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Sharon Gross U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service The U.S. Invasive Species Management Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Sharon Gross U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service The U.S. Invasive Species Management Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sharon Gross U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service The U.S. Invasive Species Management Plan

2 Federal Efforts Letter from 500 scientists and land managers inspired Executive Order (EO) to improve coordination among 23 Federal agencies in 11 different federal departments with responsibilities relating to IAS. EO established Council and called for National Invasive Species Management Plan. Goal: To develop federally-coordinated plan to reduce introduction and spread of invasive species. Green Crab

3 National Invasive Species Council Established to ensure that Federal agency activities are coordinated, complementary, cost-efficient and effective. Councils co-chairs: Interior, Agriculture and Commerce. Other members: DOT, DOD, Treasury, State, EPA, HHS, USAID and DHS. Salt Cedar Executive Order 13112 Issued in February of 1999 Invasive Species Advisory Committee Established under FACA to provide information and stakeholder input for consideration by the Council. Represents a balance of non-Federal expertise, geographic representation, and stakeholder interests.

4 The Executive Order directs the Council to: 1)provide leadership and oversight on IAS issues. 2)promote action at local, State, tribal and ecosystem levels. 3)recommend measures to enhance international cooperation. 4)develop a web-based information network on IAS. 5)develop NEPA guidance related to IAS. 6)draft and update a National Invasive Species Management Plan every two years.


6 Zebra Mussels MANAGEMENT PLAN (approved Jan. 18, 2001) Blueprint for coordinated action in areas of: Coordination and Leadership Prevention Early Detection and Rapid Response Control International Cooperation Research Information Management Education and Outreach

7 Actions: Develop a crosscut budget for invasive species programs to highlight cooperative efforts and for use as a planning tool Adopt oversight mechanism and dispute resolution process Prepare annual progress report on Plan implementation Hydrilla Key Areas Addressed in Plan and Recommended Actions Coordination and Leadership : More than 20 Federal agencies share responsibility and authority over some facet of IS management, along with all 50 states and territories.

8 Prevention: The first line of defense and most cost effective approach Actions: Develop & test a risk assessment screening system for evaluating intentionally introduced invasive species and reducing risk of establishment Identify & rank key pathways by which IAS move & develop mechanisms to reduce movement through these key pathways - Take action on known high-risk pathways Plum Pox An APHIS dog used for detection

9 Early Detection and Rapid Response : Finding IAS early may provide the only opportunity to eradicate or contain them. Actions: Improve detection methods to speed up the process Seek a flexible funding source for rapid response contingencies Establish rapid response guidelines and teams in cooperation with local/state organizations MelaleucaAsian Longhorned Beetle

10 Research : A critical underpinning for all other major areas of Plan – including prevention, control, restoration, education, etc. Actions: Include, as part of the cross-cut budget proposal, an initiative to adequately fund Federal invasive species research programs Prepare a catalog of existing aquatic and terrestrial control methods Develop and implement a plan to strengthen international research collaborations Nutria

11 Control and Management : Reducing established IAS & limiting their spread can dramatically decrease negative impacts. Actions: Increase funding for control and management on Federal lands Seek legislative authority to establish matching grants to assist state, local, regional control efforts Work with state and local entities to determine and coordinate control priorities Gypsy Moth

12 International Cooperation: Global Problem – cannot address prevention without international component. Our actions create problems for other nations. Actions: Develop a strategy to deal with IAS problems in North America (working with Canada and Mexico) Improve technical assistance and information sharing Support work of the Global Invasive Species Programme Conduct a study of international assistance as an invasion pathway Provide financial and technical support to: International meetings of policy makers Regional and global programs

13 Chinese Tallow Formosan subterranean termites Education and Public Awareness: Scope of the IAS problem, their impact, and how to help must be communicated to the general public. Actions: Develop a National Invasive Species Awareness Campaign in cooperation with States, tribes and local governments civic organizations and industry Work to increase public cooperative efforts to counter IAS. - state, regional and international organizations play a key role - critical to prevention of aquatic invasions

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