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FEDERAL ASSEMBLY Two chambers: The Federation Council – represents units of the RF The State Duma – represents individuals.

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Presentation on theme: "FEDERAL ASSEMBLY Two chambers: The Federation Council – represents units of the RF The State Duma – represents individuals."— Presentation transcript:

1 FEDERAL ASSEMBLY Two chambers: The Federation Council – represents units of the RF The State Duma – represents individuals

2 The Chamber of Regions Appointment by federal government (no formal consultation) (e.g. Canada 1867, Malaysia 40% of seats) Appointment by federal government based on nominations by provincial governments (e.g. Canada, Meech Lake Accord proposal) Appointment ex officio by state governments (e.g. Germany) Indirect election by state legislatures (e.g. USA 1789-1912, India, Malaysia 60% of seats, Austria) Direct election by simple plurality (e.g. USA since 1913) Direct election by proportional representation (e.g. Switzerland de facto, Australia) Choice of method left to cantons (e.g. Switzerland) Mixed (e.g. Malaysia, Belgium, Spain)

3 The Chamber of Regions Equal regional representation (e.g. USA, Australia, and 60% of Malaysian senate) Two categories of cantonal representation (e.g. Switzerland) Weighted state voting:four categories (e.g. Germany) Weighted state representation: multiple categories (e.g. Austria, India) Additional or special representation for others including aboriginals (e.g. Malaysia, India) A minority of regional representatives (e.g. Belgium, Spain)

4 FEDERAL ASSEMBLY Article 95 1)The Federal Assembly consists of two chambers - the Federation Council and the State Duma. 2) The Federation Council consists of two representatives from each component of the Russian Federation; one each from the representatives and executive organs of State power. Article 96 2) The procedure for composing the Federation Council and the procedure for electing deputies of the State Duma are established by federal laws.

5 Article 102 1) The jurisdiction of the Federation Council includes: a. confirming alterations to borders between components of the Russian Federation b. confirming an edict of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law; c. confirming an edict of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of a state of emergency; d. deciding the question of the possibility of the utilization of Russian Federation armed forces outside the borders of the territory of the Russian Federation; e. scheduling elections for the President of the Russian Federation; f. removing the President of the Russian Federation from office; g. appointing justices of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Superior Court of Arbitration of the Russian Federation; h. appointing and removing from office the General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation; i. appointing and removing from office the Deputy Chairman of the Comptrollers Office and half of its staff of auditors. 2) The Federation Council adopts decrees on matters designated as its area of responsibility by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

6 Article 106 Liable to obligatory consideration by the Council of the Federation shall be the federal laws adopted by the State Duma on the following issues: federal budget; federal taxes and dues; financial, currency, credit, customs regulation, and money issue; ratification and denunciation of international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation; the status and protection of the state border of the Russian Federation; peace and war. Article 108 1. Federal constitutional laws shall be adopted on the issues envisaged by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. 2. A federal constitutional law shall be considered to be adopted, if it is approved by not less than three fourths of the total number of the members of the Council of the Federation and not less than two thirds of the total number of the deputies of the State Duma. The adopted federal constitutional law shall be signed by the President of the Russian Federation in fourteen days and made public.

7 1993 -1995 The Federation Council was elected directly by the population on 12 December 1993 for a two year period, and met from 11 January 1994 to 15 January 1996. The concrete mechanism for forming the Federation Council from representatives of regional organs of power had to be set by federal law. DRAFTS FOR FUTURE Duma’s draft - direct alternative elections from candidates nominated by the regional organs of power - was vetoed by the President. Presidential draft - provided for each organ of power to select a representative from its own membership – rejected by Duma. A compromise settlement (on 5 December 1995).

8 1996-2000 The Federation Council had two representatives from each subject of the Russian Federation: the head of the legislative (representative) branch and head of the executive branch, ex officio. Bicameral local legislatures selected their representative by a joint decision of both chambers. The composition of the Federation Council changed gradually, as leaders in subjects of the federation turn over after elections.

9 Since 2001 Representatives of executive bodies from each subject of the Russian Federation are appointed to the Federation Council by higher officials of the subjects of Federation (leaders of higher executive bodies of state authorities of the subjects of Federation) for the term of office. Members of the Federation Council as representatives of legislative (representative) body are elected by this body for the term of commission of the above mentioned body. All the members of the Federation Council work on permanent basis.

10 COMPOSITION OF THE FEDERATION COUNCIL (2005) Previously lived in the subject of the RF they represent – 52% Women – 5,6% Recalled before the end of their term 32% (17 members of the CF – without any explanation) Previously worked in: Public administration – 56% Business – 29,1% Military – 10,3%

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