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June 28,1914 Aug 1, 1914 Aug 3,1914Aug 4, 1914Aug 13, 1914 Germany declared war on France British declaration of war Battle of Tannenberg it was difficult.

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Presentation on theme: "June 28,1914 Aug 1, 1914 Aug 3,1914Aug 4, 1914Aug 13, 1914 Germany declared war on France British declaration of war Battle of Tannenberg it was difficult."— Presentation transcript:


2 June 28,1914 Aug 1, 1914 Aug 3,1914Aug 4, 1914Aug 13, 1914 Germany declared war on France British declaration of war Battle of Tannenberg it was difficult for the Russians to get supplies through to their men. The Germans, on the other hand, used their railway system to surround the Russian Second army at Tannenberg before it's commander could realize what was happening. The ensuing battle was a heavy defeat for the Russians with thousands of men killed and 125,000 taken prisoner. Although the Germans won the battle, 13,000 men were killed Battle of Tannenberg it was difficult for the Russians to get supplies through to their men. The Germans, on the other hand, used their railway system to surround the Russian Second army at Tannenberg before it's commander could realize what was happening. The ensuing battle was a heavy defeat for the Russians with thousands of men killed and 125,000 taken prisoner. Although the Germans won the battle, 13,000 men were killed Assassination of Franz Ferdinand Japan Declared war on Germany Germany declared war on Russia. Aug, 1914 World War 1 TimeLine The Austrian government blamed the Serbian government for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife and declared war on Serbia

3 Oct, 1914Nov 2, 1914Nov 5, 1914Late 1914Sep, 1914 Britain and France, Russia's allies, declared war on Turkey, because of the help given to the German attack on Russia. Battle of Masurian Lakes. Having defeated the Russian Second army, the Germans turned their attention to the Russian First army at Masurian Lakes. Although the Germans were unable to defeat the army completely, over 100,000 Russians were taken prisoner. Because of the help given by Turkey to the German attack of Russia, Russia declared war on Turkey. The German advance through Belgium to France did not go as smoothly as the Germans had hoped. The Belgians put up a good fight destroying railway lines to slow the transport of German supplies. Despite a French counter-attack that saw the deaths of many Frenchmen on the battlefields at Ardennes, the Germans continued to march into France. They were eventually halted by the allies at the river Marne. British troops had advanced from the northern coast of France to the Belgian town of Mons. Although they initially held off the Germans, they were soon forced to retreat. The British lost a huge number of men at the first battle of Ypres. By Christmas, all hopes that the war would be over had gone and the holiday saw men of both sides digging themselves into the trenches of the western front. Turkey enterd the war. To help the Germans The first Zeppelins appeared over the English coast Dec, 1914 TIMELINES PHOTOS

4 FebruaryMarchAprilMayMay 7, 1915 There outraged protests from the United States at the German U-Boat campaign, when the Lusitania, which had many American passengers aboard, was sank. The Germans moderated their U-boat campaign. This is an example text. Go ahead an replace it with your own text. June TIMELINES PHOTOS

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