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A Guide to the Use of Phosphine Fumigants

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1 A Guide to the Use of Phosphine Fumigants
Phosphine Fumigation A Guide to the Use of Phosphine Fumigants ©2011 DEGESCH America, Inc.

2 Who we are… Degesch America, Inc. (DAI) was founded in 1977 and is the United States arm of German based Detia-Degesch Gmbh. Our corporate headquarters and production facility are situated in the Shenandoah Valley town of Weyers Cave, Virginia. This facility opened on March 15, 1979 and is the only producer of aluminum phosphide (Phostoxin®) and magnesium phosphide (Magtoxin®) fumigants in the United States. DAI is the leader in specialized product packaging for the fumigation industry. Products such as Phostoxin® Tablet Prepac & Prepac Rope , Magtoxin® Prepac Spot Fumigant, Fumi-Cel®, Fumi-Strip®, Magtoxin® Granules and Detia® Fumex are used extensively in the fumigation of food products. DAI has pioneered the development of in-transit shipboard, railcar and barge fumigations and is the developer of efficient modern techniques such as the patented J-System® for land and shipboard use, the Degesch Phosphine Generator and the Degesch Catalytic Adsorption Unit

3 Regulatory Oversight EPA USDA USCG DOT DHS
Individual states & municipalities USDA GIPSA, APHIS,PPQ USCG Ships & Barges DOT Inland transportation 21 kg Exemption CDL requirements DHS TWIC Top screen process

4 DAI Affiliations Chemtrec PROSAR

5 A Little History Phostoxin®, “a new fumigant releasing hydrogen phosphide” was invented in 1951 by Dr. L Hüter, DEGESCH Laboratory Director US FIFRA Registration granted on November 10, 1958 to Hollywood Termite & Pest Control

6 Dr. Herbert Rauscher demonstrates probing Phostoxin tablets in this photo from 1954

7 BEFORE YOU START Read the Applicators Manual and MSDS completely prior to undertaking any fumigation Follow the instructions given in order to obtain optimum results It is a violation of the law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling

8 Guides to an Effective Fumigation
Apply proper dosage Confirm volume Label application rate Proper sealing Permanent seals Temporary seals

9 Guides to an Effective Fumigation
Adequate exposure period Avoid minimums Think days; not hours Adequate temperature Commodity & Ambient Extended exposure period

10 Guides to an Effective Fumigation
Insure lethal concentration Monitor! Monitor again! Monitor some more!

11 Aluminum Phosphide Phostoxin® Tablets Produce 1 gram of phosphine
Phostoxin® Pellets Produce .2 grams of phosphine Phostoxin® Tablet Prepac Produce 33grams of phosphine Phostoxin® Tablet Prepac Rope Produce 1065 grams of phosphine

12 Decomposed Product

13 AlP Tablet Breakdown 24 Hours 26 Hours 28 Hours 32 Hours 30 Hours

14 Typical AlP Breakdown Rate
LC50 = 180ppm LC100 = 220ppm PH3 Level By % Time in Hours T-1 = Moderate Temperature & High Humidity T-2 = High Temperature & Moderate Humidity T-3 = Moderate Temperature & Low Humidity

15 The Applicator’s Manual must accompany this product.

16 Restricted Use Statement

17 Initial Instructions

18 First Aid

19 Note to Physician

20 Chemistry Phostoxin® ---------------------
AlP + 3H2O > Al(OH)3 + Ph3 Aluminum phosphide reacts with ambient humidity (water) producing aluminum hydroxide and phosphine. Phostoxin also contains ammonium carbamate which reacts as follows: NH2COONH4 >2NH3 + CO2 Ammonium carbamate releases ammonia and carbon dioxide.

21 Corrosive effects of phosphine on precious metals
Precautions Corrosive effects of phosphine on precious metals

22 Pests Controlled

23 Commodities Which May be Fumigated

24 Temperature x Time x Concentration
Exposure Conditions Temperature x Time x Concentration

25 Exposure Conditions

26 Dosage Rate Guidelines
Maximum dosage rate Recommended dosage ranges

27 Volume Terminology H = Height W = Width L = Length

28 Volume Terminology π = 3.1416 r = Radius = ½ Diameter D = Diameter
C = Circumference = πD

29 Calculating Volume Base Formula = L x W x H Loft Formula = (L x W x H) ÷ 2 Base Volume: 80′ x 20′ x 20′ = 32,000 Ft3 Loft Volume: (80′ x 20′ x 10′) = 16,000 ÷ 2 = 8,000Ft3 Total Volume: 32,000 Ft3 + 8,000 Ft3 = 40,000 Ft3

30 Calculating Volume Formula: (πr2 x L) ÷ 2 π = 3.1416
Volume = ( x 15′ x 15′ x 40′ = 28,274 Ft3 28,274 Ft3 ÷ 2 = 14,137 Ft3

31 Calculating Volume Formula: πr2 x (H÷3) r = ½D
3.1416′ x 13.5′ x 13.5′ x 5.33′ = 3, 051 Ft3

32 Calculating Volume Formula: πr2 x H r = ½D
3.1416′ x 13.5′ x 13.5′ x 16′ = 9,160 Ft3

33 Protective Clothing

34 No Respiratory Protection Required
0-0.3ppm No Respiratory Protection Required

35 0.3-15ppm = Full face canister mask

36 Above 15ppm or unknown concentration =SCBA

37 Requirements for Certified Applicator
A Certified Applicator must be physically present, responsible for, and maintain visual and/or voice contact with all fumigation Workers during the application of the fumigant. Once the application is complete and the structure has been made secure the certified applicator does not need to be physically present at the site.

