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Can Burma be considered a good society when its constantly proving the Human Predicament theory?

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1 Can Burma be considered a good society when its constantly proving the Human Predicament theory?

2 Was an official British colony from 1886-1948 Became a democratic republic after splitting from the UK Military Coup D'état in 1962 where Burma became a single-party authoritarian regime led by the Military Junta

3 Started in August of 2007 in response to the governments choice to lift fuel subsidies… Causing the price of gas to jump 66% The Buddhist Monks started to walk with the protestors after the government, in an effort to crackdown on the protests, put sanctions on the food supply While the death toll is some what contested it is believed that in the two months 30-130 people were killed with hundreds more imprisoned and beaten

4 Only foreign national killed in the protests. Nagai was able to keep taking pictures while he bled out from his gunshot wounds to the chest.

5 Burma Infant Mortality Rate- 54d. Per 1000b. 2009 estimate by UNICEF Life Expectancy- 62.7 years 2010 estimate by UN DESA The World Health Organization ranked Burma the worst performing health care system in the world @ 190 th watch?v=CLbMsYQ4ydQ& feature=relmfu

6 Burma Literacy Rate- 89.9% CIA Fact book 2009 No freedom of press as the Military Junta controls what is broadcast to the citizens and world

7 Journalists are not allowed inside Burma and so much of what is reported is from the citizen journalist…. h?v=S- i9V2Qpzqw

8 Burma Homicide Rates- between 10-20 per 100,000 inhabitants The Guardian published in 2004 Burma has not had the opportunity to be a economic powerhouse because of foreign trade sanctions in place for blatant human rights violations Study done by Women's League of Burma circa 2007

9 In 1990 her Democratic leadership party won 59% of the vote. Instead of allowing her to rule the Burmese government have kept her imprisoned in her own home. Please use your liberty to promote ours…..

10 Burma Polity IV June 2011 -6 Has a constitution and a parliament but uses both as a ruse for foreign powers No rule of law and so it makes it easy to squash any resistance When government doesn’t fear their people they can kill religious icons and get away with it….


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