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Hermann Schmickler Frascati 16/11/2012 The HiLumi LHC Design Study (a sub-system of HL-LHC) is co-funded by the European Commission within the Framework.

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Presentation on theme: "Hermann Schmickler Frascati 16/11/2012 The HiLumi LHC Design Study (a sub-system of HL-LHC) is co-funded by the European Commission within the Framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hermann Schmickler Frascati 16/11/2012 The HiLumi LHC Design Study (a sub-system of HL-LHC) is co-funded by the European Commission within the Framework Programme 7 Capacities Specific Programme, Grant Agreement 284404.

2  Mandate of HLTC, Membership  Future Functioning, Complementarity to HL-PLC  Agenda of first meeting - Technical documentation - Progress on BBLR Wire compensation - Outcome of e-lens mini Review  WBS: -what we are thinking now - resources: budget profiling, integration of collaborators  QAP: Documentation, Quality Plan  Future Subjects (2013)…

3  … assess all the various technical systems proposed for the upgrade, their impact on machine performance, on machine availability and reliability and have technical solutions developed by the various expert teams.  … creation of a complete set of technical and managerial documentation for the project  …coordinate the efforts on remote handling of radioactive material  …follow up of technical work including collaborations  …assistance to the project leader by defining a resource plan, integrating it into the CERN standard tools. Prospecting together with the WP-leaders for new collaborators.  …reporting to HL steering committee

4  Defined for first meetings, will be evolutive, “small” core membership, additional invitations depending on agenda affiliation/functionnamereplacement PL, TE-HDOLucio Rossi DPL, BE-ABPOliver Bruening DH, BEPaul Collier DH, TEFreddy Bordry DH, ENRoberto Saban Chairman, BE-BIHermann Schmickler Scientific secretary, DG-DG-OFFIsabel Bejar Alonso Member, BE-RFFritz CaspersErk Jensen Member BE-RFRama CalagaErk Jensen Member BE-BIRhodri JonesThibaut Lefevre Member BE-OPMike LamontJoerg Wenninger Member BE-ABPStephane Fartoukh Member BE-ABPStefano Redaelli Member BE-ABPHelmut Burkhardt Member TE-CRGLaurent TavianDimitri Delikaris Member TE-VSCVincent BaglinPaul Cruikshank, Jose Miguel Jimenez Member TE-MSCVittorio ParmaDelio Duarte Ramos Member TE-MSCEzio TodescoPaolo Fessia Member TE-MSCGijs de RijkLuca Bottura Member TE-ABTJan UythovenVolker Mertens Member EN-MMEFrancesco BertinelliDiego Perini Member DG-DI-DATSylvain Weisz

5  HiLumi Technical Committee:  sounds awful  Try to be low profile on administrative overheads and procedures  Nevertheless needs some rigeur on documentation, implementation and resource planning  Partial overlap with agenda of HL-PLC wanted: we need counter-balance between specifications and technical possibilities  Two examples (= following slides) of what has been done so far:

6  Organized within the CERN instrumentation group an extended meeting in order to decide on preparatory cabling during LS1 (June 2012): - motivation, requirements, simulations - possible implementations during LS3 - possibilities for test installations well before LS3 - Conclusions : * obviously “yes” for preparatory cabling * some clarifying simulations (done) * Request for a detailed mechanical design of integrating of a double wire into a TCT collimator and acceptance by collimation team to use this assembly as operational collimator after LS1 (outstanding for 2013)

7  reduce crossing angle from e.g. 12 to 8  → less luminosity loss + larger luminous region + possibility of smaller  *  keep crossing angle constant while current is increased  Closed Orbit and Tune correction  keep crossing angle as small as possible and level w. beta* to maximize luminous region  use as dynamic scraper



10  Suggestion of a mini-review at CERN before Frascati meeting  Fully organized by Stefano Redaelli - Introduction and Motivation: S.Redaelli - Experience from Tevatron: G.Stancari - Simulations for the LHC and the SPS: V.Previtali - Feasibility of LHC and SPS installations: A.Rossi - Alternatives for Halo Cleaning: H.Schmickler

11  Stefano will collect the opinions of reviewers and present a summary to HLTC  Convincing evidence of usefulness of such an installation from Tevatron experience  Additional Evidence from SPS experiments very questionable  Exploit possibilities to make experiments at BNL with presently installed e-lens (would require exchange of gun)  Scheduling of tests of alternative Halo cleaning in the LHC (tune modulation, tune selective high amplitude beam excitations)  Interest of machine protection team for e- lens in order to depopulate halo during stors (mitigation of crab cavity failures)  Sideproduct: Try to boost the activities for Halo Monitoring capabilities in the LHC: = 10^6 dyn. Range Profile monitor, 2 D if possible  extended possibility for collaborations

12 1. The following slide is taken from Pavel Evtushenko et al. (JLAB); S&T review 2012 - basic idea: light produced by the particle beam (wiggler, bend...) gets imaged in parallel onto 2 or 3 cameras with different gains. Recombination of the camera images into one high dynamic range picture.  in principle “easy”, (the devil is in the detail), but no assessment of spurious light (stray light, reflections)….similar problem in LHC  A.Fisher (SLAC) is working on other high dynamic range systems (masking out center of beam in BSRT); already in contact with F.Roncarollo at CERN

