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Sustainability Workshop Day 1 November 30’07 PLANETS Products and Discussion of Sustainable Models.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability Workshop Day 1 November 30’07 PLANETS Products and Discussion of Sustainable Models."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability Workshop Day 1 November 30’07 PLANETS Products and Discussion of Sustainable Models

2 Overview of PLANETS deliverables TOOLS Migration tools: from MS binary to Open XML Characterization ◦ Universal Descriptor for File Formats ◦ PRONOM is offered through PLANETS but it is not open source SERVICES ◦ Enabled by tools

3 Overview of PLANETS deliverables (2) APPLICATIONS: Testbed ◦ Scientific, repeatable experiment to perform evaluation of the Preservation Planning ◦ Look at the data set, identify which file formats are most in danger, make recommendations based on the cost, how long it takes, what is the time horizon, etc. ◦ Automated process is the goal.

4 Driving force Legal obligations of archives and libraries Compliance requirements Observations No global awareness of preservation importance Investment in back-ups, archiving but no knowledge to manage the process PLANETS Offer Collection of tools Methods and practices

5 MARKET/Product Identification Currently Libraries and Archives Opportunities and driving forces 1.Enabling indexing for internet services 2.Enhance Document Management Systems 3.Auditors/Compliance 4.Freedom of information act Possible products: o Service for content characterization and content access on demand

6 What will be evolution of PLANETS Investment of resources into PLANETS because there is operational advantage Marketable solutions ◦ Influencing customers already by Tessella

7 What is in PLANETS that is not in the market place File migration File preservation planning tools ◦ Could sell it as OEM solution Storage with facility for preservation ◦ Subscription model (based on volume) ◦ Hosted pay to use service Possibility to plug into the existing corporate system

8 Opportunities KnowHow is the main value ◦ About data, format, content ◦ Combine with the library science ◦ Individual partners will benefit in individual ways but not necessarily in the collective way Possible business Software supported consultant System integrator

9 Sustainability Workshop Day 2 November 30’07 PLANETS Productization and Evaluation Criteria

10 WHAT TYPE OF ENTREPRISES PLANETS members would consider opportunities to Help the greater good Be a customer for a full or selected services Obtain and offer guidance as individual institutions Grow the market Make money (return on PLANETS investment) Increase research kudos/ become world expert with no conflict with other partners no risk to the reputation

11 EVALUATION CRITERIA A business would need to assess: ABILITY TO GENERATE INCOME Market size Competitive position Barrier to entry TECHNOLOGICAL FEASIBILITY Does it work Can it be protected FUNDING REQUIREMENTS AND OPPORTUNITIES Will someone fund it ◦ Is it protectable ORGANIZATIONAL FEASIBILITY Can someone do it ◦ Set up a team ◦ Have sales ability ◦ What role can PLANETS play – Can PLANETS do it?

12 POSSIBLE ‘Product’ approaches I WANT TO HAVE IT ◦ Need someone to make more tools ◦ Need someone to advise me ◦ Need someone to provide ongoing support I WANT OTHER MEMBERS TO USE IT ◦ Need ‘sales’/consultancy to help others ENTERPRIESE IS AN OPPORTUNITY ◦ Need to modify tools ◦ Need sales CONSUMER OPPORTUNITIES ◦ Need new tools for the space ◦ Need new models

13 WHO WHAT HOW HOW will PLANETS project evolve beyond the project ◦ PLANETS as a set of partners with PLANETS ‘results’ verse individual partners WHAT would be contribution and business opportunity ◦ It is not expected that PLANETS results would be a product grade ◦ There will be a set of tools that need to be further developed, maintained, expanded, etc. HOW would we enable the impact ◦ Open source type of activity but that has issues with ‘commitment’ to serving the ‘customers’/users ◦ Single entity or a group of commercial entities investing ◦ Some model between the open source and the investment/corporate control.

14 Evaluation Criteria - NOTES

15 PRODUCTION Customer as full/partner service ◦ Reduced case Greater good and growing bigger market Guidance as an individual institution Numbers that show savings/scare customers Make money – return on investment Relationship with solution providers Research kudos/ become world expert Not conflict w/other plans

16 Evaluation criteria for the business Market size Technological feasibility Risk to reputation Credibility/ability to gain trust Can someone do it ◦ Set up a team ◦ Sales What role do we play – CAN WE DO IT Will someone fund it ◦ Is it protectable

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