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POWER UP! Policy Partnerships Preparing Florida’s Students for Tomorrow’s Economy Carol Higley JEA Florida Energy Workforce Consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "POWER UP! Policy Partnerships Preparing Florida’s Students for Tomorrow’s Economy Carol Higley JEA Florida Energy Workforce Consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 POWER UP! Policy Partnerships Preparing Florida’s Students for Tomorrow’s Economy Carol Higley JEA Florida Energy Workforce Consortium

2 Formed in 2006 to develop solutions to meet the current and future workforce needs of Florida’s energy industry Comprised of energy industry, construction, labor, preK – 12 and post-secondary education, and workforce representatives Compete for a talent puddle or work together to build a talent pool?

3 FEWC Committee Structure PARTNER and COLLABORATE! Work locally, regionally, at state, and at national levels to brand our industry careers and create talent pipeline programs Focus on key areas: –State & National Outreach –Policy & Education –Funding & Resources –Career Awareness

4 Policy and Education Committee Collaborate with education and industry associates on new ways to attract, recruit and train future energy workers preparing a more qualified candidate for placement Ability to influence future policies & legislation affecting current and future energy workforce

5 Policy and Education Successes Committee includes Utility and Education representation Best practice visits to existing educational programs in Energy Direct industry input on the CAPE “certification list” used by the Florida Department of Education (DOE) Partnership with Florida Department of Education to integrate utility concepts into science and math curricula Connected with thousands of students at the Florida SkillsUSA Competition & Florida State Science Fair over multiple years Published articles in industry and education publications Presented at key industry and education conferences AND…

6 17 th Career Cluster ENERGY 1 st in the Nation!!


8 The Four “E” Process for Success… Educate –Connect with the right people –FDOE Energy Cluster Working Group (FEWC Industry) –Speak out regarding needs & goals of industry Embrace –Brainstorm together; inspire others Engage –Truly partner; meet with leadership; attend present conferences/events/working sessions Excite –Communicate opportunities & celebrate successes!!

9 Policy and Education Partnered with FDOE to develop energy curriculum framework for five (5) courses: –Energy Foundations –Introduction to Alternative Energy –Power Generation Technician –Power Distribution Technician –Solar Energy Technician (NCCER to develop materials for four Florida targeted courses) CEWD Energy Fundamentals –National model for Tier 4 and 5 of Energy Competency Model (Partnering with CEWD using CORD for development of the Energy Foundations/Fundamentals course materials)

10 CompetencyModel

11 Policy and Education Develop curriculum materials for Energy Courses Creation of Florida Energy Teachers Network – will add teacher “toolkit” to Get Into Energy Florida web site –Complete and publish compilation of readily available resources for K-12 teachers to use to integrate energy concepts into the math, science and reading curriculums –Develop incentive program for educators to use the new curriculum frameworks and materials –Develop a FEWC teacher externship program for CTE, Science and Math teachers Replicate energy career academies

12 Energy Career Academies Total of 22 in Florida, including Gulf Power Academy at West Florida High School in Pensacola (2001) Many utilize NCCER Electrical curriculum, resulting in industry-recognized and valued credentials Most offer articulation, energy industry pre- employment testing, and local energy company engagement Will pilot the new energy courses at Gulf Power Academy and Lakeland Electric Power Academy in August 2011

13 Careers in Energy Week I, Charlie Crist, Governor of the State of Florida, do hereby extend greetings and best wishes to all observing October 18 – 22, 2010 as CAREERS IN ENERGY WEEK.


15 Careers in Energy Week – Essay Contest

16 Communicate Florida Energy Careers

17 Supports Industry’s Need For… A qualified, diverse workforce – for us and our contractors Various career entry points with various educational attainments Pipeline of students Core values

18 Carol Higley

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