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1 Legal foundations and institutional arrangements on Energy statistics in the Republic of Azerbaijan Yusif Yusifov, Head of division Industry, transport.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Legal foundations and institutional arrangements on Energy statistics in the Republic of Azerbaijan Yusif Yusifov, Head of division Industry, transport."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Legal foundations and institutional arrangements on Energy statistics in the Republic of Azerbaijan Yusif Yusifov, Head of division Industry, transport and communication statistics State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan 27-30 September2 011 International Workshop on Energy Statistics Baku, Azerbaijan

2 2 Institutional aspects  State Statistical Committee  Mission  Structure and organisational aspects  Internal organisation of the SSC  Appointment procedures, terms in office  Regional structure  Scientific institutes  Organisation and working conditions  Information technology  Central Bank and other institutions

3 3 Legal framework on Statistics  Law on Official Statistics  Main and principal law in Azerbaijan  Accepted by the National Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan and confirmed by decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (1994)  Considered UN Fundamental Principles of Statistics  Considered Model law on statistics of EU  Global Assessment of National Statistical System of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the Eurostat, EFTA and UNECE in 2010

4 4 Legal base on Energy Statistics  Extracts from the law on official statistics  Independence of statistics;  Responsibilities of units;  Access to administrative data;  Confidentiality;  Relation between other institutions  General view for official statistics (Global Assessment)

5 Background to the development of Energy Statistics 5  Reach energy resources (50% of GDP, contract of century, 51 million ton crude oil, 26.0 milliard cub- meter natural gas 2010, oil pipeline BTC, South Caucasus gas pipeline)  Creation of new institutions (Ministry of Industry and Energy, the State Agency on Alternative and Renewable Energy)  Increasing of needs (national policymakers, international organizations – IEA, UN, JODI and etc)

6 State policy on development of the Energy Statistics 6  State program on statistics which approved by the President of Republic (11.5 percent (6 from 52) of considered activities in real sector concerning to energy statistics. As the main executor and coordinator of this program is fixed the State Statistical Committee and concrete execution date of the works demonstrated. )  Report for President and Prime Minister every year on carry out works (The State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan should report Government and President of the Republic of Azerbaijan once in a year about the progress of the works and were given tasks to the corresponding organization for the allocation of state budget funds).

7 Activity and aims for development of the Energy Statistics (1) 7  From State Program  Activity 1. Working out of the methodological instruction on energy statistics (Improvement of the energy statistics covering used concepts and definitions and taking into account main point of the national energy statistics, source, observation methods)  Activity 2. Working out and improvement of the national energy balance according to the international standards (Reorganization of the energy statistics according to the international standards; comparability of national energy balance indicators with indicators of developed countries.)  Activity 3. Re-compilation of the official statistical report forms on energy, updating of the existed indicators, working out of the methodological recommendations (Correspondence of the existed report forms and methodology on energy statistics with international standards, improvement of the indicators)

8 Activity and aims for development of the Energy Statistics (2) 8  From the State Program  Activity 4. Improvement of the main indicator system of the energy statistics (Harmonization of the indicators of national energy statistics with international indicators)  Activity 5. Creation and improvement of the alternative and regenerated energy statistics’ sources (Obtaining of the statistical information on alternative and regenerated energy sources)  Activity 6. Statistical publication of “Energy in Azerbaijan” (Systematization and analysis of the statistical information on energy, presentation of this information to government, international organizations and other users)

9 Theoretical activities for improvement Energy Statistics 9  Main activities of the SSC  Member of Oslo Group  Participation in the meetings of IEA, UNSD, JODI  Learning experience of foreign countries  Discussion of Energy Statistics each quarter  Creation of working group in SSC

10 Practical activities for improvement Energy Statistics 10  Decisions for improvement of energy statistics (2006-2007)  National methodology and recommendations on energy statistics (2007);  National recommendations on energy statistics indicators (2007);  Improvement of questionnaires according to energy balance (Eurostat) (2007);  Creating of model of energy balance on the base of Eurostat (2007);  Agreement structure of balance with all relation government organizations, IEA and adaptation (2007-2008);  Compilation energy balance (2008);  Publication new energy balance (2008);

11 Organization of Energy Statistics in the SSC 11 Department of Industry, transport and communication statistics Department fuel – energy and material balances statistics Production and transfer of energy products Transformation and consumption energy products Data on energy statistics …. Import and export

12 Global view 12  Energy statistics in Azerbaijan has undergone a significant development in recent years and new initiatives have been undertaken or are planned for the near future. Taking into account its importance in Azerbaijan, the continuous process of the increase of availability and quality of statistics is highly desirable. The improvements in data availability and timeliness of data are related to statistics presented on the website of the SSC, which concerns mainly energy balances (from Global Assessment of National Statistical System of the Republic of Azerbaijan implemented by the Eurostat, EFTA and UNECE in 2010

13 13 Thank you for attention!

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