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RF particle acceleration Kyrre N. Sjøbæk * FYS 4550 / FYS 9550 – Experimental high energy physics University of Oslo, 26/9/2013 *k.n.sjobak(at)

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Presentation on theme: "RF particle acceleration Kyrre N. Sjøbæk * FYS 4550 / FYS 9550 – Experimental high energy physics University of Oslo, 26/9/2013 *k.n.sjobak(at)"— Presentation transcript:

1 RF particle acceleration Kyrre N. Sjøbæk * FYS 4550 / FYS 9550 – Experimental high energy physics University of Oslo, 26/9/2013 *k.n.sjobak(at) CERN & University of Oslo RF structure Particles Microwaves

2 Outline Accelerating a charged particle beam  DC/RF RF acceleration details Types of RF accelerating structures  Alvarez Drift Tube Linac (DTL)  Traveling wave Wakefields Microwave power production Longitudinal dynamics in circular accelerators

3 Accelerating charged particles Forces of nature:  Gravity – TO WEAK  Strong & weak nuclear force – SHORT RANGE  Electromagnetic – OK! SteeringAcceleration Typical values in particle accelerators:  v = c = 3*10 8 m/s, q = e = 1.6*10 -19 Coulomb  E = 100 MV/m (CLIC accelerator structure) => F E = 1.6*10 -11 N  B = 8 Tesla (LHC dipole) => F B = 3.84*10 -10 N Only E can do work: P = v F => Use electric field E FEFE q B FBFB

4 Applying the electric field Constant voltage (DC)  Used in Van de Graaff generators, electron tubes, and first stages of accelerators  Energy = q*V  Can't go to very high energies High voltages creates sparks =>Maximum some MegaVolts Circular accelerators not possible DC RF

5 Applying the electric field – RF Time-varying field (RF)  Less chance of sparks  Can go to high energies AmplitudeOscillation Phase To get acceleration: Synchronize particles with field Manipulate A(z) and φ(z) Injection phase Important quantities:  Cavity voltage  Average gradient Injection time Particle traveling along the z axis

6 Pillbox cavity Circular cavity with constant radius A(z), φ(z) constant Theoretical cavity: No openings for power or beam Similar to many standing-wave cavities Electric field in pillbox as function of time and position (fundamental oscillation mode TM 010 )

7 Pillbox cavity – field profile A(z) = 1 V/m, φ(z) = 0, θ = -60° f = 1 GHz, L = 0.1 m, v = c V ≈ 0.083 V, E acc = 0.83 V/m Blue line: E z (z) at given time Red line: Particle position at given time (optimal injection phase) Field seen by particle at different injection phases θ

8 Pillbox cavity – injection phase Ideal (max energy gain) Late Early Max energy loss

9 Alvarez Drift Tube Linac (DTL) Long “pillbox” resonator Hollow cylinders where the particles “hides” while field reverses Often used in for low energies E = 0 inside drift tubes E α sin(ωt) in gaps CERN Linac 4 DTL prototype Increasing period as particle accelerates

10 Alvarez Drift Tube Linac (DTL) A=1 V/m (outside drift tubes), 0 V/m inside φ=0, θ=-90° L cell = 0.5 m, f = 600 MHz, v = c V ≈ 0.64 V, E acc = 0.32 V/m Blue line: E z (z) at given time Red line: Particle position at given time Linac 1 DTL at CERN

11 Electric field given as Phase velocity: Need to synchronize velocities: v ph = v particle Inject at correct phase λ = 30 cm => v ph = c E acc = A(z) λ = 60 cm => v ph = 3*c Remember: k = 2π/λ (wavenumber / spatial angular frequency) ω = 2πf (angular time frequency) f = 1 GHz, A = 1 V/m, v particle = c Traveling wave acceleration

12 Synchronized traveling waves EM waves in free space:  v ph = c  E and B perp., E z =0 Smooth wave guide:  Wave reflected by side walls  V ph > c  Can have E z Periodically loaded wave guide:  Wave reflected by side walls and loading  Design for wanted k and frequency => v ph  Can have E z Animations by Erk Jensen Field in free space + = Field in smooth waveguide

13 Periodically loaded waveguide Disc loaded waveguide Traveling wave reflected by disks Used at high-energy linear accelerators RF in Beam in Accelerating structure Period d Main parameters: Frequency Period d Beam in RF in RF out Phase advance/period Number of periods RF out Beam out

14 Periodically loaded waveguide SLAC SLC structure, 2.856 GHz CLIC damped structure, 11.9942 GHz

15 Periodically loaded waveguide Structure: CLIC_G middle cell, repeated 6 times f = 11.9942 GHz d = 8.3037 mm Ψ = 120° v = v ph = c Dashed lines: disc loads (“Irises”)

16 Wake fields: Beam-field interaction Acceleration => energy transfer from field → particle Field amplitude decreased Particle “leaving behind” electromagnetic wake field, Interferes destructively with accelerating field Beam loading

17 Powering accelerator structures: Klystrons (the conventional way) Klystron tube: narrowband microwave amplifier  Amplification: ~100 W -> 10 MW  Input voltage: ~100 kV Most efficient at long pulses, ~1 GHz frequencies Complex devices with limited lifetime P u ls e d d e vi c e s From

18 Powering accelerator structures: Drive beam (the CLIC way) Decelerate “drive beam”, extract energy from beam to microwaves  Drive beam: 12 GHz high current / low energy beam Deceleration by wakefield in “PETS” structures Works efficiently at high power, high frequency, short pulses “Beam transformer”


20 Circular accelerators: (synchrotrons) Sends beam on a repeating orbit Re-using RF cavities Energy limited by  Bending magnet strength  Synchrotron radiation Beam must be synchronous with RF RF h = harmonic number (integer)

21 Synchrotron longitudinal dynamics Accelerate bunches of particles  Spread in energy  Spread in position z => Arrival at different times to RF cavities Two competing processes (1)High energy particles go faster (2)High energy particles larger bending radius => Travel longer Δθ = 0 Late Early V0V0 LHC: 10 11 protons/bunch Stabilizing mechanism: Low energy => more acceleration; high energy => less acceleration Low energies High energies

22 Summary Particle acceleration using electric field Create & store field in RF resonators Need to synchronize particle “bunches” with RF phase Cavity voltage: RF longitudinal stability forces the particles to stay inside their bucket ?? QUESTIONS ??

23 Backup

24 More RF accelerator types: Widerøe linac Apply alternating field to array of electrodes Electric field between electrodes accelerates particles Synchronicity: Large losses due to RF radiation Used for low-velocity structures

25 Wake fields Two types:  Longitudinal: Accelerates / decelerates beam  Transverse: Kicks beam sideways Structures have multiple modes of oscillation  Different modes have different frequencies  Can be exited by frequency content of beam (shorter bunches => higher frequencies) Energy in wake field can heat up equipment inside vacuum chamber  Wakes produced wherever the vacuum chamber is changing cross-section Longitudinal Transverse

26 Wake fields (long+trans)

27 Damping wave guides (extended)

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