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1st National Conference of Bulgarian EFSA Focal Point

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1 1st National Conference of Bulgarian EFSA Focal Point
EFSA, Scientific Cooperation and Focal Points Ilias Papatryfon Scientific Cooperation Unit 1st National Conference of Bulgarian EFSA Focal Point 26 September 2008, Sofia

2 Why Scientific Cooperation?
My presentation How does EFSA work? What is EFSA? Why Scientific Cooperation? What are Focal Points? Die Trennung von Risikobewertung und Risikomanagement sollte dazu beitragen, die Lebensmittelsicherheit in der Europäischen Union (EU) zu verbessern, ein hohes Verbraucherschutzniveau zu gewährleisten und das Vertrauen der Verbraucher in die Lebensmittel (wieder) herzustellen.

3 EFSA in Parma Bevor ich näher auf die Risikokommunikation der EFSA eingehe, möchte ich kurz die Behörde vorstellen. Sitz in Parma – Italien.

4 EFSA at a glance Set up in January 2002 following a series of food crises (Regulation (EC) 178/2002 of 28 January 2002) Fundamental change: separation of risk assessment and risk management Die Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit (EFSA) wurde im Jahr 2002 nach einer Reihe von Lebensmittelkrisen in den 90er Jahren gegründet. Die Rechtsgrundlage für die Errichtung der EFSA ist mit der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 178/2002 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates gegeben. Trennung von RA und RM

5 Why was EFSA created? Three reasons: To improve food safety in the EU
To ensure a high level of consumer protection To restore and maintain consumer confidence in the EU food supply Die Trennung von Risikobewertung und Risikomanagement sollte dazu beitragen, die Lebensmittelsicherheit in der Europäischen Union (EU) zu verbessern, ein hohes Verbraucherschutzniveau zu gewährleisten und das Vertrauen der Verbraucher in die Lebensmittel (wieder) herzustellen.

6 What does EFSA do? Role to assess and communicate on all risks associated with the food chain produce scientific opinions and advice to provide a sound foundation for European policies and legislation support the European Commission, European Parliament and EU Member States to take effective and timely risk management decisions communicate food and feed safety advice to principal clients, stakeholders and public at large

7 What is EFSA’s remit? “From farm to fork” Food and feed safety;
Nutrition; Animal health and welfare; Plant protection and plant health… …these include, additives, contaminants, pesticides, GMO’s, new technologies such as cloning and nanotechnology, BSE, health claims, allergens…

8 What are EFSA’s core values?
4 core values for EFSA’s activities: Openness and transparency Excellence in science Independence Responsiveness EFSA’s aim: to be globally recognised as the European reference body for risk assessment Hohe wissenschaftliche Kompetenz, Unabhängigkeit, Offenheit und Transparenz sowie Reaktionsfähigkeit bestimmen EFSAs Grundhaltung. Es gehört deshalb zu EFSAs Selbstverständnis, dass alle Aktivitäten von diesen Grundwerten bestimmt werden. EFSA hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt und erhebt den Anspruch, sich als anerkannte und zuverlässige Informationsquelle im Bereich von Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelsicherheit zu etablieren.

9 Executive Directory and EFSA secretariat
How is EFSA organised? EFSA’s Bodies Management Board Advisory Forum Executive Directory and EFSA secretariat Scientific Committee and Panels

10 Management Board – its role
To ensure EFSA functions effectively and efficiently To establish budget, agree work programmes and monitor implementation To ensure EFSA stays within remit of Founding Regulation To appoint Executive Director, Scientific Committee and Panels To audit EFSA’s operations

11 Composition Advisory Forum
Representatives from national food safety authorities/bodies with role similar to EFSA One representative per Member State, European Commission as observer Special invitees (accession countries, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland) Main goals are of strategic nature.

12 EFSA’s Scientific Panels
Ten Scientific Panels Independent scientists selected based on their proven scientific excellence Mandatory commitment of independence Declaration of Interest First established June re-established June 2006 Food additive and packaging to be split into two new panels (mid 2008)

13 Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle
Executive Director Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle EU-wide call for applications Appointed in July 2006 for 5 years Legal representative of EFSA Responsible for: day-to-day management defining and implementing work programme & budget priorities all staff matters

14 EFSA‘s organigram

15 EFSA Today Based in Parma, Italy
200 scientific experts in Scientific Committee & Panels Many Working Groups involving hundreds of experts Over 350 staff from 25 nationalities Over 700 scientific outputs (opinions) applications 11 Scientific Colloquia on key topics Budget: €65.9 million for 2008

16 Working together EFSA’s partners: European Commission;
European Parliament; Member States (MS); Stakeholders: (e.g. consumer groups, non-governmental organizations (NGO’s), industry…)

17 Why Scientific Cooperation?
EFSA aims to deliver the best science at the right time in the most appropriate manner Effective pooling of scientific excellence available in EU Member States is required

18 Why Scientific Cooperation ?
Critical for: Appropriate allocation of resources against priorities; Better co-ordination of work programmes, to avoid duplication of activities; Early identification and analysis of emerging risks; Increased coherence in scientific risk assessment and communications!

19 Milestones achieved so far…
Legal basis: Regulation (EC) No. 178/2002 (EFSA‘s founding Regulation); Strategy for Cooperation and Networking (introducing the concept of Focal Points - December 2006); Creation of Focal Points started in 2007; Main goals are of operational nature!

