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SPX - Technical Integration WBS 1.03.03 Ali Nassiri RF Group Leader SPX Technical Lead Accelerator Systems Division DOE CD-2 Review of APS-U 4-6 December.

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Presentation on theme: "SPX - Technical Integration WBS 1.03.03 Ali Nassiri RF Group Leader SPX Technical Lead Accelerator Systems Division DOE CD-2 Review of APS-U 4-6 December."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPX - Technical Integration WBS 1.03.03 Ali Nassiri RF Group Leader SPX Technical Lead Accelerator Systems Division DOE CD-2 Review of APS-U 4-6 December 2012

2 Outline  Scope  Org Chart  Goals and Requirements  Design  Technical challenges  Integrated R&D plan  Technical risks  Responses to previous reviews recommendations  ES&H  Summary 2 DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

3 Symmetric 150 mA in 24 bunches 153 ns spacing SPX Goal  Provide a short-pulse x-ray system (SPX) delivering few pico-second x-ray pluses to the APS users. This system is based on superconducting RF deflecting cavities operated in continuous-wave mode. –Up to 4 ID and 2 BM beam lines, operation in 24 singlets mode  This system must meet several operational requirements: — Minimize frequency of interruption of user experiments with the deflecting cavities —Be transparent to the storage ring operation with beam when the power to the deflecting cavities is off, cavities detuned and parked at other than 2 K 3 Cav ID BM Long straight section 5 ID (8 meters long) Long straight section 7 ID ( 8 meters long) Normal straight section 6 ID ( 5 meters long) Cryomodule length: ~ 3meters HOM Damper Input Coupler LOM Damper Sector 5 Sector 7 Girder 5 Sector 7 LSS Layout Revolver undulator Long taper transition Gate valveBellows SPX cryomodule Girder 1 X-ray Stored beam DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

4 SPX Main Parameters 4 ParameterSPX Beam current150 mA RF frequency2815 MHz Cavity deflecting voltage0.5 MV Total RF deflecting voltage per cryomodule2 MV No. of cavities4 ( per cryomodule) No. of cryomodule2 Cavity tunability  200 kHz a Source tunability  5 kHz b Operating temperature2 K a To cover more than on SR revolution harmonic b To allow for reasonable range of SR circumference change base on experimental studies of new APS lattices DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

5 SPX Technical Systems  Two cryomodules with four superconducting rf deflecting cavities in each cryomodule. Each cavity is equipped with a mechanical/piezo tuner, a fundamental frequency power coupler and lower- higher-order-mode waveguide dampers.  Eight 10-kW rf amplifiers operated in continuous wave mode  Eight low-level rf controllers, one per cavity, to independently regulate and control each cavity field  Fiber-based highly-stable phase reference lines distribution for timing and synchronization to LLRF, beam-line lasers and storage ring main rf frequency.  Diagnostics for inside and outside of the SPX zones.  Controls system to provide remote monitoring and control to all SPX subsystems, interfaces to other APS systems, real-time data processing and thorough diagnostic information and tools for faults troubleshooting and postmortem analysis.  Safety interlock system including personnel protection interlocks and access control interlock  A cryoplant with the design capacity of 320 W at 2K and 500 W at 4.5K  Deionized water system distribution 5 DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

6 6 Stability Threshold Monopole stability threshold Horizontal dipole Vertical dipole Dipole Stability Threshold Stability Threshold SPX Cavity Longitudinal and Transverse Impedance Dipole impedance in vertical (deflecting) direction (  /m) Dipole impedance in horizontal direction (  /m) DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

7 RF Distribution Topology  Narrow-band cavities make it difficult to do vector-sum of cavities because of potential large fluctuation of cavities fields due to microphonics. One rf source per cavity mitigates this problem. DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 7 Centralized (it is not desirable) One rf source/cavity SPX Baseline

