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A Pre Evaluation of Feasibility Factors for Technical Change to Reduce Aflatoxin Contamination in Groundnut Based Livelihood Systems REVIEW OF THE PROCESS.

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2 A Pre Evaluation of Feasibility Factors for Technical Change to Reduce Aflatoxin Contamination in Groundnut Based Livelihood Systems REVIEW OF THE PROCESS SO FAR - Farmers practices and underlying reasons understood Groundnut marketing systems and policy environment understood Brainstorming by project team to put together potentially suitable technologies to produce aflatoxin free groundnuts and fodder feasibility assessed vis-à-vis potential constraints AT PRESENT – A pre-evaluation aflatoxin reducing technologies carried out with the farmers of Ananthapur to assess feasibility and to understand potential constraints for adoption

3 PAMPANUR Technology RICHPOORWOMEN Fungicides Seed treatment (Trichoderma) Bacteria to improve manure quality Improved storage methodsBacteria to improve manure quality Fungicides Sorting (of damaged, small immature pods) Aflatoxin resistant varieties Removal of immature / left over pods from haulms Improved storage methodsApplication of Gypsum Aflatoxin resistant varietiesDrying techniques (wind rowing) Early pod stripping / threshing without stacking by machines Application of FYM Improved storage methods Application of Gypsum Application of FYM Bacteria to improve manure quality Early pod stripping / threshing without stacking by machines Sorting (of damaged, small immature pods) Early pod stripping / threshing without stacking by machines Sorting (of damaged, small immature pods) Mulching (crop residues and manure’s) Drying techniques (wind rowing) Removal of immature / left over pods from haulms Any Two groups have Identical Choice Any two groups have close choice Do not Match

4 PAMPANUR Feasibility factors All Three groups have Identical choice Any Two groups have Identical Choice Any two groups have close choice Do not Match RICHPOORWOMEN Labor availability Labor costLabor availability Labor costLabor availabilityWork load / drudgery Cost Crop quality Yield MarketYield Availability of inputs Crop qualityMarket Health Cost Labor cost YieldHealth Resistance Availability of inputs Crop quality Availability of machinery

5 LINGANNAPALLI RICHPOORWOMEN Aflatoxin resistant varieties, Fungicides Improved storage methods Aflatoxin resistant varieties, Fungicides Improved storage methods, Seed treatment (Trichoderma) Application of GypsumFungicidesApplication of Gypsum Application of FYM Bacteria to improve manure qualityApplication of GypsumImproved storage methods Early pod stripping / threshing without stacking by machines Aflatoxin resistant varietiesBacteria to improve manure quality Sorting (of damaged, small immature pods) Bacteria to improve manure quality Early pod stripping / threshing without stacking by machines Sorting (of damaged, small immature pod Mulching (crop residues and manure’s) Early pod stripping / threshing without stacking by machines Mulching (crop residues and manure’s) Removal of immature / left over pods from haulms Mulching (crop residues and manure’s) Removal of immature / left over pods from haulms Drying techniques (wind rowing) Removal of immature / left over pods from haulms Drying techniques (wind rowing) Sorting (of damaged, small immature pods) Drying techniques (wind rowing) All Three groups have Identical choice Any Two groups have Identical Choice Any two groups have close choice Do not Match TECHNOLOGY

6 LINGANNAPALLI Feasibility factors RICHPOORWOMEN Work load / drudgery Labor costCost Labor cost Work load / drudgery Labor cost Yield Labor availability Yield Crop quality Labor availability CostResistance CostYieldCrop quality Market Availability of inputs Work load / drudgery Resistance Health Availability of inputs Health Market Health Availability of inputsResistanceMarket Availability of machinery All Three groups have Identical choice Any Two groups have Identical Choice Any two groups have close choice Do not Match

7 IN CONCLUSION -  Sensitivity to ‘Different Strokes’  Apprehensions – Work load / Drudgery / Windrowing / Out turn effects  Economic Considerations – Costs / Availability / Access / _ _ _  ‘ Market - ability ‘ – Acceptance / Access / Pricing / _ _ _  Perceptions based on current experience – Bowine tastes, no effects on health,  Awareness – Sorting, storage,  Group Approach – to widen stakeholder base / reach the poor farmer  Coalitions – Partnerships for Aflatoxin Free Groundnuts

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