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- 1 - Jini in the Enterprise O'Reilly Conference on Java Scott Oaks Sun Microsystems

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Presentation on theme: "- 1 - Jini in the Enterprise O'Reilly Conference on Java Scott Oaks Sun Microsystems"— Presentation transcript:

1 - 1 - Jini in the Enterprise O'Reilly Conference on Java Scott Oaks Sun Microsystems (

2 - 2 - Agenda Canonical Jini Jini Basics Using Jini in the enterprise

3 - 3 - Canonical Jini Jini Network

4 - 4 - Another look Print Service Print Client Print Service Service Network Paycheck Svc

5 - 5 - Just another service-based network That adapts to service changes dynamically That can handle network failures gracefully That can substitute service implementations transparently dynamically automatically

6 - 6 - Jini Basics Jini provides A collection of services for Lookup and discovery of services Transactions Data sourcing Jini helper services A set of APIs for distributed programming

7 - 7 - The Jini Lookup Service Holds all service registrations on the (local) network Actively manages those registrations Services place objects into the lookup service Clients download objects from the lookup service

8 - 8 - The Jini Lookup Service JL S Jini Network Payroll Svc. Payroll Client

9 - 9 - Lookup in the Enterprise Default lookup is limited to a multicast radius 1.1 Discovery services can extend this to the enterprise

10 - 10 - Lookup Integration Any serializable object can be stored in the lookup service Corba Objects RMI Remote Objects EJBs (of course...) Proprietary

11 - 11 - Jini APIs Leasing APIs A login application A chargeback application... Remote Events A billing application A management application...

12 - 12 - Java Spaces The data source for distributed applications (enterprise and otherwise) JavaSpace Employee Manager Controller

13 - 13 - Why Jini in the Enterprise Dynamic maintenance of services Supports any service Useful APIs Encourage good programming practices

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