8 RF Transmitter Configuration DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 8 Master Oscillator LLRF Driver Ampl Power Ampl Waveguide Circulator Deflecting Cavity Power Supply/modulator Aux. Controls o Phase/ Ampl loops o Cavity tuning loop o Interlocks Small for SC cavities Large for NC cavities ~ 20% to 30%~ 30 to 40% Due to beam offset (  ) P RF = P Beam loading + P Cavity detuning + P Cavity loss + P WG loss + P Overhead  0 +  m

9 DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 9 Beam current = 150mABeam sigma = 40psec 5 kW source Common mode phase error = 0 10 KW source Beam vertical tilt = 0 (Vt > 0, offset > 0) (Vt < 0, offset < 0) QLQL Detuning delta-f [Hz] Static Cavity Phase Error due to Detuning [deg] Vertical misalignment [um] Cavity Input Power Pg [KW] Source Power (1dB wg loss, 20% overhead) [KW] Source Power (1dB wg loss, 40% overhead) [KW] 1E+060001.742.633.07 1E+06005002.714.104.78 1E+06200801.782.683.13 1E+0620085002.754.15 4.85 1E+0610003502.643.984.65 1E+061000355003.615.45 6.36 2E+060000.881.331.55 2E+06005001.962.963.45 2E+062001600.951.441.68 2E+06200165002.033.07 3.58 2E+0610005502.664.014.68 2E+061000555003.735.64 6.58 3E+060000.590.891.04 3E+06005001.772.683.13 3E+062002300.701.051.22 3E+06200235001.882.84 3.31 3E+0610006503.254.905.72 3E+061000655004.436.69 7.81

10 Summary of SPX Cavity RF Power Requirement  SPX deflecting cavity input RF power is between 2.75 kW to 4.43 kW.  Taking into account a 1dB waveguide loss and a 40% RF power overhead, the required RF power varies between 4. 85 kW to 7.81 kW.  SPX preliminary design calls for 10-kW, 2815-MHz CW klystron-based RF transmitter which is currently in the APS-U SPX baseline.  In response to a recommendation by the CD-2 Director’s Review Committee, we will have several opportunities to measure cavities microphonics culminating in SPX0 system in-ring test in 2014 to determine if the required RF power level could be reduced.  We will consider solid-state RF amplifiers for the SPX defecting cavities if the required cavity input power ( including a 40% overhead) is 5-kW or less.  Since the minimal required RF peak power is directly proportional to the maximum peak detuning, we need to have a good and realistic estimate of the peak cavity detuning when determining the required RF peak power.  If the installed RF power is not adequate, the RF transmitter will run against its maximum output power, which would likely result in cavity trip each time the cavity detuning exceeds the estimated peak detuning. DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 10

11 Technical Systems – High Level RF  Deliver sufficient rf power to eight rf deflecting cavities ( two cryomodules, four cavities per cryomodule). Cavities are operated at 2815 MHz at a nominal 0.5 MV per cavity.  SPX baseline design consists of eight 10-KW CW klystron amplifiers  Required rf power level will be reevaluated once microphonics of “dressed” cavity and SPX0 cryomodule are measured. 11 Technical Systems – Low Level RF  Regulate and control individual cavity amplitude and phase of the cavity fields  The LLRF system is partitioned into two separate sector-level LLRF system –Four individual LLRF controllers See Doug Horan’s talk See Larry Doolittle’s talk DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

12 Technical Systems – Cavities and Cryomodules  Deflecting cavities will operate cw at 2815 MHz, using the TM 110 cavity mode to produce a head-tail chirp of the beam  Mark II cavity with horizontal waveguide damper on the cavity body utilizes a “dogbone”- shape coupling iris for enhanced damping  The cavity design was guided by various beam-interaction requirements, including single-bunch current limit and coupled- bunch instabilities  Cavity design meets SPX storage ring stabilities threshold limits 12 See Genfa Wu’s and John Mammosser’s talks LOM damper HOM damper FPC QuantityValueUnit Frequency2815MHz 1  10 9 0.5MV Stored energy0.38J Loss factor,0.28V/pC 18.6  E peak 41MV/m B peak 100mT P loss @ = 10 9 7W I beam = 150 mA DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

