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Commonwealth Wind: Program Refinements and Research Projects Mass. Wind Working Group July 18, 2012.

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1 Commonwealth Wind: Program Refinements and Research Projects Mass. Wind Working Group July 18, 2012

2 Installed Wind Generating Capacity 2

3 Wind Project Development Challenges 3 1.Economic competitiveness  Competition with regional wind projects  Competition with other renewable energy sources  Expiration of federal PTC/ITC; uncertainty regarding renewal 2.Siting and Community Acceptance  No standardized siting rules to guide project reviews  Strident opposition with conflicting messages, especially regarding health  General lack of wind/energy literacy for public and decision-makers,  Minimal public outreach/stakeholder engagement in early project development stages

4 Program Refinements: Economic Competitiveness 4 1.Community scale projects  Re-evaluate funding levels for design and construction to address expiration of federal incentives 2.Commercial projects  Monitor and support state policy developments

5 Program Refinements to address: Siting and Community Acceptance - 1 5 1.Require stakeholder engagement and public education at all development stages  Support use of facilitation services  Support or provide “wind energy 101 and 201” sessions  Undertake comprehensive energy planning exercises in communities/regions 2.Remove some program distinction between community scale and commercial projects  Extend site assessment services to private, community scale projects  Use the same solicitation for both types of projects at site assessment and feasibility study stages 3.Providing additional funding for pre-construction acoustic studies

6 Revised Program Structure Legend Cmty. & Cmrcl. Community Only Commercial Only Small Only Construction Rebates Site Assessment Services Design & Construction Grant Business Planning Grant Development Grants and Loans Development Grants and Loans 100+ kW < 100 kW Wind Monitoring Feasibility Study Acoustic Study Wind Monitoring Feasibility Study Acoustic Study Education and Facilitation Services

7 Program Refinements to address: Siting and Community Acceptance - 2 7 4.Provide information resources at  Environmental benefits  Property values  Acoustics  Health  Grid integration  Others... 5.Target MassCEC support to well-sited projects with good prospects for obtaining local approvals  Employ rigorous analysis and conservative assumptions  Employ solid public engagement and education processes

8 Research Projects - 1 8 1.Pre-construction acoustic study methodology – done 2.Property value study with regional focus – in process  MA focused/Smaller projects  Residential transactions at multiple distances and periods 3.Solicitation for projects needing to evaluate alternative grid upgrade solutions – coming soon 4.Falmouth Wind Turbine Options Process – in process  Facilitation and technical support in response to request from Town 5.Kingston acoustic monitoring  Technical support in response to request from developer  Results will inform developer, Town boards, state officials and general public, but do not constitute a compliance test

9 Research Projects - 2 9 6.Research Study on Wind Turbine Acoustics  Collaboration between MassDEP and MassCEC  Objectives − Measure the level and quality of sound emissions from a variety of operating wind projects in Massachusetts − Seek to understand and quantify the influence of variables including turbine type and size, wind conditions, topography and distance  This is a research study, not a compliance test  Measurements and analysis will be done by a consulting group selected by MassDEP and MassCEC  RFP to be released soon

10 Thank You... 10 MassCEC Commonwealth Wind Team Nils Peter Leigh Tyler Seth

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