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Welcome Pediatric Simulation using Preprogrammed Scenarios Lori Kurtz RN, BSN, MA Ed. Educational Services Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Pediatric Simulation using Preprogrammed Scenarios Lori Kurtz RN, BSN, MA Ed. Educational Services Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Pediatric Simulation using Preprogrammed Scenarios Lori Kurtz RN, BSN, MA Ed. Educational Services Specialist

2 Course Agenda Welcome and Introductions Discuss Teaching with Pre-Programmed Scenarios Review Scenario Materials/Contents Preparations for Simulation Sessions Scenario session, facilitation, & debriefing Wrap-up Next Actions Resources Evaluation

3 Course Objectives Identify components of Pre-programmed Scenarios Discuss preparation requirements for a simulation to increase the simulation's psychological fidelity. Using a Pre-programmed scenario handout, locate and review the scenario's learning objectives, proposed correct treatment and debriefing content. Discuss the instructors role in planning, facilitating, and debriefing simulations. Demonstrate planning, facilitation, and debriefing of a clinical simulation.

4 So where do I get a pre-programmed scenario? Self program Shared from a colleague Purchase from SimStore






10 Objectives meet programs learning goals and the learners current skill level. Be flexible, many scenarios may be tailored to meet specific needs. Eg: This case can have L.O. adjusted to have student provide treatment to practice level/ability and not play in entirety as originally designed. Review Learning Objectives and Product Details





15 Review learning Objectives Verify that objectives match the programs learning goals and the learners current skill level. When learning objectives are revised, update the content areas that are inter-dependent such the scenario file, props and other cues, and debriefing points

16 Review Correct Treatment Review the correct treatment guidelines – determine what behavior the learner should demonstrate during the simulation. Remember, any changes made to this area must also be addressed in the learning objectives and other interdependent content areas.

17 Review Debriefing Points Debriefing topics are usually anchored to the scenarios learning objectives and educational content. Instructors are encouraged to remain flexible when formulating debriefing topics. Unexpected events may occur during a case that warrants exploration during the debriefing.

18 Review Scenario Files

19 Start Scenario Editor

20 Review Scenario File The scenario file contains frames, actions, and event triggers. View using scenario editor. Frames are like storyboards. Key Terms: – Actions – Events – Trends – Handlers

21 Anatomy of a Scenario File Patient information and patient monitor. Actions: control simulator. Handler: link learners performance and actions (optional). Event Output: trigger movement between frames. Trend: physiological change over time.

22 Test run scenario prior to use with learners Click learner events – watch events register in Session Log – IMPORTANT: Click each event and observe the simulators response – this is an important step that should be completed before actually facilitating a simulation with learners in a teaching or evaluation session. Watch the events register in the debrief log and in some cases, trigger actions or movement to additional frames. Observe trends – if applicable. Switch to Scenario Editor if questions arise about scenario flow.

23 Prepare the Environment and Simulator According to evidence within the simulation literature, the psychological fidelity (realism) of a simulation is important to learners. Learner prefer cases that feel real

24 Use Realistic Materials Medication Administration Record Provider Orders

25 Patient Information Card A Favorite Toy!

26 Prepare Environment & Simulator Assemble Equipment and Medications – ECG monitor – Stethoscope and BP cuff – Crash cart – Chart – Medications Prepare the Environment – Examination room – Sounds (phones ringing, etc.) – People (assistants, physician, and technicians) Prepare the Simulator – Dress appropriately – Moulage as needed (blood, emesis, etc.) – Provide Props (pill bottles, inhaler, prayer beads, etc.)

27 Prepare the Learners Learners are more likely to succeed when they know what is expected of them. This section provides tips on how to prepare learners for a simulation. – Examine the simulator prior to the simulation. Review features and capabilities (voice, pulse points, drug administration, etc.) – Permit the learners to acclimate to the new learning environment. – Review learning objectives. – Report to Student – Discuss roles.

28 Guidelines for the Lab Confidentiality is critical. Set Expectations. Treat the simulator as you would treat a real patient. Act like you would in a real clinical situation. – No food and drinks – No cell phones or text messaging – Dress appropriately Most labs require students to sign confidentiality agreements. Develop Fiction Contract

29 Instructors Role during Simulation Behavioral guidelines for facilitating a healthcare simulation – Welcome the learners and communicate your expectations about their clinical performance, affective behavior and professionalism. For example: Welcome – You are about to participate in a simulated patient case. The patient has a chief complaint – I expect you to assess the patient and manage her to the best of your ability. Treat the simulated patient as an actual human patient. This case lasts approximately 10 minutes. Well debrief as a team following the case. – Emphasize the simulators features. For example: I expect that you will ask the patient questions and actually assess their vital signs – please do not ask me for this information. – Permit the learners to ask questions prior to the simulation.

30 Instructors Role during Simulation Begin the case when the learners are ready Observe the learners performance Register events using the Graphic User Interface (optional) The instructor must decide under what conditions they would interrupt the simulation. – For example, safety-related violations that may injure a learner warrant intervention while a learners deviation from the learning objectives is an opportunity for all parties to learn and may not warrant interruption. Typically, when in a testing situation, the instruction would not offer cues and advice to the learner. When teaching, it is not uncommon to pause a simulation to offer assistance to the learner.

31 Suggested Roles & Responsibilities Remember, every lab is different but roles remain consistent Below are roles based on a typical scenario – Primary Instructor (Position 1) – Secondary/Assistant Instructor (Position 2) – Lab Technician (Position 3) – Primary Learner Hot Seat (Position 4) – Secondary Learner (Position 5) – Assistant Learner/aid (Position 6) – Assistant Learner/family(Position 7) – Observer (Position 8)

32 Suggested Roles & Responsibilities Primary Instructor 2 nd Instructor Lab Tech Primary Learner 2 nd Learner Learner/aid Learner/family Observers


34 Lets simulate! 1.Central Simulation, need volunteers to role play 1.Primary Instructor (work with students) 2.Secondary Instructor/Tech (work with computer) 3.Primary Student Nurse 4.Secondary Student Nurse 5.Crowd: Observers 2.Divide into groups and replicate same central simulation 1.Laerdal Representative at each table 2.Prep/Run session ~10-15 min 3.Debrief as a group to share learning/discovery

35 Questions or Comments

36 Next Steps Practice…. Set realistic goals Develop an action plan Faculty enrichment/Continuing Education/Staff Development Budget for formal training – Time: Hands-on time with Simulator – Financially: Custom training with Simulation Experts Networking Set time lines and realistic goals

37 Simulation User Network Meetings Forums Downloads Research Free to join!

38 Laerdal Services Sales and Support Monday – Friday, 8:00am - 8:00pm EST Saturday & Sunday, 10am - 6pm EST 877-LAERDAL (523-7325) Fax: 1-800-227-1143

39 Please give us feedback…

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