13 Technical Systems – Dampers  SPX requires eight deflecting cavities with a total of 16 HOM dampers and 8 LOM dampers  Rf windows are used for LOM and FPC  HOM damper is broadband (~ 2.5 GHz - ~8 GHz)  HOM dampers and cavity have common vacuum 13 HOM waveguide LOM waveguide FPC waveguide Beam induced losses through waveguide ports FPC: 160 W LOM: 1.53 kW HOM: 265 W Beam pipe: ~ 15W k || = 0.367 V/pC (σ = 10mm). See Geoff Waldschmidt’s talk DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

14 SPX Cryomodule Estimated Heat Load Component @2K ( W) StaticDynamicTotal Cavity ( 4) 32 HOM (8)3.0413.5216.56 LOM (4)5.440.846.28 PFC (4)4.561.886.44 Beam tubes0.600.701.30 Static cryostat estimate18.0 Total31.6448.9480.58 DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 14

15 SPX Cryogenic System  Cryogenic plant and distribution system –Provides helium at 300 kPa, 4.6 K to the distribution system –The helium is cooled to 2.2 K within each cryomodule by heat exchanger with the 2.0K saturated vapor return stream –The 2.2K, 300 kPa supply is throttled to 2.00K, 3.13 kPa and supplied to the cavities  Cryoplants typically sized for 100% design margin –SPX total heat load per cryomodule is estimated at ~80W –Two (2) cryomodules –SPX production design head load is estimated at 160 W –LHe ( 2.0K) refrigerator is sized for 320 W DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 15 QuantityCapacitySystem Refrigeration @2.0K ( static + dynamic)160 WTwo cryomodules ( 4 cavities/each Refrigeration @4.5K (static)500 WDistribution and thermal intercept head loads Thermal shied cooling @80K (static)4 kWLN2

16 Machine Protection Considerations  Protection of SPX rf system hardware from excessive beam-generated rf power is required.  For machine projection considerations, the beam generated cavity voltage was calculated for pure beam offsets with zero cavity detuning as a function of Q ext. 16 DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

17 17 Technical Systems – Timing/Synchronization  Provide stable phase references needed to drive deflecting cavities and measure the effects on the electron beam both inside and outside of the SPX zones  Provide stable phase reference to sector beam lines lasers for synchronization to the x-ray beam pulses See Frank Lenkszus’ talk ParameterRms tolerance Bandwidth Common-mode phase variation < 10°0.01 Hz – 271 kHz Phase mismatch between cavities < 0.038° < 0.077 ° < 0.280 ° 0.01 Hz – 200 Hz 0.01 Hz – 1kHz 1 kHz – 271 kHz Beam line laser synchronization to x-ray pulse < 270 fs0.01 Hz – 1 kHz Key Specifications Technical Systems – Controls  Integrate SPX system with existing APS storage ring controls, timing and diagnostics  Provide remote monitoring, control, interfaces, real-time data processing environment and diagnostics information and tools for troubleshooting and postmortem fault analysis DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 See Ned Arnold’s talk

18 Technical Systems – Diagnostics Inside the SPX zone (Sectors 6 and 7):  Provide transverse beam-centroid coordination so the electron bunch can be put through the cryomodules close to the center of the cavities.  Provide beam-position readbacks at both end of 6-ID chamber. (16 existing BPMs, 6 new)  Quantify the effect of the deflecting cavities by measuring the beam tilt angle at a location downstream of the first cryomodule. (One rf tilt monitor) External to SPX zone:  Measure the beam arrival time with respect to a phase reference and provide this information to a real-time data network for use in the low-level rf controls of the deflecting cavities. (One rf BAT monitor, two rf tilt monitors)  Measure residual emittance increase ( mostly in vertical plan). Use vertical beam-size monitor located at a specific vertical betatron phase relative to the cavities. (One beam size monitor)  Use existing beam position monitors to assure minimal impact of SPX on non-SPX beam lines.  Real-time feed back system upgrade provides significant improvements –Access to phase detectors beam tilt monitors supporting SPX –Interfaced to main and SPX low-level RF (LLRF) systems –3 db BW > 200 Hz ( correctors only), 1 kHz with LLRF feedback 18 DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

