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Ovid Training Department 2011 Primal Pictures User Guide (v.1.0) 3D anatomy images copyright of Primal Pictures Ltd Human Anatomy.

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Presentation on theme: "Ovid Training Department 2011 Primal Pictures User Guide (v.1.0) 3D anatomy images copyright of Primal Pictures Ltd Human Anatomy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ovid Training Department 2011 Primal Pictures User Guide (v.1.0) 3D anatomy images copyright of Primal Pictures Ltd Human Anatomy Systemic Edition

2 2 Home Page & Chapters Click on any Chapter Title to go to its content (Example: Respiratory System) Click on Home at any time to return to this home page where the 27 chapters are listed within their 15 Sections

3 3 Viewing 3D Models & Controls At the bottom of the screen use the controls to remove/add layers, and to rotate the 3D Model to new angles When entering a specific chapter you will view a default 3D model. This can be changed using the controls shown below

4 4 Chapter Text Each Chapter is a collection of 3D views, each starting with its own Overview Click on any structure in the 3D Model and it will be highlighted in Green. (Text for highlighted areas will be shown in the Structures area below the Overview

5 5 Chapter Text Controls Alternatively, use the Next/Previous buttons to move through the chapter contents

6 6 Structure Text & Controls When a part of the 3D model is highlighted in Green, the Structure Text will show the text that accompanies the area of the model selected Use text controls to make the structure text window larger or smaller

7 7 Two Quiz Types A Quiz button is sometimes available at the bottom of the Chapter Text area An alternative Quiz is also available on the Navigational Bar. This is a Quiz on a whole system. Set the quiz parameters before starting this evaluation.

8 8 Keyword Searching Click on the Search button at the bottom of the screen. Enter your term/s into the space provided and click on search (Example: Stomach or Epidermis) Results of the search will be listed under several categories To view text, click on Close to close the search box window Click on Show all Structures in Frame to list all the anatomical names in an image

9 9 Additional Search Tools Click on Index to view an alphabetical list of all the anatomical names available in the Systemic Database. (Example: D = Dermatomes) Click on Contents to browse within the Systemic Database per structure/text... (Example: Cardiovascular System – Valves) Click on Views to browse within the different systems available (Example: Surface Anatomy – Overview)

10 10 Printing & Saving / Systemic Video Tutorial You can Save and Print images without worrying about copyright restrictions. Please mention Primal Pictures as such:- Use the Video Tutorial to accompany this User Guide. Click on Demo to load and view the Tutorial 3D anatomy images copyright of Primal Pictures Ltd

11 For more information please contact Tel: +44 (0) 20 7981 0600 Thank You!

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