13 Intensity range that can be measured now with no additional gain. Intensity range where additional gain of ~ 100 is needed To be measured with imaging sensor #1 and attenuation ~ 10 To be measured with imaging sensor #3 and gain ~ 200 To be measured with imaging sensor #2 and ~ no gain 10/15

14 The best way to cover a large dynamic range is by counting: 2. Photon Counting Techniques - experience at LHC with abort gap monitor (Avalanche Photodiode Detector: APD) - can imagine an APD array of 20 x 20 APDs pointing at a beam image of 10 x 10 sigma - measurement times for 10-6 dynamic range (a few seconds to 1 minute) - light source: again the BSRT: expect again problems with stray light or use luminescence monitor (probably with a small pressure bump); Nitrogen luminescence delivers a narrow spectral line; light can be heavily filtered: almost no background but: only gives projections (2 x 1D) Great R&D project....

15 C. Fischer – LHC Instrumentation Review – 19-20/11/2001 Luminescence Profile Monitor PRINCIPLE Uses the light emitted by gas molecules when they return to their ground state after having been excited by the beam: Nitrogen is a good candidate: high cross-section, low decay time, well pumped emits towards lower end of the visible spectrum

16 C. Fischer – LHC Instrumentation Review – 19-20/11/2001 Luminescence At 7 10 -5 Pa (5 10 -7 torr), the photon production corresponds to the N 2 + spectrum: ~ 60% of the light is within the bandwidth of a 400nm ± 35nm filter. The light production is linear with pressure: single step process with short decay time  suitable for profile measurements. The pressure can be used to increase the dynamic range of the detector. The pressure increase is negligible in the SPS: 5% for 6 10 -5 Pa (5 10 -7 torr) over 3 m Signal as a function of N2 pressure Spectrum

17 Maximising the Available Data - Example 17 APD TDC synchrotron light LHC turn clock Electrical pulse Arrival time filter Longitudinal Bunch Shape LHC Longitudinal Density Monitor – Aims: Profile of the whole LHC ring with 50ps resolution High dynamic range for ghost charge measurement – Method: Single photon counting with Synchrotron light – Avalanche photodiode detector – 50ps resolution TDC Trends in Particle Beam Diagnostics - Dr. Rhodri Jones (CERN) Courtesy of A. Jeff

18 LDM Results 18 Results – Able to profile the whole ring within a matter of minutes – Critical input for accurate luminosity calibration of the experiments Trends in Particle Beam Diagnostics - Dr. Rhodri Jones (CERN)

19  HL-LHC technical and managerial documentation shall be state of the art, but we do not have to forget that it shall integrate on the LHC documentation.  The LHC documentation followed the LHC QAP. Since 1997 Quality has evolved and the product approach has been replaced by a process approach. While the most part of the contents of the LHC QAP could still be applied with some updating, the information is split in several documents and does not cover all areas.  When the LHC QAP was created most research centers did not had their own Quality management system and industry was moving from quality control to quality management. Today we will have to consider the existing Quality management systems and find how to harmonize them.  Collaborations with outside partners and EU co-funding are strong constraints to get moving to up-to-date QAP.

20 The collaborative nature of the HiLumi work packages and of the HL-LHC project requests also that the HL-LHC Quality management is collaborative. The project will need to put in common all the Quality management documents so to identify equivalences and tools for harmonization A Draft quality manual has been prepared that will give high level guidance. The main work will be to establish the Quality procedures. A team with representatives from the collaboration should start working on: Documentation handling (including Document and Record Control Process) Product identification and traceability Management Review Process options and deviation Change Control Configuration Issues and Problem Reporting

21 The way to use tools and update the standards will change in function of the project management structure.  A centralized structure with approval committees and an strong project management structure (control on milestones, schedule, cost, formal reviews, …. ) could go to a system oriented structure (like the Hardware baseline). Coherence will be ensured by the project team and the committees.  A delegated structure with all task under the Work package will go versus a WPs oriented structure and coherence will be ensured by rules enforced by the tools and very large training.

22  Somewhat between 6 and 12 meetings in 2013  Collect new subjects from TC members  Following HLPLC subjects which are ready for technical assessment  In addition: - WBS decisions and implementation, integration of collaborations? - 2013 budget proposals - mini workshop at CERN to collect needs and work done so far on remote handling - were appropriate: stimulate writing and reviewing of functional specifications

23 A Committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours Milton Berle Committee – a group of people that individually do nothing, but collectively decide that nothing can be done. Fred Alen

24 Related to Project and Quality  Quality Policy  Management Review Procedure  Logistics of components Related to communication management  Public Information Program Plan  Crisis Communications Management Plan Related to Product management  Documentation handling procedure (including Document and Record Control Process)  Product identification and traceability  Process options and deviation procedure.  Engineering Change Request & Engineering Change  Change Control Configuration  Issues and Problem Reporting procedure  Non-conformance Reporting and Resolution Process  Product release method and verification process  Test Equipment & Process Instrumentation Calibration Procedures

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