BLUE BLUE- GREEN GREEN 9/12/201533Color

34 Webpage Example  The two screen shots differ based on their contrast… Analogous colors are used As well as various values and saturations How has the appeal changed? How has the perception of quality changed? 9/12/201534Color

35 Selecting Your Color Scheme Two Important Issues to consider… Message trying to send Audience you are trying to reach 9/12/201535Color

36 Webpage Example  Which would you feel most comfortable from buying from? 9/12/201536Color

37 Selecting Color  Warm Colors: Colors such as red, yellow, and orange. These colors evoke warmth because they remind us of things like the sun or fire.  Cool Colors: Colors like blue, green, and purple (violet). These colors evoke a cool feeling because they remind us of things like water or grass.  Neutral Colors: Gray, Brown. These aren't on most color wheels, but they're considered neutral because they don't contrast with much of anything. 9/12/201537Color

38 Selecting Your Color Scheme  Age Differences Younger children prefer brighter, more solid colors Adults prefer more light colors  Class Differences Working class prefer “named” colors: blue, red, green, etc. More “highly educated” class prefers obscure colors: taupe, azure, mauve  Gender Men tend to prefer cool colors (blues and greens) Women tend to prefer warm colors (reds and yellows)  Seasonal issues Winter = blacks, grays Spring = spring greens and bright colors Summer = yellows, whites Fall = browns and golds 9/12/201538Color

39 Selecting Your Color Scheme  Cultural Issues Geography  Warm climates = strong colors  Cooler climates = cooler, “more washed out” colors Colors and their common connotations in Western culture ColorPositiveNegative WhiteClean, innocent, pureCold, empty, sterile RedStrong, brave, passionateDangerous, aggressive, domineering YellowHappy, friendly, optimisticCowardly, annoying, brash GreenNatural, tranquil, relaxingJealous, inexperienced, greedy BrownWarm, earthy, matureDirty, sad, cheap BlueStrong, trustworthy, authoritativeCold, depressing, gloomy 9/12/201539Color

40 Selecting Your Color Scheme Cultural Examples ColorCountry: Meaning Black China: color for young boys Western: funerals, death, bad guys, rebellion White Japan: white carnation symbolizes death Eastern: funerals Western: brides, angels, good guys, hospitals, doctors, peace (white dove) Red China: good luck, celebration, summoning Cherokees: success, triumph India: purity South Africa: color of mourning Russia: Bolsheviks and Communism Eastern: Worn by brides Western: excitement, danger, love, passion, stop Orange Ireland: Religious (Protestants) Western: Halloween (with black), creativity, autumn 9/12/201540Color

41 Selecting Your Color Scheme Cultural Examples ColorCountry: Meaning Yellow China: nourishing Egypt: color of mourning Japan: courage India: merchants Western: hope, hazards, coward Green China: green hats indicate a man’s wife is cheating on him, exorcism India: Islam Ireland: Western: spring, new birth, go, St. Patrick’s Day Blue Cherokees: defeat, trouble Iran: color of heaven and spirituality Western: depression, sadness, conservative, corporate Purple Thailand: color of mourning (widows) Western: royalty 9/12/201541Color

42 Selecting Your Color Scheme  Setting Moods Example: evidence suggests using green in the workplace results in less absenteeism through illness Univ. of Iowa coach painted visitors locker room pink because research shows that it reduces aggression 9/12/201542Color

43 Webpage Example  The two screen shots differ based on their “temperature”… Blue projects businesslike and authoritative  Explains use in many business websites However, also cold, conservative, and unapproachable Addition of red and yellow brings warmth and dynamism  Do you agree? 9/12/201543Color

44 Selecting Your Color Scheme  Using tools MS color palette allows you to select rows for “harmonious” color schemes 9/12/201544Color

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