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AGENDA Key Issues The Slippery Slope Why biotechnology? Ethical problems.

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Presentation on theme: "AGENDA Key Issues The Slippery Slope Why biotechnology? Ethical problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 AGENDA Key Issues The Slippery Slope Why biotechnology? Ethical problems

2 TWO KEY POINTS IVF ( In Vitro Fertilization ) is the ultimate problem Adult stem cells are the ultimate solution

3 The Slippery Slope Abortion In Vitro FertilizationPartial Birth Stem cells Infanticide Cloning Handicapped Genetic Humans Euthanasia

4 Why Biotechnology? Greater threat to humanity than abortion Growing disrespect for life Stealthy evils mingled with real benefits Granting of King Midas-like wishes Manufacturing of humans Factories, Specs, QC, Buying/selling Not Science Fiction 100,000/year, rapid growth Brave New World


6 Alternative Methods of Making Human Beings





11 Benefits and Problems with Existing Biotechnology Benefits Problems Help for infertile couples “ “ Spare embryos for stem cell research Elimination of genetic diseases Planned families Hope for patients Problems found ---25 years later Purchased sperm, eggs, rented womb Killing of human embryos Abortion of defective embryos Sex selection Exaggerated promises

12 Benefits and Problems with Future Biotechnology Benefits Problems Many cures from stem cell research Perfect humans Replacement children Fetal spare parts “Wanted” humans Convenient babies Depends on source of stem cells Dehumanized procreation Cloned “humans” Growth beyond the embryo stage Designed humans “In stock” babies

13 Ethical Advantages with Adult Stem Cells Adult stem cells available in Blood, bone marrow, fat, brain, etc. Umbilical cord blood Minimal impact on donor Close fit to patient Compatible DNA, blood type Differentiated toward problem Cures already in use

14 CONCLUSIONS Human life begins at conception Killing/ Experimenting on humans is immoral Test tube humans are uniquely vulnerable IVF is the ultimate source of problems in this biotech area IVF, stem cell research, and cloning are the same process Adult stem cells are better than embryonic stem cells

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