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Revised Schedule: Fall 2011 Tentative!. October/November October 31 – Responsible Dissent and Justice November 2 and 4 – No class; Groups will prepare.

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Presentation on theme: "Revised Schedule: Fall 2011 Tentative!. October/November October 31 – Responsible Dissent and Justice November 2 and 4 – No class; Groups will prepare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revised Schedule: Fall 2011 Tentative!

2 October/November October 31 – Responsible Dissent and Justice November 2 and 4 – No class; Groups will prepare “What if” dramas on their own November 7 – Drama Prep class November 9 – Hughes “What if” drama enactments November 11 – No class November 14 and 16 – No class (Groups will work on mid/late semester audits and do debate prep on their own) November 18 – Ethics of Team Work Audits (Groups 1-3 will meet with Frey) November 21 – Ethics of Team Work Audits (Groups 4-6 will meet with Frey) November 23 – Debate Preparation for groups

3 November/December November 28 – Debate between groups 1 and 2: Polar Bear Gate (Environment vs. Development) November 30 – Review for Third Partial Exam December 2 Test December 5 – Debate between groups 5 and 6: Should Trans Canada be allowed to construct its oil pipeline from Canada oil sands fields to refineries in Houston, Texas?) December 7 – Debate between groups 3 and 4: Solyndra (Should government provide funds for start-up Green Businesses?)

4 Polar Bear Gate Gore uses study to reinforce argument for global warming. Oil interests push to discredit via charge of research misconduct Spotted four dead polar bears More distance between ice floes Waves increase when ice disappears Evidence that PBs should be treated as endangered species Used by others as evidence of Global Warming Conflict of Interest— Diverting research funds to sympathetic proposals Goverment agency claims that photos of polar bears were “doctored” Ethical Frameworks What human and non-human rights are at stake in this project? How does this technology stand with the ADEM Statement of Values ? How does it stand with the three ethics tests Reversibility, Harm / Benefits, and Values/Virtues? Project = placing polar bears on the endangered species list

5 Solyndra Gore and Obama argue that environmental protection is also good business. (It is a way of keeping appropriate technology in the US) Solyndra asks for government guaranteed loan to start-up business making solar panels Secures ½ billion loan Goes bankrupt in 2011 Investigation ensues to discredit government support of environmentally appropriate technology and business Critics claim that government should not “play venture capitalist.” Conflict of interest: Obama administration fast-tracked project & ignored cash-flow problems because of Solyndra campaign contributions Globalism—Obama administration urge US businesses to hold on to green technology Ethical Frameworks What human and non- human rights are at stake in this project? How does this technology stand with the ADEM Statement of Values ? How does it stand with the three ethics tests Reversibility, Harm / Benefits, and Values/Virtues?

6 Keystone XL Pipeline Trans Canada wants to build an oil pipeline across central US to ship crude oil from Canada to Gulf of Mexico and Mississippi River oil refineries Oil or Tar Sands technology (Controversial because production of oil using this technology is energy intensive and has high environmental impact) Strong impact on wetlands and peat lands Technology appears bad until compared with existing method of oil production and transport Two methods of extraction (open pit mines versus steam assisted gravity drainage) Produces jobs in Central Indiana (BP jobs with pipeline parts manufacture) 4 1/2 barrels of water for one barrel of oil produced Oil pipeline to pass through Ogallala Aquifer Ethical Frameworks What human and non-human rights are at stake in this project? How does this technology stand with the ADEM Statement of Values ? How does it stand with the three ethics tests Reversibility, Harm / Benefits, and Values/Virtues?

7 Information about cases Solyndra – dec11/solyndra_09-14.html Polarbeargate – r-bear-researcher-to-be-re-interviewed-by-feds Trans Canada XL Pipeline – uly-dec11/pipeline_10-10.html

8 Environment of Organization Environmental Debates Assignment of cases has already taken place Coin toss will determine who will present and who will comment Presenting team has responsibility to develop and argue for a position. They have the opportunity of responding to the other team’s commentary Commenting team has responsibility of listening to presentation, summarizing it, and constructively commenting on it Your team can have more than one speaker during the presentation, commentary, response phases, and question and answer phases – But only one speaker at a time During the presentation, the commenting team must listen; during the commentary, the presenting team must listen. – Teams will be penalized for interrupting one another

9 How you will be graded Total of 25 points, group grade Argument strength – Clear statement of position – Organization of position into premises and conclusions – Logical Strength (conclusions follow from premises) – Evidence offered (you have backed your claims with sound scientific and business principles) Integration of values and ethics tests

10 Polar Bear Gate Questions Is there any ethical basis for the endangered species act ? Do Polar Bears merit moral consideration in the setting of business policy? Can this overrule economic development or energy development? Do the proponents of Polar Bear Gate offer good scientific justification for their conclusions? – Polar Bears are dying – Caused by disappearance of ice floes – This testifies to global warming

11 Solyndra Questions Should the United States and Puerto Rico promote new technologies for energy generation? What kind of energy technology (hard or soft) should be promoted for the short, middle, and long term? Should government provide start-up funds for companies specializing in green technology? Or should this be allocated to free markets? Did Solyndra fail because of government inefficiencies which would be eliminated by allowing free markets to operate? Or did Solyndra fail because Solyndra campaign contributions clouded the judgment of key Obama Administration officials?

12 Keystone XL Pipeline Should the pipeline be constructed according to existing plans? Or should it, for example, be rerouted to avoid the Ogallala aquifer? Should job creation, economic development, and energy production overrule environmental and community protection? Is the environmental stress brought about by the production of crude oil from tar sands in Canada an environmentally acceptable activity? What are the similarities and differences between the Via Verde and the Keystone XL Pipeline.

13 Roles in Debate Presenting Team Teams will receive debate question or topic Presenting team will give a presentation – 1 minute to consult, 7 minutes to present – You can exchange minutes Presenting team will respond to other team’s commentary – 1 minute to consult, 5 minutes to respond Commenting Team Commenting team will listen carefully to presentation – 1 minute to consult, 7 minutes to respond to commentary – They can respond to presenting team’s response only during question and answer session Your job is to raise questions and suggest areas that can be strengthened Your job is not to show that the presenting team is wrong or misguided

14 Time Line (Summary) Presentation by Team 1 – 1 minute to consult and 7 minutes to present (minutes can be traded) Commentary by Team 2 – 1 minute to consult and 7 minutes to comment Response to commentary by Team 1 – 1 minute to consult, 5 minutes to respond Question and Answer – Professor will question both teams – Class will question both teams – Each team can pose a question to the other if there is time

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