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Technology Plans for Private Schools. Objectives At the end of this presentation, participants should be able to answer the following questions: What.

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Presentation on theme: "Technology Plans for Private Schools. Objectives At the end of this presentation, participants should be able to answer the following questions: What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology Plans for Private Schools

2 Objectives At the end of this presentation, participants should be able to answer the following questions: What are the necessary components of an effective private school technology plan? How do I begin the creation and/or implementation of an effective plan? Why spend all this time on a plan?

3 What is an Effective Plan? Measurable: Metrics must be defined and measured on a regular basis Empowers all stakeholders: Students, Parents/Guardians, Faculty, Staff, Administration, Volunteers, and Donors Driven by organizational (educational) requirements, not technological requirements

4 5 Components Organizational Impact Technology Assessment Professional Development Evaluation Strategies Budget

5 Organizational Impact List the Vision and Mission Statements of the organization Provide clear examples of how technology will be used to further the mission of the organization Define measurable results that will be tracked

6 Technology Assessment Complete list of all hardware and software Analyze effectiveness of systems in relation to industry standard best practices Consider using outside vendor to perform assessment (Cisco funding available) Initial assessment should include Gap Analysis

7 Professional Development Train the Trainer Model Offer and promote training programs facilitated by vendor resources, expert peers, and volunteers Provide opportunities (and funding) to attend conferences and visit model classrooms to keep abreast of current trends and best practices in technology

8 Evaluation Strategies Define metrics Measure multiple times a year Possible assessment tools: Finished projects, classroom rubrics (scope and sequence), standardized test scores, classroom assessments (administration or senior faculty in-class observations)

9 Budget “Total IT Spend” Hardware – Refurbed gear is a lifesaver Software – Techsoup and other programs Salaries – Fully weighted Telecommunications – All internet and phone Service and support – All vendors Supplies – Paper, toner, cables, mice, etc.

10 Budget Example 1 ItemCost Salaries$51,000 Internet2400 Telecom4392 Phones3310 Blackboard Connect2084 Parish Soft General Ledger800 Blackbaud (subscription)7902 Vanco (eft contributions)2100 Discovery Education (web subscription)2570

11 Budget Example 2 ItemCost Discovery Education (annual science subscription)1881 Renaissance Learning (Progress monitoring tool)1760 Enchanted Learning (annual web subscription)125 Follett Software (library annual catalogue)450 NWEA MAP (license)5563 PSAS (annual fee)150 Ricoh IKON copy machine (lease cost - c & s)5004 Cannon IV (printing charges)7300 ALEX Math Licenses9113

12 Budget Example 3 ItemCost Copy paper5092 Bankcard Processing Fees1380 BBMS Processing Fees3800 FACTS Processing Fees2600 NPM125 CVLI250 Total Annual Costs$121,151

13 Getting Started Gather stakeholders Pick a Champion Do lots of research Document, document, document

14 Potential Pitfalls Penny wise and pound foolish IT Committees Corporate Technology

15 Effectiveness Students improve assessment scores and are better prepared for the digital world Parents/Guardians are connected/involved Faculty are energized Staff increase efficiency Volunteer hours provide greater value Donors give more

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