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TIA TECHNICAL COMMITTEE REPORT Anil Kripalani, Chair March 2003 Board Meeting Tab P.

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Presentation on theme: "TIA TECHNICAL COMMITTEE REPORT Anil Kripalani, Chair March 2003 Board Meeting Tab P."— Presentation transcript:

1 TIA TECHNICAL COMMITTEE REPORT Anil Kripalani, Chair March 2003 Board Meeting Tab P

2 Overview  Retrospective –Technical Committee Activities –Cost controls/right sizing, Standards load  Prospective –Emerging issues needing guidance or input

3 Technical Committee Activities  TIA endorsed ANSI National Standards Strategy  ANSI Audit scheduled for April 2003 –lower cost due to ANSI change in number of standards to be audited  IPR in standards area is becoming hot topic, again  TIA now Vice Chair of 3GPP2 Steering Committee –Chair passes to Japan –Managed budget to surplus  WLAN issues well underway –WLAN/cdma2000 ® interworking and coexistence with cordless. –Security issues worked by IEEE  Homeland Security taking more and more staff time

4 Cost Controls/Right Sizing  TIA Standards program “right sized” from 11 Engineering Committees down to 8  2002 Budget performance –S/T $544K under budget due to cost controls and reduced staff and travel –standards meeting hotel expenses $156K under budget –revenue for Non-Member fees $43K better than budget –standards revenue short $133K –dropped $610K to bottom line  Standards Statistics –Load more than doubled from 2001 (i.e., 280 vs 130 docs) –average development interval cut from 300 days to 190 days –accomplished with 3.5 less S/T personnel due to retirements and RIF

5 Emerging Issues  ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel (HSSP)  CALEA  UWC-136 Concerns  IPR in Standards Development  SDO litigation  Industry Priorities  Duplication of work  Priority of standards program if further TIA cuts necessary

6 ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel (HSSP) –Response to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) needs Original 8 Sectors (Presidential Decision Directive 63) now increased to 13 Sectors or Key Asset Areas –Cross-sector focus on needs and mapping to SDOs both within and outside of ANSI –Database of needs and existing/new standards –International outreach –State and Locals not standards-focused yet, HSSP a portal to standards information –HSSP Steering Committee: 8 Gov’t, 8 Companies, 8 ANSI SDOs, 8 non-ANSI SDOs, 4 at-large seats; ANSI Co-chair, Gov’t Co-chair, who also chair Panel itself = 38 total –TIA very involved in establishing HSSP, hosting 1 st Steering Committee meeting March 18, & TIA part of planning team

7 CALEA  J-STD-025B in work in TR-45 for packet technology inclusion  FBI/Telecordia Surveillance/VoIP meeting in January, to address new “son of punch list”  SCD/TR-34 Satellite CALEA review  Patriot Act II, increased surveillance?  ITU involvement in surveillance?  Need for CALEA Legal Summit? –In the past, TIA/USTA/CTIA have hosted –ATIS now considering (Ed Hall, ex-CTIA)  Related to Homeland Security  Can be expensive to resource; in the past, litigation

8 UWC-136 Standard Concerns  Concern : Attempt to use TIA Engineering Committee to bypass ITU IMT-2000 process –TIA’s reputation on the line at ITU  TIA history on IMT-2000 : –ITU invited technology proposals for IMT-2000 to meet performance criteria for 3G (144 kbps vehicular, 384 kbps pedestrian, 2Mbps fixed) –RTT proponent provided self-evaluation and RTTs were evaluated by 10 worldwide 3 rd party teams –TIA submitted 3 Radio Transmission Technologies (RTTs) cdma2000 ® actively supported in TR-45 and 3GPP2 UWC-136 supported in TR-45.3, WIMS, combined with UMTS and gone now –UWC-136 operators migrating to GSM and cdma2000 ® –GSM/GPRS standards not in TIA (3GPP, T1)  Contribution in TR-45.3 to make GSM/GPRS part of UWC-136 but with specs/standards from 3GPP/T1 Concern: GSM/GPRS do not meet IMT-2000 criteria

9 IPR in Standards Development  Continuing discussions in ITU-T over copyrighted software used in standards  Copyright erosion in Veeck case, consideration pending before Supreme Court  Copyright protection by licensing and doc-lock technology is hot area, DRM for standards  Trademarks in Standards is hot topic, commercial Trademarks vs. Trademarks of SDOs  Patented technology in standards; “related” patents vs “essential” patents; Rambus cases; FTC/DOJ hearings; TIA IPR WG is active. TIA to chair GSC IPR WG at GSC in Ottawa, end of April

10 SDO Litigation Issue  SDOs continue to be concerned about litigation  ANSI Task Force recommended some specific steps including legislative relief  There are specific “best practices”  Associations and SDOs are suing insurance companies to force indemnification or defense costs  Insurance exemptions or lack of coverage are also a problem  Standards Disclaimers being used more

11 TIA Priorities  GSC/RAST and other groups have had Priority Issues Lists for years  Technical Committee authorized a Survey to each Engineering Committee Chair to rank TIA priorities, which has been sent out, answers due March 17  Support for an “Industry’s Priorities” session at SUPERCOMM, with ATIS and other Trade Associations and Technical Groups, both domestic and international

12 Duplication of Work  TIA groups have been seeing an overt effort at ATIS to duplicate work already on-going at TIA while at same time, having ATIS Chair claim “too many groups are doing the same thing!”  More than 2/3 of Committee T1 members are TIA members (T1 now down to about 65 members)  More than 50% of ATIS Board seats are held by TIA members  Senior management should direct non-duplication of work COVERED

13 Priority of Standards Work at TIA  In the past, TIA standards program was ranked #1 priority at TIA (Board and Membership Surveys)  S/T SDO staff now down to 9.5 FTE, (down 30%) last year, while load increased, intervals became shorter  Need guidance on priority of standards if TIA fiscal goals are not met, what committees, projects, etc., should get resources or should cuts be taken in other areas of TIA?

14 Questions?

15 Industry Priorities  In November BOD we discussed ATIS’s stated top 18 priorities from new ATIS Technical Operations Council (TOPS Council) with first 5 deemed “critical”: –1. VoIP –2. Wide Area Ethernet –3. Mobile Wireless Services –4. Security Issues (network security, 802.11 security, IP network security) –5. Data Interchange (billing)

16 ATIS/T1 Priorities  Other ATIS priority issues: –Optical Networks –DSL Evolution –Wireless Evolution –IP Telecom Network Management –Reliability Measurements –Wide Area Storage –Numbering –Emergency Telecommunications Services for IP –CALEA –E911 Evolution –Priority Access (NOTE list only totals 16) (NOTE list only totals 16)

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