38 A Certified Applicator must be physically present, responsible for and maintain visual and/or voice contact with all fumigation workers during the initial opening of the fumigation structure for aeration. Once the aeration process is secured and monitoring has established that aeration can be completed safely the certified applicator does not need to be physically present and trained person(s) can complete the process and remove the placards.

39 Persons with documented training in the handling of phosphine products
must be responsible for receiving, aerating and removal of placards from vehicles which have been fumigated in transit. Refer to section 12 for training requirements.

40 Gas Detection Equipment

41 2 = 1 3 5 10 15 n Draeger Water Vapor 1/b Batch: ARHM

42 Applicator & Worker Exposure
8 Hour TWA 0.3 ppm 15 Minute STEL 1.0 ppm

43 Monitoring Do not exceed the TLV of 0.3 ppm in any occupied areas
Readings should be taken and documented

44 Applicator & Worker Exposure

45 Notification Requirements
The user must immediately report the theft of any phosphine fumigants to the local police department The registrant of the label must be informed by telephone of any adverse incident to human health or the environment involving their product so that records required by EPA can be maintained

46 Placards Placards must withstand adverse weather conditions
Placards must have the name of the fumigation company and a 24-hour emergency telephone number Placards must contain the EPA registration number of the product

47 Storage Instructions Dry, well ventilated area away from heat, under lock & key Post as pesticide storage Do not contaminate food, water or feed Do not store in buildings where humans or domestic animals reside Keep out of the reach of children

48 Transportation Instructions
20.1 Transport Designations - The following transport designations apply to aluminum phosphide Proper Shipping Name: Aluminum phosphide Hazard Class: 4.3 Identification No.: UN 1397 Packing Group: PG I Shipping Label: Dangerous When Wet/Poison Shipping Placard: Dangerous When Wet

49 Transportation Exemption
Exemption: DOT-E 10753 Purpose and Limitation: “…The motor vehicles used under the terms of this exemption are not required to be placarded…” Modes of Transportation Authorized: Motor vehicle (Only private motor vehicles used in pest control operations are authorized to transport the packages covered by the terms of this exemption.) NOTE: You must have a copy of this exemption with you during transportation. Maximum Quantity: 1 Case (21 Kg )

50 Transportation Exemption
Exemption: DOT-E 10753 Purpose and Limitation: “…The motor vehicles used under the terms of this exemption are not required to be placarded…” Modes of Transportation Authorized: Motor vehicle (Only private motor vehicles used in pest control operations are authorized to transport the packages covered by the terms of this exemption.) NOTE: You must have a copy of this exemption with you during transportation. Maximum Quantity: 1 Case (21 Kg )

51 Fumigation Management Plan
The certified applicator is responsible for working with the owners and/or responsible employees of the structure and/or area to be fumigated to develop a Fumigation Management Plan (FMP). The FMP is intended to ensure a safe and effective fumigation. The FMP must address characterization of the structure and/or area, and include appropriate monitoring and notification requirements……

52 Vertical Storages

53 Flat Storages

54 Bins

55 Application Methods

56 Probe Method

57 Pre-packaged Application

58 Phostoxin being applied with probe and sleeve
Dust Retainers Phostoxin being applied with probe and sleeve

59 Pellet Dispenser Allows precise control of dosage
Insures uniform distribution of pellets in grain mass Workers do not have to enter bin/tank to apply fumigant Used to apply pellets as grain is going into storage

60 Pellet Dispenser in Use

61 Applying Fumigant to Aeration Ducts

62 Ventilator fans must be covered...
Sealing Ventilator fans must be covered...

63 Quality Preparation = Quality Fumigation
Sealing Quality Preparation = Quality Fumigation

64 Sealing Vents or doors that may give access to the inside of the silo/bin must be covered or taped...

65 Sealing The grain must be covered if you cannot seal off the vent system at the top of the silo / bin...

66 Plastic Cover

67 Recirculation Method Insures even distribution of fumigant
Workers do not have to enter bin/tank to apply fumigant Used for grains already in storage System installation can be either permanent or temporary Dosage rates can often be reduced

68 Recirculation Method

69 Permanent installation using PVC piping
Recirculation Method Permanent installation using PVC piping

70 Temporary installation using flexible plastic drainage pipe
Recirculation Method Temporary installation using flexible plastic drainage pipe

71 Temporary installation using flexible plastic drainage pipe
Recirculation Method Temporary installation using flexible plastic drainage pipe

72 Temporary installation using flexible plastic drainage pipe
Recirculation Method Temporary installation using flexible plastic drainage pipe

73 Recirculation Method Application being made from outside.
Note use of fall protection.

74 Aeration of Fumigated Commodities
No matter what application method is used, the fumigation is not complete until the site contains 0.3ppm or less of phosphine

75 Disposal Instructions

76 Spill & Leak Procedures

77 What if….. Contingency planning Be prepared for the unexpected

78 Don’t hesitate to ask for help from your fumigant supplier and/or manufacturer

79 If it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen
Documentation If it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen

80 Contact Us DEGESCH America, Inc.

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