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Building a research pipeline BPS Doctoral Consortium 2013 Kira R. Fabrizio Boston University.

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1 Building a research pipeline BPS Doctoral Consortium 2013 Kira R. Fabrizio Boston University






7 Pruning: choosing the branches of the tree Focus your growth; choose what NOT to work on. Prune aggressively. Reinforce important branches ◦ Look for opportunities to pursue additional research questions. ◦ Find ways to use and recombine your data to investigate new topics.

8 Watering: feeding the growth of your tree Co-authors: leverage & energy or distraction? Join the discussion ◦ Follow the research conversation ◦ Go to conferences, seminars, talks ◦ Seek out peers for discussion groups ◦ Share your work early and often Keep your eyes open for events and opportunities that relate to your interests (policy changes, corporate announcements, historical events, etc.)

9 Ethics re: tree growth Maintain your own highest professional standards. Doing cutting-edge, creative research is the best way to advance. Copying your own published work is still copyright infringement. Be careful. Be a respected part of the research community. ◦ This depends on your research, thoughtfulness, integrity, and respect for others.

10 What shape is your tree?

11 Be aware of the research profile you are building, craft it purposefully, be reflective about your work. ◦ What interests you about your projects? ◦ Where are there commonalities? ◦ What are the biggest outstanding questions? Write your research statement NOW, revisit it every year.

12 Maintaining motivation Your work WILL get rejected. Probably many times. Find your way to stay motivated: ◦ Co-authors and peers to share experiences with. ◦ Work on topics that you believe are important; reflect on the tree you are developing and why it is meaningful. ◦ Build your life outside of your job (family, hobbies, faith, etc.)

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