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1 2 * A challenge making special demands on both your mind and your body. A non-specific response of the body to any demand place upon it. Hans Selye.

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Presentation on theme: "1 2 * A challenge making special demands on both your mind and your body. A non-specific response of the body to any demand place upon it. Hans Selye."— Presentation transcript:


2 1

3 2 * A challenge making special demands on both your mind and your body. A non-specific response of the body to any demand place upon it. Hans Selye

4 3 When you fear failure or think negatively. (pessimist + stress=!!) The perception of and reaction to internal or external stimuli.

5 4

6 5 Stress Test: The picture below has 2 identical dolphins in it. Look at both dolphins jumping out of the water. A person under stress will find differences in the two dolphins. If there are many differences found between both dolphins, it means that the person is experiencing a great amount of stress.

7 6 You are stressed out!!

8 7“useful” A certain amount of stress for a reasonable amount of time is positive. It increases performance. Duration (Intensity + Duration)

9 8 Harmful or negative Harmful or negative stress. It decreases stress. It decreases performance. performance.


11 10 Stress is growth producing! It causes a person to get out of their “Comfort Zone ” A C B

12 11 Take an occasional risk!

13 12 How stressed are you??? Stress Tests

14 13 Bio Squares: When stress builds, your body responds by reducing blood flow to your extremities and your digestive track. (fight or flight) Your fingers get cooler as their blood supply is reduced. Bio squares allow you to monitor changes in your finger temperature so you can get an early warning when your stress level begins to rise. Usually, you realize too late that your stress level is rising. By the time you feel anxious, on edge, irritable, in pain, it’s too late to do anything about it. Bio Squares give you an early warning before symptoms appear.

15 14 83=black 85=brown 87=yellow 89=green 91=blue green 93=blue 95=violet

16 15 How to use the Bio Dots: - When the dot is black or blue/green…. note how you feel physically and mentally. (butterflies, clenching, tapping, etc.) This way you will know when you’re stressed even without the dot. - Note what type of situations cause your dot to change to black or blue/green…. (prevention)

17 16 - Note how quickly and/or effectively certain coping techniques work to change your dot back to a healthy blue/green color.

18 17 Stressors?

19 18 Stressors: Small Groups

20 19 2 underlying causes are *CHANGE *CHANGE *LOSS OF CONTROL *LOSS OF CONTROL

21 20 Reactions: “Fight or flight”- heart speeds up, sweat more, pupils dilate, breathing increases, muscles tense, adrenaline up, digestion slows…

22 21 Symptoms//diseases: headaches, neck ache, backaches, stomachache, forgetfulness, confusion// colds, flu, sore throat, insomnia, heart attacks, stroke, ulcers, asthma, high blood pressure, allergies, emotional disorders, etc.

23 22 General Adaptation Syndrome General Adaptation Syndrome :Alarm Resistance Exhaustion

24 23 So there I was in my kayak, minding my own business... “Fight or Flight”?

25 24 Remain calm… even if it seems hopeless

26 25 Have a good sense of humor and laugh often!

27 26 Try to have a little fun everyday!

28 27 Share a joke with your friends and neighbors!

29 28 Love your friends, no matter who they are!

30 29 Exercise a little everyday!

31 30 Relax 15 minutes everyday.

32 31 Giggle a little.

33 32 Scream sometimes!

34 33 Get 60 minutes of physical activity a day!

35 34 Take a nap if you need one!

36 35 Get 8-9 hrs. of sleep everyday!

37 36 Always be up for surprises!

38 37 Always share with a friend!

39 38 Relax in Nature.

40 39 Fall in love with someone special!

41 40 Get 8 big laughs per day!

42 41 Take a bubble bath.

43 42 Relax, even on those stressful days!

44 43 How to cope? Talk, physical activity, think it over, fix the problem (?), stress ball, do something you’re good at, scream (?), deep breathing, relaxation technique, sit quietly, read, get enough sleep, try to accept what you cannot change, take one thing at a time,

45 44 counseling, treat yourself well, don’t blame others, don’t put things off. “Unless it’s fatal…it’s no big deal!” Dr. John Pelizza “A 100 yrs. from now no one will know whether you won or lost…have a good game.” James MacTavish KEEP THINGS IN PERSPECTIVE!

46 45 “Cletus Take the Reel” (Carrie Underwood’s “Jesus Take the Wheel”)

47 46 Remember to LAUGH!!

48 47 How many thoughts does the average adult have each day? 10,000

49 48 How many of those thoughts are negative? 9,000

50 49 Take 30 seconds to have a “positive” thought about being in a place like this! Ready? GO… Think positively!

51 50 Feinting Goats

52 51 Chuck Norris vs. Feinting Goats!

53 52

54 53 “Time is a resource that is nonrenewable and nontransferable. You can not store it up, hold it up, divide it up, or give it up. You can’t hoard it up, or save it for a rainy day. When it’s lost, it’s unrecoverable. When you kill time, remember that it has no resurrection.” A.W. Tozer

55 54 Big Rocks= Priorities (very important) Little Pebbles=less important things Full? Full?

56 55 Moral of the story?? Sand=small things Water=smallestFull?

57 56 If you don’t put the important things in first…there won’t be room for them later. The moral is NOT: you can always fit more into your schedule!

58 57 Bill Gates has the same # of hours we have everyday!!

59 58 Schedule your PRIORITIES : DON’T PRIORITIZE your schedule! Leave time for MARGIN: Otherwise if you’re late for your first commitment, you will be late for the rest!

60 59 “NO” Learn to say “NO” with grace and finality: Practice setting boundaries. SMALL SEGMENTS Take advantage of SMALL SEGMENTS of time: Six 10 minute segments = the hour you never have!

61 60 Practice the art of SAVORING everyday: Focus on the moment. “Wherever you are, be all there.” Jim Elliott (Mindfulness vs. Multitasking)

62 61

63 62 *List all your activities in a typical 24 hr. day: *Determine your priorities: 1=very important 2=important 3=not so important 4=not important at all. * Week day / Weekend

64 63 Have a Great Day!

65 64 ?

66 65 Stress Management Assessment: Write a ½ page summary based on your Stress Management Outline Journal you have completed and the stress management techniques you have been using for the past 2 weeks. Include: what stressors you can control and change, and how you handled them; what you did for those stressors you cannot control or change; how you are using your stress techniques; which ones are working; which ones do not work; signs of distress; etc.

67 66 This accident happened in the Dallas - Ft. Worth area. It is a phone call from a man who witnesses a car accident involving four elderly women. The guy's laugh is absolutely contagious.

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