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01 Track 1.wma Chemical Bonding download this presentation from

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1 01 Track 1.wma Chemical Bonding download this presentation from

2 You should know all of this!!! 1. the structure of the first 20 elements 2. The special stability of the inert gases 3. Why the other elements take part in chemical reactions 4. The unreactive metals silver, gold and copper 5.The reactions of Group 1 and 7 elements

3 This morning we shall, 1. Find out about the two main types of chemical bonding 2. Start to write some chemical formulas (formulae)


5 The Periodic Table

6 Reactive Metals Non Metals Inert Gases Hydrogen Weak Metals Transition Metals F Block Metals Element Types

7 Group 7 The Halogens Reactive Non-metals 7 OE

8 Group 0 The Inert Gases DO NOT REACT Full Orbits

9 Group 1+ 2 metals Are the most reactive metals known 1 0r 2 OE

10 atomic + mass numbers electron arrangements and orbits The structures of the first 20 elements ???

11 Atom structures revised

12 Fluorine F 19 9 Cl F (2,7)

13 Potassium K K 39 19 (2,8,8,1)


15 Why do chemical reactions take place? The inert gases are completely stable and DO NOT take part in chemical reactions Atoms of other elements take part in chemical reactions so that they can become more stable. They would all like to have the same electron arrangements as the inert gases. They can do this by either transferring electrons completely or by sharing electrons

16 Types of chemical bonding.

17 Ionic Bonding This type of bonding will occur when a metal reacts with a non -metal It always involves a complete transfer of electrons  It always produces IONS (charged particles)

18 Mg O 12 protons 12 electrons 12 neutrons 8 protons 8 electrons 8 neutrons Mg atom oxygen atom no overall charge

19 Mg O The product particles 12 protons 10 electons 12 neutrons 8 protons 10 electrons 8 neutrons Magnesium ion oxide ion +2 charge -2 charge 1 Mg reacts with 1 O atom formula = MgO

20 Mg 12 protons 12 electrons 12 neutrons 9 protons 9 electrons 10 neutrons Mg atom fluorine atom no overall charge Cl F How will magnesium react with fluorine?

21 Mg 12 protons 12 electrons 12 neutrons 9 protons 9 electrons 10 neutrons Mg atom fluorine atom will become +2 will become -1 Cl F Two fluorine atoms are required Cl 1 Mg reacts with 2 F.............Formula = MgF2

22 View animation at 1 Na reacts with 1 Cl Formula = NaCl

23 How ionic substances like NaCl dissolve in water

24 Covalent Bonding This type of bonding will occur when a non- metal reacts with a non - metal Here both atoms will share electrons  It always produces molecules (particles with no charge)

25 H O H Water, the most important compound on the planet Contains two non- metals Both require electrons Both share! This is covalent bonding

26 H O H

27 H O H Covalent bonds here

28 HHH Ammonia N

29 HHH N

30 HHH N Contains 3 covalent bonds

31 In this section we will find out how to write chemical FORMULAE

32 Student guide to writing chemical formulae ;

33 Rules leading to correct formula Please copy into your exercise books 1. Positive ions (cations) can join to negative ions (anions) 2. Positive ions usually form the first part of the name (99% cases) 3. If the formula is correct there is no overall charge 4. If you have more than one polyatomic ion it is placed inside brackets

34 Essential training ions Positive ions (Cations) Negative ions (Anions) + 1 - 1 +2 - 2 +3 - 3 sodium Na potassium K hydrogen H lithium Li silver Ag fluoride F chloride Cl bromide Br hydroxide OH nitrate NO3 hydrogencarbonate HCO3 magnesium Mg calcium Ca barium Ba zinc Zn iron(11) Fe copper Cu carbonate CO3 oxide O sulphide S sulphate SO4 sulphite SO3 chromate CrO4 aluminium Al chromium Cr iron(111) Fe nitride N phosphate PO4 ammonium NH4

35 Chemical Formulae 1. CHARGES IONS NUMBERS FORMULA sodium fluoride Na F

36 Chemical Formulae 2. CHARGES IONS NUMBERS FORMULA magnesium fluoride Mg F

37 Chemical Formulae 3. CHARGES IONS NUMBERS FORMULA silver hydroxide Ag OH

38 Chemical Formulae 4. CHARGES IONS NUMBERS FORMULA calcium nitrate Ca NO3

39 Chemical Formulae 5. CHARGES IONS NUMBERS FORMULA ammonium carbonate

40 Chemical Formulae 6. CHARGES IONS NUMBERS FORMULA aluminium bromide

41 Chemical Formulae 7. CHARGES IONS NUMBERS FORMULA chromium sulphide


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