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Nord Stream: Secure gas supply for Europe

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1 Nord Stream: Secure gas supply for Europe
Russian Economic and Financial Forum in Switzerland Vugar Veysalov, Permitting Manager, Nord Stream AG – Zurich, 16 March 2009

2 Agenda Key facts about Nord Stream Current project status
1 Key facts about Nord Stream Current project status 2 Attractive business opportunities 3 Nord Stream’s financial concept 4 2 2

3 1. Key facts about Nord Stream
More gas for Europe 1. Key facts about Nord Stream

4 81% of gas to be imported in 2025, compared to 58% in 2005
Growing need for natural gas in Europe 629 bcm 543 bcm 81% 58% Imports 42% EU domestic gas production 19% 2005 2025 81% of gas to be imported in 2025, compared to 58% in 2005 Source: European Commission, DG-TREN, 2007

5 Contribution to energy security
The new gas supply route for Europe consists of two parallel 1,220 km long offshore natural gas pipelines through the Baltic Sea Enhances Europe’s security of supply by delivering 25% of additional gas imports Transports gas directly to the countries and customers where it is most needed: Germany, the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, the Czech Republic and other countries Complements existing routes from Russia to Western Europe (the “northern route”) Contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gases by transporting natural gas which has the lowest CO2 emission level of all fossil fuels Directly connects Russia, with the largest available gas reserves in the world, to European gas networks

6 Project on track – Present situation
Completed Feasibility study Operational company General technical design EIA programme Notification of Baltic Sea countries Logistical concept Pipes production, pipeline laying and logistics contracted Route optimisation, additional surveys Ongoing International consultations National permit applications Detailed technical planning Financial concept Dialogue with authorities and public in the Baltic Sea region Feasibility Study Conceptual Design Detailed Design Laying Line 1 Commiss- ioning Line 1 Commiss- ioning Line 2 Laying Line 2 EIA & Approvals 2011 2012

7 In dialogue with all Baltic Sea countries
2. Current project status

8 Overview legal framework
National Law 5 States Regional Law EU Directives, Regulations, TEN-E Decision International Law Between states UNCLOS, Espoo Convention, Helsinki Convention, (other) bilateral / multilateral treaties

9 5 national applications submitted – Permits to construct and operate the pipeline required
Nord Stream is subject to national legislation in each of the countries through which the pipeline passes: Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany Submission of national application documents well underway Germany: submission mid-December 2008 Denmark: submission March 2009 (concurrently with Espoo Report) Sweden: additional application documents submitted in October 2008; feedback received from 12 authorities after administrative referral to be answered Finland: submission March 2009 (concurrently with Espoo Report) Russia: submission end of 2008

10 International consultations – Nine states participating in largest Espoo process ever

11 Importance for Europe 3. Attractive business opportunities

12 European Union confirms high importance
The "natural gas pipeline via the offshore route from Russia to the EU" is specifically nominated as a priority project under the Trans-European Network Energy Guidelines (‘TEN-E’) In 2000, the North European Gas Pipeline was included into the ‘TEN-E’ Guidelines - as a ‘Project of Common Interest’ (i.e. third level); 2003 status confirmed In 2006, Nord Stream was designated as a ‘Project of European Interest’, recognising its status as one of the most important projects to meet Europe’s energy infrastructure needs This means that Nord Stream… Is in line with the EU’s overall energy policy objectives: sustainability, competitiveness and security of supply Is supported by EU member states Source: Decision 1364/2006/CE of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Communities, September 6, 2006

13 Important contracts signed
Conclusion of major supply contracts important steps towards efficient and timely project implementation Supply agreements concluded for the first pipeline: over one million tons of pipes ordered EUROPIPE (Germany) 75% – order value 1.2 bn EUR OMK (Russia) 25% – order value 0.4 billion EUR Further tender will be issued for second pipeline Contract for logistics (concrete coating, pipe storage, transport) signed with EUPEC (France) – order value 650 million EUR Contract signed with SAIPEM (Italy) for pipe-laying – order value over 1 billion EUR

14 European dimension reflected in involved companies
Nord Stream and Shareholder Nord Stream AG OAO Gazprom N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie BASF/Wintershall Holding AG E.ON Ruhrgas AG Gas Purchasers Gazprom Marketing and Trading Ltd, UK E.ON Ruhrgas AG DONG Energy A/S Gaz de France S. A. WINGAS GmbH & Co. KG 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Sweden Finland Norway 8 16 7 14 Contractors Marin Mätteknik AB – Seabed survey Port of Slite – Marshalling and stock yard Port of Karlskrona – Marshalling and stock yard Rambøll Oil & Gas – EIA and permit applications Saipem S.p.A. – Pipe laying EUPEC GmbH – Concrete coating Port of Hanko – Marshalling and stock yard Port of Kotka – Coating yard PeterGaz – Seabed survey ZAO OMK – Pipe production Mukran – Marshalling and coating yard EUROPIPE GmbH – Pipe production Snamprogetti S.p.A. – Engineering/design DoF ASA – Seabed survey PetrolValves S.R.L. – Supply of valves DNV – Quality control, certification ERM – EIA IfAÖ – Environmental studies 1 2 1 Denmark 2 2 9 10 3 4 3 3 Russia Netherlands 18 11 4 1 5 3 5 2 4 5 Germany 6 UK 17 12 7 6 8 4 9 10 France 1 Switzerland 11 5 13 12 Italy 13 15 14 15 16 17 18 14

15 One of the biggest private investment in European infrastructure
4. Nord Stream‘s financial concept

16 A reliable project in financial world
Project expenditure 7.4 billion Euro 30% from Shareholders 70% from Banks The crisis in the financial markets further intensified and resulted in Substantially reduced liquidity  more difficult to get loans Very restrictive lending  banks very cautions Lenders demand higher margins Lower interest rates However, Nord Stream still seen as attractive project for banks due to Strong Shareholders Low market risk (energy) Infrastructure (long term / stable returns) Solid contract structure

17 Nord Stream – being realised on target
In comparison to Nord Stream, no other pipeline project such as, for example, South Stream, Nabucco or Galsi... …has the same capacity …will be able to deliver gas already in 2011 …has conducted such a comprehensive environmental survey …has major commercial commercial contracts in place Nord Stream – an essential contribution to Europes’ energy security

18 Contacts Nord Stream AG Grafenauweg 2 6304 Zug / Switzerland Phone: +41 (0) Vugar Veysalov Permitting Manager 18 18

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