20 National competent authorities & networks
What are Focal Points? Individual person or institution; Established by Member States, nominated by Permanent Representations! interface SCO FPs EFSA National competent authorities & networks

21 Facts & Figures of Focal Points
Status on Focal Point agreements: All 27 signed; EEA/EFTA countries invited to nominate Focal Points.

22 Role of Focal Points Focal Points support the Advisory Forum Member to: 1. Exchange scientific information; 2. Support Article 36 network and Expert Database; 3. Establish and maintain national networks; 4. Raise visibility of EFSA‘s scientific work in Member States.

23 Exchange scientific information
“Information Exchange Platform” Aim: to support the exchange of scientific information between EFSA and MS; A working group has been set up under the Focal Point network to implement this platform.

24 Exchange scientific information
E.g. Research results and scientific reviews; Data collection and surveys; National scientific opinions and statements.

25 EFSA Scientific Colloquia
11th Colloquium: May 2008, Tabiano (PR), Acrylamide carcinogenicity - New evidence in relation to dietary exposure 12th Colloquium: 4-5 December 2008, Rome, Important aspects of Risk Assessment of Campylobacter

26 Article 36 Article 36 of EFSA’s Founding Regulation states:
EFSA “…shall promote the European networking of organisations operating in the fields within the Authority's mission.” List of competent organisations established Article 36 list These may undertake work on behalf of EFSA, e.g.: data collection; preparatory work for development of scientific opinions; other scientific and technical support, e.g. on emerging issues and crisis situations.

27 Article 36 In 2008 some 20 calls Budget nearly 2.5 M€
Article 36 list In 2008 some 20 calls Budget nearly 2.5 M€ Example of signed grant agreement Quantitative microbiological risk assessment on Salmonella in slaughter and breeder pigs; Example open calls - See: Call for proposals - CFP/EFSA/CONTAM/2008/02: “Survey on use of veterinary medicinal products in third countries Call for proposals - CFP/EFSA/AHAW/2008/04: Scientific reviews on Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever and Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease

28 Article 36 list EFSA has launched the procedure for updating the list:
1st July 2008: launching of the procedure; End of September 2008: timeline for receiving the new nominations from the Permanent Representations; Compilation / assessment by EFSA; Adoption by EFSA’s Management Board of the new nominations for the list.

29 Get involved !

30 The Expert Database: Background
Decision for setting up the database for external scientific experts taken by EFSA and EU Member States; A key element in EFSA’s policy for the selection of scientific experts; The database will also be available to all EU Member States who may use it to select experts for own scientific projects.

31 The Expert Database Disciplines
EFSA is looking for a wide range of disciplines e.g. food and feed safety, nutrition, toxicology, chemistry and animal health & welfare, plant protection & plant health; Application process: Experts invited to fill in an on-line form and make a declaration of interests (in order to ensure their independence).

32 Expert Database: Selection
When a scientific need is identified, EFSA makes a selection of most suitable experts to assist in its activities; Selected experts are invited to participate in certain scientific activities of EFSA or Member States; Experts will receive travel and subsistence expenses and an indemnity for their contribution to EFSA’s work.

33 Call for Scientific Committee and Panels

34 Background EFSA’s is looking for:
Scientific Committee and Panel members They will help EFSA deliver high-quality scientific advice for Europe’s risk managers To cover: Animal health and welfare Biological hazards including TSEs Contaminants in the food chain Dietetic products, allergies and nutrition Feedstuffs Food additives & nutrient sources* Food contact materials, enzymes, flavourings* GMOs Plant health Plant protection products *New scientific panels for which new members are not currently being sought

35 Application process Fill in an online form on the EFSA website and make a declaration of interests (to ensure their independence) Scientific Committee & Panel Members Open from 23 Oct till 7 Jan 2009 Experts contacted spring 2009 New Scientific Committee and Panel members meet and begin work summer 2009

36 Selection Scientific Committee & Panel Members Members are appointed:
EFSA evaluates candidates and draws up shortlist Management Board assesses shortlists and makes final decision about candidates Members are appointed: for 3 years, renewable through an open procedure based on proven scientific excellence

37 EFSA Seminars: Join EFSA in assessing food safety risks in Europe!
October 2008, Budapest, HUNGARY Scientists mainly from: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, Malta, Romania and Slovenia November 2008, Warsaw, POLAND Scientists mainly from: Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovak Republic

38 Apply now! Get involved with EFSA and…
Make a difference to European food safety Deliver key advice to Europe’s risk managers Be part of Europe’s network of top food safety scientists

39 Increase EFSA’s visibility
Focal Points support: To disseminate brochures and other information materials; To organise information events at national level; To develop and maintain special Focal Point websites.

40 Networking Focal Points support in establishing and maintaining National Networks in MS including: Ministries and official authorities; Scientific institutions; Universities; National stakeholders (e.g. NGOs, industry, consumer organisations).

41 Networking - looking ahead
Focal Points are building up networks! With the help of such networks, Focal Points and EFSA will further improve the Scientific Cooperation between Member States and EFSA. Advisory Forum will review the Focal Points’ work at the end of the year.

42 Focal Points Thank you for your attention

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