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Computer Law University of Palestine University of Palestine Eng. Wisam Zaqoot Eng. Wisam Zaqoot Feb 2010 Feb 2010 ITSS 4201 Internet Insurance and Information.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Law University of Palestine University of Palestine Eng. Wisam Zaqoot Eng. Wisam Zaqoot Feb 2010 Feb 2010 ITSS 4201 Internet Insurance and Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Law University of Palestine University of Palestine Eng. Wisam Zaqoot Eng. Wisam Zaqoot Feb 2010 Feb 2010 ITSS 4201 Internet Insurance and Information Hiding

2 The Information Age  We are living in The Information Age  Unprecedented opportunities for people to access information  Access to knowledge, information and services  IT involves in social, cultural, business and administrative processes * New Technology: new risks and new challenges: We need laws

3 Several terms appeared:  Computer law  Internet law, cyberlaw  Computer and Internet Policies  Cybercrime

4 What is computer Law? What is the scope of computing law? Geographical perspectives on computing law

5 What is computer law ?  “Effective and responsible use of computing technology can only come through an understanding of the legal setting in which it takes place” Bainbridge (2004: 5)

6 What is computer law ?  Computer law is that branch of law which regulates the technological aspects of information  The law which governs information processing

7 What is the scope of computer law ?

8  Computer laws covers different topics in law like:  intellectual property  privacy  freedom of expression  jurisdiction

9 What is the scope of computer law ? * Protecting individuals and liberty: - Human rights - Freedom of Infromation - Data Protection - Health and safety (e.g. prevent blackmailing, harassment and threatening) - Rights of disabled people (e.g. Accessibility policies)

10 What is the scope of computer law? * Protecting property and ownership: - Copyright, Designs Rights, Trade Marks and Patents - Electronic commerce and contracting ( E-Bay disputes as an example) - Consumer protection and torts (e.g. what if your card details are stolen)

11 What is the scope of computer law ? * Outlawing criminal behaviour and computer misuse: - Unlawful access to data and systems e.g. Hacking, viruses - Unlawful data use and data publication e.g. Obscenity and pornography Spamming Identity theft Identity theft

12 Hacking  Hackers are individuals who attempt to gain access to computer systems illegally  Why hack?  Harass  Show-off  Gain access to computer services without paying  Obtain information to sell

13 Malwares  Viruses represent an example of unlawful access to data and systems.  Viruses and spyware are examples of malicious software, or “malware,” that can take over your computer and even steal your personal information. Malware is multiplying on the Internet. 1988: 1,738 1998: 177,615 2008: 1.1 MM+

14  Malware is profit-driven: Malware is used by organized criminal enterprises to make money. They steal personal information to sell and use. Including targeted attacks on privileged individuals – to get their passwords and access rights.

15 Botnets  Botnets represent another unlawful access to data and systems  A Botnet is a network of computers that is sending spam or malware on behalf of someone controlling the network remotely, often a criminal enterprise.  It is estimated that Botnets are responsible for 80% of world’s.


17 Geographical perspectives on computing law:  Laws differs significantly from one country to another.  A lot of countries hardly have any computer laws.  EU is one of the most developed areas in the world in computer laws but ….  What about Palestine ??

18 Geographical perspectives on computing law: * Gathering and storing sensitive data:  Some countries have very strict provision, while others don't (e.g. Germany) * Subject rights:  many countries require subjects to be informed that data is held about them. Some countries don't

19 The individual responsibility: * People are rarely aware when companies/governments are collecting their personal information and are unaware of what the information will be used for. * A lot of people fail to use strong passwords. (what is a strong password?)  What do you think?

20 Considerations for a Good computer law  Futuristic  Interoperable with other policies  Leave room for modification  Unambiguous and clear in its mandate  Determine accountability  Ensure a smooth and effective mechanism for implementation and evaluation  Involve both the public and private sector  Have a definite time frame for implementation

21 The following topics: * Internet laws * Computer and Internet Policies * Computer and Internet privacy * Case study: Data Protection Act 1998 (UK) * Computer Crimes * Software licensing

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