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Applications of Technology

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1 Applications of Technology
ELEMENTS OF DESIGN Applications of Technology

2 Architecture What is Architecture?
Architecture is the art, science, and profession of planning, designing, and supervising the construction of new buildings, landscapes, communities, and furnishings in their totality, examining their environment in accordance with the principles of utility, strength, and aesthetics.

3 Elements of Design Line Form & Shape Space Color Texture

4 Lines A point denotes a location in space.
Washington Monument, National Mall Washington, D.C.

5 Lines When a point is given direction, it becomes a line.
Washington Monument, National Mall Washington, D.C.

6 Lines Vertical Lines - emphasize height
McGraw Hill Building Manhattan, NY Seagrams Building New York Represent strength and stability

7 Lines Horizontal Lines - emphasize width
Farnsworth House Plano, Illinois Lovell House Los Angeles California Horizontal Lines - emphasize width Represent calmness and relaxation

8 Lines Diagonal Lines - emphasize movement and action Louvre Pyramid
Paris, France Ribbon House Argentina Diagonal Lines - emphasize movement and action

9 Lines Plaza Lofts Hyattsville, MD Heydar Aliyev Center Azerbaijan Curved Lines- represent freedom; soft, natural, flowing movements

10 Forms and Shapes Shapes are two dimensional and bound by lines
Typical shapes One-half House John Hejduk

11 Forms and Shapes Shapes are two dimensional and bound by lines
Villa Rotunda Vicenza, Italy Great Pyramid Vertical Section

12 Forms and Shapes Forms are three dimensional and bound by planes
Planes created from extruding lines National Assembly Building , Louis Kahn Bangladesh

13 Forms and Shapes Forms are three dimensional and bound by planes
Family House Nikaia, Greece The Ideal House Claude-Nicolas Ledeoux

14 Space Positive space vs Negative space

15 Space Positive space – actual shapes, preferred for social interaction and dwelling Negative space – created by the placement of figures, promote movement Figure Ground Map Washington, D.C.

16 Space Solid vs Void spaces Villa Savoye Paris, France Jubilee Church
Rome, Italy

17 Space Open space vs Closed space Farnsworth House Plano, Illinois

18 Color Primary Colors

19 Color Cool Colors Neutral Colors Warm Colors

20 Color Tint – degree of lightness of a color
Shades – degree of darkness of a color

21 Color

22 Color

23 Texture Rough textures – tend to absorb light Wood Concrete Burlap

24 Texture Rough textures – tend to absorb light Native American Museum
Washington, D.C.

25 Texture Smooth textures – tend to reflect light Stainless Steel Marble

26 Texture Smooth textures – tend to reflect light
Walt Disney Concert Hall Los Angeles, CA City Hall, Greater London Authority London, England

27 Classwork List at least two elements used in the pictures below and explain how these elements are used in the design in the building. 1 2 3

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