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 By: Jules Kadien.  The German Officer Alfred Von Schlieffen came up with what seemed to be a genius plan to win French territory before the war began.

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Presentation on theme: " By: Jules Kadien.  The German Officer Alfred Von Schlieffen came up with what seemed to be a genius plan to win French territory before the war began."— Presentation transcript:

1  By: Jules Kadien

2  The German Officer Alfred Von Schlieffen came up with what seemed to be a genius plan to win French territory before the war began  This plan went through multiple changes through years  One finished the plan was focuses to seize France by going through Belgium (a neutral country) and gaining control og the capital Paris  By doing this the Germans can gain needed ground for the upcoming war

3  The German troops wanted to go through Belgium to reach France  Belgium at the time was a neutral country and did not want to have conflict with France and their allies, thus Belgium decided to try to fend off the Germans  German troops belittled the strength of the Belgium army, Belgium held Germany back for longer than expected  This postponement made the Germans loose supplies, men and time  Germany passed through Belgium in the end of this battle, but lacked in supplies to reach and destroy Paris

4  After the delay through Belgium the Germans needed to speed up the attack with the French  The troops began to run out of supplies  Due to this the troops didn’t make it to the capital Paris, yet turned slightly east  This battle lasted 6 days and involved 2 million men  The French won and Paris was saved

5  While Schlieffen plan was being executed by Belgium and France, the Russians crossed the border and began combat  Germany had to quickly use the little portion of their troops to fend off the Russians until the rest of the army could return from France  Within a month, they Pushed the Russians back killing 250,000




9 Schlieffen Plan. ANNIKA MOMBAUER. Europe 1789-1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire. Ed. John Merriman and Jay Winter. Vol. 4. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2006. p2098-2100. Word Count: 1091. Germany's Passage through Belgium. World War I Reference Library. Ed. Sara Pendergast, Christine Slovey, and Tom Pendergast. Vol. 3: Primary Sources. Detroit: UXL, 2002. p71-78. Word Count: 1279. Schlieffen Plan: Was the Schlieffen Plan of the German General Staff a Sound War Strategy?. History in Dispute. Ed. Dennis Showalter. Vol. 8: World War I: First Series. Detroit: St. James Press, 2002. p245-253. Word Count: 6434.

10  By: Jeff Padovano

11  Germans not well supplied  French well supplied and confident  German Leader became frantic didn’t know where troops were  French began own offensive attack  Germans retreated past the Marne River on September 9 th

12  First major battle between Russians and Germans  Germans utilized railway  Germans keep troops well supplied  Russians retreated  Retreat led to many more Russian deaths  Russian leader Samsonov killed himself

13  1000000 shells of artillery fired on the first day  40000000 shells fired after the battle ended  Germans used phosphine gas  French Leader Joffre kept French troops refreshed and supplied  About 70% of French army fought at Verdun

14 British offensive attack Half a million shells fired 60000 British casualties total 20000 British soldiers dead

15  German used artillery, phosphine gas, then an infantry charge  Germans pushed French British back 40 miles  They united under one leader Ferdinand Foch

16  Germans, and Austrian began surprise attack on the Italians  Caused a massive Italian retreat  Drove back Italians 25 miles  275000 italians were taken prisoner

17  German retreat through rugged swamp land  German army left two divisions to protect bulk of German army  Ultimately a suicide mission for Germans but succeeded in protecting bulk of German army


19  "Settling in: The First Years on the Western Front." World War I Reference Library. Ed. Sara Pendergast, Christine Slovey, and Tom Pendergast. Vol. 1: Almanac. Detroit: UXL, 2002. 31-56. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 3 May 2013.  "The Far-Flung War: Fighting on Distant Fronts." World War I Reference Library. Ed. Sara Pendergast, Christine Slovey, and Tom Pendergast. Vol. 1: Almanac. Detroit: UXL, 2002. 105-112. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 3 May 2013.

20  Ross Farcas

21  Fronts Video

22 Britain & France Vs Germany

23 Germany & Austria-Hungary Vs Russia

24 Austria-Hungary Vs Italy

25 Ottoman Empire Vs Russian & Great Britain

26 Settling in: The First Years on the Western Front World War I Reference Library Ed. Sara Pendergast, Christine Slovey, and Tom Pendergast. Vol. 1: Almanac. Detroit: UXL, 2002. p31-56. COPYRIGHT 2002 U*X*L, COPYRIGHT 2006 Gale, Cengage Learning All Quiet on the Western Front Literature and Its Times: Profiles of 300 Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events that Influenced Them Joyce Moss and George Wilson. Vol. 3: Growth of Empires to the Great Depression (1890-1930s). Detroit: Gale, 1997. p8-14. COPYRIGHT 1997 Joyce Moss and George Wilson, COPYRIGHT 2007 Gale "Eastern Front." Map. World at War: Understanding Conflict and Society. ABC-CLIO, 2013. Web. 25 Apr. 2013.

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