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Dr. Efraim Idelevich MD, PhD, Dr. Efraim Idelevich MD, PhD, Gastrointestinal Oncology Unit Kaplan Medical Center RehovotIsrael June 2011 Multimodal Treatment.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Efraim Idelevich MD, PhD, Dr. Efraim Idelevich MD, PhD, Gastrointestinal Oncology Unit Kaplan Medical Center RehovotIsrael June 2011 Multimodal Treatment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Efraim Idelevich MD, PhD, Dr. Efraim Idelevich MD, PhD, Gastrointestinal Oncology Unit Kaplan Medical Center RehovotIsrael June 2011 Multimodal Treatment of Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases

2 COLORECTAL CANCER Worldwide incidence* *Incidence per 100,000 population. Parkin DM, et al. CA Cancer J Clin. 1999;49:33-64. Male39.8 Female29.0 Male25.3 Female18.5 Male39.5 Female24.6 Male45.8 Female34.8 Male5.0 Female3.8 Male6.0 Female4.2 Male11.2 Female 8.5 Male8.8 Female7.9 Male44.3 Female32.8 EasternEurope Japan Australia/ New Zealand South Central Asia NorthernAfrica SouthernAfrica CentralAmerica Western Europe Europe NorthAmerica Israel Male44.1 Female31.0

3 COLORECTAL CANCER 1930-1997 Age-adjusted death rate*, male, USA 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Year Lung & Bronchus Prostate Colon & Rectum 19301940195019601970198019901997 Rate per 100,000 Male Population Estimated incidence (% of all cancers in men): Prostate=31%; Lung & Bronchus=14%; Colon and rectum=10% *Adjusted to the age distribution of the 1970 census population. Greenlee RT, et al. CA Cancer J Clin. 2001;51:15-36.

4 COLORECTAL CANCER 1930-1997 Age-adjusted death rate*, female, USA Year 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Lung & Bronchus Colon & Rectum Breast 19301940195019601970198019901997 Rate per 100,000 Female Population Estimated 2001 incidence (% of all cancers in women): Breast=31%; Lung=13%; Colon and rectum=11% *Adjusted to the age distribution of the 1970 census population. Greenlee RT, et al. CA Cancer J Clin. 2001;51:15-36.

5 COLORECTAL CANCER Hamilton IM, Grem JL. Current Cancer Therapeutics. 3rd ed. 1998;157. Stage I15% Stage II20%–30% Stage III30%–40% Stage IV20%–25% Disease Stage at Time of Diagnosis

6 Metastatic carcinoma Carcinoma Abnormal production of cytokines Angiogenic switch Polyp Mutations in growth control genes Mutations in apoptosis control genes EGF

7 Stage IV Colon Cancer Group I Group II Group III Group IV Curable Potentially Symptomatic Asymptomatic disease curable non curable non curable disease disease disease disease disease disease !Non curable

8 EORTC, ASCO 2007



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