19 Technical Systems – Safety Interlock System  Safety Interlock System comprised of Personnel Protection Interlocks (PPI) and Access Control Interlock System (ACIS).  PPI will address potential hazards to personnel from SPX rf system hardware including rf radiation leakage from open waveguide flanges, contact with high-voltage conductors and exposure to ionizing radiation generated by the klystrons.  The SPX ACIS will include all hardware, software and control system to interface between the storage ring access control interlock system (SR ACIS) and the SPX ACIS. The SR ACIS will issue a permit signal to SPX ACIS only when the SR Zone A is in Beam Permit mode. 19 SPX ACIS functional relationship to other ACISs DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

20 Technical Challenges  Timing and synchronization –Meeting differential mode phase tolerance to keep rms beam motion outside of SPX under beam stability requirements –Maintaining stability of ~ 20 fs rms over 0.1 Hz- 1 kHz for phase reference distribution  Cavity and cryomodule –Operating margin for cavity deflecting voltage and Q –Multi-cavity alignment –Performance of low-loss unshielded intra-cavity bellows –Microphonics compensation on fast time scale  Dampers –Fabrication consistency of SiC tiles to eliminate fracturing –Keeping particulates low ( HOM dampers) –Managing dampers heat load under off-normal conditions Preventing water freezing in case of total power loss 20 DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

21 Ongoing R&D in Support of SPX Final Design  SPX R&D Goals –Validate SPX concept, critical technologies and mitigate technical risks –Gain experience in design and operation of SCRF system –Demonstrate that SPX system is transparent to the storage ring operation with “parked” cavities –Test and evaluate deflecting cavities, components rf performances  Cavities and cryomodule – collaboration with JLab –Fabrication of Mark II cavities and supporting components –Test and measurement of single cavity in vertical cryostat –Test and measurement of a dressed cavity in horizontal cryostat –Dampers fabrication and high-power tests –Testing of low-impedance unshielded bellows  High power rf system –Assembling two 5-kW/2815 GHz rf amplifiers to support SPX0 cavities power and in-ring tests.  LLRF –One LLRF4 system is on hand (developed in collaboration with LBNL). It will be used to support cavity horizontal test at ANL-PHY ATLAS facility  Timing/synchronization –Collaboration with LBNL to apply their femtosecond timing/synchronization system –Demonstrate stable phase reference to LLRF 21 DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

22 Integrated R&D Plan DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 22 Cavity Fabrication Chemistry Vertical Test Horizontal Test @ANL Tuner Fabrication Assembly Stack test Ready for cavity Cavity/tuner assembly “ dressed cavity” HLRF 5-kW Amplifier Assembly (2) Test with RF load Check Interlocks 1 st 5-kWAmplifier Ready for cavity test LLRF Qualified Test with High-Q Emulators Test with RF load LLRF Ready for cavity test SPX0 Cavity/tuner Qualified Damper HOM dampers tests SiC material test RF power tests Dampers WG design LOM damper testRF power test Thermal test HOM Prototype Assembly Deliver 4 units to JLAB LOM Assembly Complete Test& Qualification Deliver 2 units to JLAB Dampers WG Fabrication SPX0 Cryomodule Fabrication for 2-cavity @JLab FPC Window and WG RF design Thermal/Mechanical design Fabrication/Test /Qualification Alignment Design Fixturing Bench Test Ready for SPX0 cryomodule Test& Qualification Finish SPX Final Design Cryomodule test and qualification @JLab 2 nd 5-kW Amplifier shipped to JLAB Cryomodule test @ANL SPX0 Cryomodule ready for ring installation Install SPX0 and test with beam Sept. 2015 Apr. 2014 Oct. 2014 Complete SPX0 testing Jan. 2015March 2013 Sept. 2012 Jan. 2014 Dec. 2012 Dec. 2013 March 2014

