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EDUC 784.1 Educational Software Standards Rubric.

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Presentation on theme: "EDUC 784.1 Educational Software Standards Rubric."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDUC 784.1 Educational Software Standards Rubric

2 K-12 Educational Software Applications  An educational software is used to support teaching and learning of subject related content.  Interactive multimedia applications enrich the learning process by providing individualized instruction and explorations

3 Computer Assisted Instruction  Software designed to help teach facts, information and or skills associated with subject-related materials  Other names: CBI-Computer-based instruction CAL-Computer-aided learning

4 Drill & Practice Software  Software that first supplies factual information and then through repetitive exercises allows students to continue work on the specific materials to remember the information/skills  Effective for learning basic skills and remediation  Another name: Skills-reinforcement software

5 Educational Games  Majority of educational games available as CD-Roms or DVD-Roms and on the Web  Usually has a set of rules and students can compete against other students or the game itself.  Carmen Sandiego- students chase Carmen Sandiego around the world while learning geography, cultures, astronomy, music and history.

6 Tutorials  Teaching program designed to help individuals learn how to use a product or concept.  Many software products contain built-in tutorials to teach you how to use the software.

7 Educational Computer Simulations  Computerized model of real life that represents a physical or simulated process.  Offer learners the opportunity to manipulate variable that affect the outcomes of the experience

8 Simulations  SimCity, Sim Theme Park & Sim Coaster let students design, interact and provide more accurate explanations and examples of real life.  SimCity is very popular in education.

9 Applications for Students with Disabilities  Educational software offers unique advantage to students with physical impairments and learning disabilities  Visually impaired students benefit from the audio capabilities of multimedia applications as well as the use of graphics and large font sizes.  Hearing impaired students benefit from graphics, animation and videos.  Many software companies also offer closed captioning or sign language.

10 Educational Software  Creativity Software Allows students to start with a blank canvas or templates and use their imaginations and ingenuity using the tools provided Examples: Microsoft Office, Hyperstudio, Inspiration, Kidspiration, Photoshop, Kid Pix, Storybook Weaver, Adobe Photo Elements

11 Critical Thinking Software  Applications that stimulate students to use critical thinking skills in a variety of ways.  Students are often presented with a problem and a variety of ways to solve the problem.  Examples: Carmen Sandiego Series, Super Solvers Mission T.H.I.N.K., GeoSafari Series, Zoombini

12 Early Learning Software  Designed to provide students in grades K-3 with a development head start in reading, language arts, math, science and other curriculum areas.  Examples: Kidspiration, Millie’s Math House, Living Books Library, Sammy’s Science House, Jump Start Series, Reader Rabbit’s Reading

13 ESL/Foreign Language  Provide K-12 students with assistance in learning English and other languages.  Enable students to practice their skills in a non-threatening environment  Examples: English Express Deluxe, The Heartsoft BestSellers ESl Version

14 Language Arts Software  Available for all grades and supports student learning throughout the reading and writing process.  Examples: Reading Blaster, mPOwer, Cornerstone Reading, Orchard Reading

15 Math & Science Software  Math applications help students master basic and complex mathematics for all level.  Science applications assist students in learning a wide variety of science concepts. Multimedia science applications can assist in mastering difficult or abstract concepts by providing a visual representation

16 Math & Science Software  Math: Math Advantage Series, Geometer Sketchpad, Math Blaster, Math Workshop Deluxe, Mighty Math, Tessallation Exploration, Mastering Algebra, Cornerstone Math  Science: Thinkin’ Science, The Ultimate Human Body, GeoSafari, Science Court

17 Social Studies Software  Encourages higher-order thinking skills, provide reinforcement of facts and allow students to define their own path.  History of the World, Oregon Trail, Timeliner, American History Series

18 Software Evaluation  Evaluate for appropriateness  Review the accuracy of the content for its validity-most important area  Consider its relevance to the curriculum standards and goals  Consider the technical support and documentation the software offers  Look at the ability or academic level  How well does it present itself and how well it works-user- friendliness  Obtain student feedback

19 Technology Standards   enu/NETS/ForTeachers/2008Standards/ NETS_for_Teachers_2008.htm enu/NETS/ForTeachers/2008Standards/ NETS_for_Teachers_2008.htm  enu/NETS/ForStudents/2007Standards/ NETS_for_Students_2007.htm enu/NETS/ForStudents/2007Standards/ NETS_for_Students_2007.htm

20 Rubrics  Ideas_and_Rubrics/ ml Ideas_and_Rubrics/ ml  e/assess.html#rubrics e/assess.html#rubrics  

21 Software Evaluation Homework  Evaluate a software using the rubric Software recommendation list NETS standards/content Standards

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