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Transit Country- Case Georgia

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1 Transit Country- Case Georgia
Liana Jervalidze Expert on Energy and Regional Issues International School of Caucasus Studies, Ylia State University Kiev, November , Liana Jervalidze 4/21/2017

2 Content Georgia, historical Transit Country for Azerbaijani Oil
Existing International Energy Transportation Projects: BTC, BTE, Problems with Expansion of these Projects and potential solutions Existing Regional Energy Transportation Projects: Baku/Supsa oil pipeline, North South gas pipeline Problems of expansion and potential solutions Georgia’s Domestic Market: Electricity (liberal, open, export oriented) Gas Oil products Solutions: Transparent and Stable Transit Conditions Liana Jervalidze 4/21/2017

3 First Organized Oil business in Baku , Transportation through Georgia and Iraqi Port of Basra Geoffrey Decket, on mission of UK to Iranian court organized this business It came to the end in 1604 when Persian authorities decided to take it under control Liana Jervalidze 4/21/2017

4 Transit through Georgia to Europe and South East Asia, under Nobels and Rothshields
Liana Jervalidze 4/21/2017

5 Existing International Energy Transportation Projects: BTC,
BTC commissioned in 2006, current capacity 50 mln tons per year Liana Jervalidze 4/21/2017

6 Oil Transit trough Georgia
BTC -45 mln tons Baku/Supsa mln tons Railway- 8-10mln tons Liana Jervalidze 4/21/2017

7 Problems of Oil Transit Expansion
Competition by Russian, Chinese and Iranian Routes blocking the development of CrossCaspian Infrastructure Political tensions between Georgia and Russia Liana Jervalidze 4/21/2017

8 Gas Transit through Georgia: BTE, North/South gas pipeline
Baku/Tbilisi/Erzurum gas pipeline – 6.6 bcm per year North-South gas pipeline – 6 bcm per year Current total transit of gas – 6. 5 (2009) Liana Jervalidze 4/21/2017

9 Problems of Gas Transit Expansion
Difficulties of Azerbaijani/Turkish negotiations on Azerbaijani gas transit Blockages on the way of building of TransCaspian gas pipeline Lack of assurance on the demand side on European market Liana Jervalidze 4/21/2017

10 Solutions of Gas Transit Expansion in South Caucasus Corridor
Building of Azerbaijani/Turkmen interconnector on the Caspian sea to open the western route for Turkmen gas Liana Jervalidze 4/21/2017

11 Solutions of Gas Transit Expansion in South Caucasus Corridor
CNG and/or LNG terminals on the Black sea Liana Jervalidze 4/21/2017

12 Main Problems of Gas Transit Expansion
Strong competition by transit routes across Russia, China and Iran Concerns regarding the demand on gas in EU Liana Jervalidze 4/21/2017

13 Georgia’s Domestic Market: Electricity (liberal, open, export oriented)
70-80% based on hydro power pending on the level of precipitation Further development of Hydro Transmission lines renovated or built new Well connected with neighboring countries grids Totally privatized with some exceptions Access to export infrastructure Liana Jervalidze 4/21/2017

14 Georgia’s Domestic Market: dependent on one source but different suppliers
Suppliers: SOCAR and Shakh Deniz Consortium Transit fee in kind 10% from North/South corridor Liana Jervalidze 4/21/2017

15 Annex 2: Georgia’s Domestic and Internal Gas Pipeline Network, Existing and Projected
Source : GIOGC

16 Solutions Transparent and Stable Transit Conditions across the Transit Chain Develop CrossCaspian & CrossBlack Sea Transit Networks Adopt and Implement Similar, competitive and acceptable for Parties Interested transit conditions Liana Jervalidze 4/21/2017

17 Thank You for Attention
Liana Jervalidze 4/21/2017

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