23 Summary of SPX Technical Risks  Cavity gradient and Q 0 degradation –Reduce cavity operating field –Explore in-situ processing –Use electro-polishing and other processing methods  Excessive microphonics –Measure microphonics in horizontal test and in in-ring test –Measure vibration source(s) and their transfer function between cavity and source(s)  2K/80K heat load is excessive –Develop 5K head shield –Use horizontal test and SPX0 cryomodule test to find the high heat load location and redesign the thermal shield and interceptor  Inter-cavity bellows fail –Extensive test of bellows offline –Develop alternative shielded bellows with low particulates generation  Cavity alignment out of specs –Develop external mechanical alignment for cavities string  Possible damper material failure and excessive particulates –Conducting extensive tests at SPX RF test stand 23 DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

24 Summary of SPX Technical Risks(cont.)  Power amplifier too small to maintain control of cavities fields to specified beam orbit offset –Baseline design is a 10kW klystron-based RF transmitter with 40% overhead. We will reassess RF power requirement during SPX0 in-ring test.  Fast rf interlocks cannot prevent damage to cavities caused by beam –generated rf power –Evaluate in in-ring test –Confirm adequate response time for beam abort interlock  Timing and synchronization  Cannot meet long term common mode or differential mode phase specs –Use beam-based feedback from storage ring BPMs to LLRF phase to compensate –Use Beam Arrival Time (BAT) monitor for beam arrival time (common mode) errors  Cannot meet long term user beam line synchronization specs –Use feed forward from upstream cavity phase to beam line laser phase to compensate  Unknown perturbations (beam loading, microphonics and environmental EMI) –Collect data during the development phase. Work with other systems developers to minimize these perturbations as much as possible. 24 DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

25 Summary of SPX Technical Risks (cont.)  Uncertainty in cavity/cryomodule heat load (not really a cryogenic systems risk, but the biggest risk element in terms of being able to cool the cavities) –Allow adequate system margin  Cryoplant performance fails to meet spec –Thoroughly reviewed, mature plant design, commissioning strategy including vendor participation and system margin.  Operational reliability uncertainty (contamination, rotating machinery failure, etc) – Mature plant design, implementation of proven purification technology, use of mature subcomponent designs (expanders, compressors, heat exchangers), redundant components/hot spares, and anticipated maintenance partnerships with other laboratories (Fermilab, JLab). 25 DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

26 Post CD-1 SPX Technical Reviews 26 SPX Cavity Helium Vessel, Tuner and Cavity Down Select August 30-31, 2011 Engineering Specification Document Review of SPX Cryogenic Refrigeration February 23-24, 2012 Machine Advisory Committee (MAC)May 1-2 2012 SPX0 CryomoduleJune 6-7, 2012 SPX R&D (SPX0)August 23-24, 2012 ANL Director’s CD-2 ReviewSeptember 11-13, 2012 DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

27 SPX ES&H 27  Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) –APS-U Project following Argonne’s ISMS program requirements –Argonne Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) Description recently revised and submitted to DOE ASO Describes framework for integrating ESH requirements with mission objectives References Argonne LMS procedures which implement specific portions of the ISMS  Identify General Safeguards and Security Requirements –APS-U Project required to follow Argonne’s Operations Security Program (OPSEC) Master Plan  Ionizing radiation, non-ionizing and electrical hazards will be addressed in accordance with ANL rules, procedures and guidelines.  Oxygen deficiency hazards are been analyzed.  Pressure safety is being addressed.  New hazards will be examined and reviewed in accordance with ANL rules, procedures and guidelines per ISMS. DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

28 Summary  Conceptual design of SPX technical systems is complete.  SPX Physics Requirements Document (PRD) is complete and signed off.  SPX Engineering Design Specifications (ESDs) and Interface Control Documents (ICDs) are drafted.  SPX preliminary design is progressing well.  Technical challenges have been identified and are being addressed in the R&D phase in collaboration with JLab and LBNL.  Integration and commissioning plans are being developed.  Safety is integrated into our work planning, test and commissioning.  We are ready for CD2. DOE CD-2 Review of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012 28

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