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Şirin Karadeniz & Özge Hacıfazlıoğlu SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS TURNING DYSTOPIAS into UTOPIAS: STORIES on ICT INTEGRATION Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul,

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Presentation on theme: "Şirin Karadeniz & Özge Hacıfazlıoğlu SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS TURNING DYSTOPIAS into UTOPIAS: STORIES on ICT INTEGRATION Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Şirin Karadeniz & Özge Hacıfazlıoğlu SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS TURNING DYSTOPIAS into UTOPIAS: STORIES on ICT INTEGRATION Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, Turkey

2 School administrators Technology coordinators Teachers INTRODUCTION: ICT INTEGRATION AND BARRIERS

3 TURKISH CONTEXT Experiences on ICT integration and barriers FATIH Project Tablet pc and smart boards in high schools

4  This study focuses on accounts of school administrators who are trying to make significant changes at their schools.  In other words, administrators who are struggling to turn their schools from dystopias into utopias. THE PURPOSE

5  The study design was based on a narrative inquiry.  The study aims to reveal the “lived experiences” and successful strategies used by school administrators when coping with ICT integration barriers as well as socio-cultural factors.  Two administrators who work at socio-economically low schools in Istanbul were interviewed during 3 months. METHOD

6 School ASchool B CONTEXT  District: migration, low socio-economic status and high fertility rate  High teacher turnover rate  SBS exam achievement is low  There is no ICT coordinator teacher at the schools.  There are security cameras all over both schools.

7 School A  2648 students  60 students per class  1 principal, 4 assistant administrators and 60 teachers  2 pc lab. (20 student pcs and 1 teacher pc) and 20 classes with one desktop pc and a projector.  Kaan, 5 years teaching experience and 7 years of school administration experience. School B  1920 students  45 students per class  1 principal, 4 assistant administrators and 50 teachers  1 pc lab (20 student pcs and one teacher pc), 24 classes with a projector and 5+1 sound system and smart boards at the classes  Mete 7 years teaching experience and 6 years administration experience. CONTEXT

8 Financing and establishing ICT infrastructure Maintenance of ICT Teachers’ professional development Technology leadership FINDINGS

9  (MoNE) has established pc labs and internet connection,  no money has been allocated for the hardware to be used in the classrooms.  Finding funds  Sponsor  Mayor  Parents  Purchasing  Installing FINANCING AND ESTABLISHING ICT INFRASTRUCTURE

10  When the guarantee period of the hardware elapses  by themselves or getting help from a teacher or an administrator who has technical skills.  Security cameras are very important for maintaining safety of the hardware. MA I NTENANCE OF ICT

11  Young teachers  Administrators as technology mentors for older teachers  In-service training  Lack of time for developing materials  Educational software TEACHERS’ PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT

12  Enriching technology integration  A positive school culture  Technology plan  Etiquette of leadership TECHNOLOGY LEADERSH I P

13  They can be seen as role models for community leaders as well as technology leaders trying to transform their schools.  It seems that the administrators created opportunities to overcome these constraints through their own means.  In both stories Mete and Kaan revealed the way they turned dystopias into utopias in their schools.  This study showed us that beauty and idealism is “in the eye of the beholder”. CONCLUSION

14 Şirin Karadeniz & Özge Hacıfazlıoğlu THANK YOU

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