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Selecting Software for Students With Learning Disabilities Jayme Johnson, ACT Instructor High Tech Center Training Unit November 14, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Selecting Software for Students With Learning Disabilities Jayme Johnson, ACT Instructor High Tech Center Training Unit November 14, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selecting Software for Students With Learning Disabilities Jayme Johnson, ACT Instructor High Tech Center Training Unit November 14, 2008

2 Overview Purpose of the resource History of the project Status of the project How to use the resource Future of the project and resource

3 Purpose of the Project Assist Learning Disability Specialists in the evaluation of educational software Create an instructional resource Not a software catalog or "cookbook“ Electronic and printable versions: orials/ldsoft/document/main.htm

4 History of the Project 1987: Standardized assessment practices adopted by CCC system 1989: CARS system goes online 1993: 1 st Version of SSLD released 1995-2003: Massive development and evolution of computing technology 2005: Revision of SSLD put on hold 2007: A new team takes on SSLD project

5 The Team Marcia Krull Sue Norton Linda Reither Patti Flores Charter Therese Hukill-DeRock Christine Tunstall Mary Hunt Mary Stephens Kristina De La Cerda

6 Project History: The Process Testing instrument and deficit updates. Resumed the review of previously secured software- each individual with a specific deficit area to focus on. Sought new software- primarily limited to existing software known to be useful. Compiled evaluations, selected appropriate titles for each deficit.

7 Day in the life of an LD Specialist Detective Social Worker Cognitive Scientist Clinical Practitioner

8 Detective/Social Worker Sizing up the student Exploring potential lifestyle issues Looking for inconsistencies Potential problems not LD-related

9 Cognitive Scientist Determine appropriate testing instruments Correlate the results Conclusively determine deficit areas

10 Clinical Practitioner Based on testing and interview results: Determine likely problem areas Identify general instructional goals Isolate discreet characteristics of software Formulate a plan Work it!

11 Deficits - Cognitive: Long Term Retrieval Short Term Memory & Recall Processing Speed Visual-Spatial Thinking and Perceptual Organization Knowledge and Verbal Comprehension Fluid Reasoning and Abstract Reasoning Auditory Processing and Phonemic Awareness

12 Deficits - Achievement Basic Reading Skills Reading Comprehension & Fluency Basic Mathematics Skills Mathematics Reasoning Basic Writing Skills Written Expression Phoneme/Grapheme Knowledge Oral Language

13 General Considerations for Use Each student is unique context Varying depth of reviews by needs Student-based reviews Software-based reviews Archive of reviews

14 How to Use the Guide ID Deficits Document General Needs ID Specific Characteristics ID Instructional Goal ID Key Characteristics of Software Review Software Form a Plan

15 Using the Guide Software Evaluation Methodology Organization Systematic Consistency

16 Software Evaluation - Methodology Diversity of culture and ethnic concerns? Effective sequencing? Clear and relevant feedback? Variety of presentation styles? User-centered control of software and exercises? Relevant and age-appropriate content?

17 Software Evaluation - Organization Clearly defined set of goals and objectives? Broad or focused module topics? Flexible organization structure? Robust data collection mechanism? Clear and easily understood help files? Printed documentation as well as electronic?

18 Identify Deficits through Testing Woodcock Johnson III WIAT II WAIS Degrees of Reading Power WRAT 3 CARS (Computer Assisted Record- keeping Scoring)

19 Document a Hierarchical Plan or Needs Assessment List general areas of concern List specific test scores of concern Notice any trends or anomalies between similar or disparate deficits Create prioritized list of concerns organized by deficit area

20 Identify Specific Characteristics of Each Deficit Using previously generated list of concerns: Review each deficit area Verify match between test # and deficit Consider student behavior in comparison to typical characteristics of each deficit

21 Identify Learning Goal for Each Deficit After successfully identifying deficits: Find the specific learning goal for each deficit List learning goal as a topic heading Compile complete list of all applicable learning goals

22 Identify Key Characteristics of Effective Software After identifying deficits and listing learning goals: Identify the specific software characteristics for each deficit Create an evaluation matrix with specific deficits and software characteristics Include the general characteristics of organization and methodology

23 Review Available Software With evaluation matrix: Review each potential software title, looking for examples that support or detract from the learning goal. Make note of any specific issues that may help or hinder student. Identify specific activities and exercises that may be useful for a deficit or learning goal.

24 Consider Purchase or Trial of Additional Software If you review all of your available software and don’t find anything potentially useful: Consider purchasing recommended software (or a trial demo) Consider networking options to further your research.

25 Formulate a Plan Formulate a plan for student with appropriate software and lesson strategies. Include instructor interaction and periodic re-evaluation.

26 Process Review Summary: Understand common design characteristics of effective educational software Understand the nature of different learning disabilities Synthesize traits of specific deficits with characteristics of different programs into an educational plan for student Not a cookbook or catalog of latest greatest LD Software

27 Future of the Project Evolution to a more powerful electronic format that will facilitate greater participation Revisions to respond to updates in the testing instruments and new software releases Create an environment for new LD Specialists to network and grow professionally Create an opportunity for LD Specialists to share their expertise without a huge time commitment

28 Questions?

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