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National Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System Contributing Factors Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System

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Presentation on theme: "National Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System Contributing Factors Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System Contributing Factors Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System

2 Near-Miss by the Numbers since August 2005 Reports:2,400 Web site visitors: 920,000 Report of the Week:8,000 Pass along for ROTW:80,000 AR/Calendar distribution:85,000 each Conferences/Presentations:250,000 (apx)

3 Contributing Factors

4 Contributing Factors A circumstance, fact, or influence that brings about a result or outcome. They affect firefighter health and safety either positively or negatively. Based on terms that continually show up in death and injury reporting systems such as NIOSH

5 Contributing Factors Accountability Individual Action Communication Fatigue HorseplayHuman Error Teamwork Procedure Training Staffing Weather Protocol Command Situational Awareness Decision Making Task Allocation Equipment

6 Contributing Factors Situational Awareness – Attentiveness and relationship to the event. The relationship between perception of the individual and the reality of the situation. Leading contributing factor of Near-Miss Reporting. Decision Making – Poor decisions made based on info provided or lack of info provided. No decision made when a decision was required. Second leading contributing factor. Command – Absence, inadequate, lack of command presence. Lack of leadership or direction on part of OIC or IC. Task Allocation – Work assignments exceed assignees physical /or mental capabilities. Weather – Ambient conditions occurring during time of incident. Fatigue – Tired, lack of sleep, inadequate sleep, poor sleep, over- work, lack of rehab, and mentally tired.

7 Contributing Factors Human Error – An intentional mistake made by an individual or group. Staffing – Not having enough or having too many people. Horseplay – Unauthorized activity, practical jokes, pranks, wrestling, etc. Teamwork – A cohesive function of an individual as part of a crew, or the function of the crew as a unit to complete a task or goal. Communication – Poor communication, misunderstood direction, language barrier, and / or inadequate instruction. Accountability – Awareness of location, number and function of all individuals or personnel on an incident.

8 Contact Information The National Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System 4025 Fair Ridge Drive Fairfax, Virginia 22033 Tel: 703 537 4848 Fax: 703 273 0920

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