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Geoffrey George, Charles Gutierrez Miguel Nze, Matt Malacara, Brandon Rangel, Juan Urquidi, Alex Valdez Robert E. Lee High School/S.T.E.M. RAM Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "Geoffrey George, Charles Gutierrez Miguel Nze, Matt Malacara, Brandon Rangel, Juan Urquidi, Alex Valdez Robert E. Lee High School/S.T.E.M. RAM Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geoffrey George, Charles Gutierrez Miguel Nze, Matt Malacara, Brandon Rangel, Juan Urquidi, Alex Valdez Robert E. Lee High School/S.T.E.M. RAM Academy San Antonio, Texas

2 Project Selection  We looked through the topics and discussed which one we all had an interest in.  When we got down to three we did our research and found which one had the most resources available.  After about a week of research we came to a consensus about our topic.

3 Topic of Study  Categorize lunar impact craters 30km(±4km) in diameter as either Primary or Secondary based upon crater depth, diameter, and regional surroundings

4 Background Info  Morphology  Primary vs. Secondary  Crater counting

5 Primary Data Gathering  Gathered crater information (Identity, Diameter, Longitude & Latitude)  Compiled and documented craters that ranged from 26 – 34 kilometers.  Made use of Google Earth’s Moon feature to collect pictures of all the craters registered.

6 Detailed Data gathering  Examined Crater Region for similar sized impact sites  Calculated a ratio between given Depth and Diameter  Looked for trends between separate sets of data  Predicted Crater type upon the look of the Impact region against the Depth-Diameter Ratio

7 Data Crater Name: Lambert Location: 25.80°N 21.00°W Depth/Diameter Ratio:.09 Depth: 2.7km Diameter: 30km Regional Appearance; Crater is surrounded by many miniscule craters, Crater appears to have a complex inner geography Link to full spreadsheet:

8 Data Spreadsheet

9 Conclusion  Currently our team lacks sufficient amounts of data to come to determine any sort of trend between the Depth/Diameter Ratio and the appearance of the crater region to determine the classification of the impact sites.

10 Future Studies  Continue to gather data concerning crater depth and diameter  Possibly expand set of data to include; Crater age, edge slope, and temperature  Build up a website to exhibit set of craters coupled with their related information

11 References  Google Earth  Map-A-Planet  USGS Map-a-Planet: Explore the Earth's Moon. (n.d.). USGS Astrogeology: Map-a-Planet. Retrieved March 24, 2011, from  Lunar Republic  The Moon - Official Website Of Luna - Luna Society. (n.d.).The Moon - Official Website Of Luna - Luna Society. Retrieved March 24, 2011, from

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