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Company Presentation ATACO spol. s r.o. Lešetínská 676 707 00 Ostrava – Kunčice Česká Republika

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Presentation on theme: "Company Presentation ATACO spol. s r.o. Lešetínská 676 707 00 Ostrava – Kunčice Česká Republika"— Presentation transcript:

1 Company Presentation ATACO spol. s r.o. Lešetínská 676 707 00 Ostrava – Kunčice Česká Republika

2 Facts  Czech private company  1991 foundation  Office in Ostrava  Small & Medium Enterprise

3 Main ATACO realms 1/3  Solutions Heavy industryHeavy industry LogisticLogistic TelecommunicationsTelecommunications PharmacyPharmacy

4 Main ATACO realms 2/3  Process control system - L2 Material trackingMaterial tracking Model based control system,Model based control system, OptimizationOptimization Data collectionData collection  Production control system (L3) Planning,Planning, Production trackingProduction tracking Material inventory,Material inventory, Quality controlQuality control Material storesMaterial stores

5 Main ATACO realms 3/3  EAM  Climatology  Labeling Bar code,Bar code, RFRF

6 A FULLY QUALIFIED PROJECT TEAM Specialists who are working for ATACO keep their eyes on Information technology news which allows ATACO to be always ready to provide both consulting and/or advisory service for IT application in the given sector and to prepare and realize projects on high technical and professional level. You can be confident that our specialists know your business. Some of them have focused their entire careers on the metals industry.

7 Technology & partnership  Oracle  IBM  HP  Microsoft  Borland  SUN  Others...

8 OUR APPLICATIONS COVER THE SOLUTIONS FOR:  Order Management  Production Set-up Support (e.g. Pass Schedule Calculations)  Production Planning and Scheduling  Production Control  Process Control  Production Set-up  Tools and Exchangeable Parts Management (Rolls, Bearings, Accessories)  Production Tracking  Semi product Marking  In-process Product Identification  Product Marking  Weighing Systems  Charge Material Stocking  Semi product stocking  Finished Product Stocking  Dispatching  Operational Accounting  Quality Control Management  Energy Consumption Monitoring and Control  Economic Assessment  Dispatcher Control Support  Maintenance Management

9 ATACO Applications in heavy industry  Coke Plants  Blast Furnaces  Steelworks  Roughing Mills  Hot Strip Continuous Mills  Steckel Mills  Heavy-, Medium- and Fine Section Mills  Rod and Wire Mills  Pipe / Tube Mills






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