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Office of Compliance and Enforcement Ramiro Garcia, Jr. Deputy Director.

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1 Office of Compliance and Enforcement Ramiro Garcia, Jr. Deputy Director

2 OCE Mission Programs within OCE take swift action that is fair, sensible and responsive to the needs of the citizens of Texas  To protect human health and the environment by ensuring compliance with state and federal regulations  To promote voluntary compliance through a comprehensive program of regional investigations, technical assistance and outreach, environmental monitoring and appropriate enforcement  To prevent, protect, respond to and recover from natural and manmade disasters


4 OCE Staff Resource Distribution

5 OCE’s Critical Functions  Conduct compliance investigations (FY14 – 103,006)  Investigate complaints (FY14 – 4,273)  Emission Events Reported/Reviewed (FY14 – 4,987)  Notices of Violation Issued (FY14 – 15,865)  Enforcement Orders Issued (FY14 – 1,708)  Conduct ambient monitoring of air, surface water and public drinking water  Emergency response to incidents

6 North Central and West Texas Area Randy Ammons (806-796-7613) Central Texas Area Susan Jablonski (512-239-6731) Coastal and East Texas Area Kelly Keel Linden (512-239-3607) Border and Permian Basin Area David Ramirez (956-430-6048)

7 OCE Compliance Investigations  TCEQ performs regularly scheduled and on-demand investigations state-wide to address the following:  Meet state and federal performance measures;  Respond to citizen complaints;  Address referrals from another governmental entity;  Respond to an emergency; or  Conduct special initiative  TCEQ investigations are categorized by media:  Waste  Air  Water  Emergency Response

8 Waste Investigations: Petroleum Storage Tanks (PSTs), Illegal and Scrap Tire Sites, Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfills, Recycling Facilities, Industrial and Hazardous Waste Generators Compliance Investigations Types

9 Water Investigations: Public Drinking Water, Wastewater Treatment / On-Site Sewage Facilities (OSSF), Water Rights, Stormwater, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, Edwards Aquifer Protection Program, Sludge Recycling Facility Compliance Investigations Types

10 Air Investigations: Large Industrial Facilities, Oil & Gas Sites, Emission Events from Regulated Sites, Nuisance Complaints (Dust / Odor) Recycling Facility

11 Investigation Tools Optical Gas Imaging Camera Toxic Vapor Analyzer Mini RAE Summa canister

12 Focus on Hot Topics  Drought Response  Edwards Aquifer Protection Program  Oil and Gas Activities

13 Continuing Drought Conditions US Drought Monitor April 6, 2015

14 Increased investigations at public water systems and wastewater treatment facilities Increased investigations to respond to Water Rights complaints and priority calls for water Protection of water sources during increased development, new and expanded industrial activities, and population increases Response to Drought Conditions

15 Edwards Aquifer Protection Program In Fiscal Year 2014, the TCEQ Austin and San Antonio Regional Offices reviewed a record high of more than 750 plans for development in the regulated zones of the Edwards Aquifer

16 Oil & Gas Activities Increased investigation activities across all media statewide Increased air monitoring in urban Barnett Shale Increased air monitoring and infrastructure issues in rural Eagle Ford Shale

17 Enforcement Division   Development of Enforcement related documents   Track compliance with effective orders   Administer the Compliance Monitoring Program under the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES)   Administer third-party Supplemental Environmental Projects   Implement the Texas Environmental, Health, and Safety Audit Privilege Act   Administer the Compliance History program

18 Orders Issued by Media Type

19 Assessed Penalties

20 Texas Environmental Health & Safety Audit Privilege Act

21 Monitoring Division Stationary Air Monitoring in Texas

22 Automated Gas Chromatographs collect samples for the analysis of 46 volatile organic compounds each hour (right) Continuous Air Monitoring Station with monitors for ozone, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, PM10, and PM2.5 (left) Monitoring Division

23 Critical Infrastructure Division  Dam Safety  Homeland Security  Emergency Management TCEQ Disaster Response Trailer

24 Dam Safety  3,995 dams regulated by TCEQ  Increase in downstream development  Aging of dams  26% built before 1960  84% built before 1980 Dam Safety Inspections Emergency Action Plans Dam Breach Analysis

25 Homeland Security OFFICIAL USE ONLY  Assists in planning, developing, coordinating, and implementing initiatives to promote the Governor’s Homeland Security Strategy  Assists to detect, deter, respond to, and recover from disasters, whether manmade or caused by nature  Implements a federally-funded Department of Homeland Security initiative “BioWatch” for air monitoring that provides for early detection of bioterrorism agents to enable the earliest possible response to an attack

26 Homeland Security Radioactive Materials Compliance Program.  Conducts radioactive materials compliance investigations and inspections of construction, operation, security, and closure procedures at regulated facilities Regulated facilities under this Program include:  Licensed Uranium Processing sites  Permitted Underground Injection Control (UIC ) sites at uranium facilities  Low-Level Radioactive Waste (LLRW) Processing and Disposal sites

27 Emergency Management Warehouse Fire  Provides critical support for preparation, response, and recovery to disasters  Provides specialized equipment and contractor support for hazardous materials emergency response  Coordinates with and provides training to the 16 TCEQ Regional Disaster Response Strike Teams TCEQ is the lead agency in Texas for Hazardous Materials Spill Response Emergency Management Support

28 Emergency Management Warehouse Fire Ammonium Nitrate Spill Industrial Fire West Fertilizer Plant Explosion Leaking Anhydrous Ammonia Tank TCEQ responds to large-scale emergencies with Central and Regional staff and Contractors

29 After a Disaster… Disaster response includes evaluation of industrial sites; water & wastewater utilities; and water & wastewater utilities; and waste management  Industrial facility inundated following Hurricane Ike (right)  Identification and recovery of drums (below)

30 Questions? Office of Compliance & Enforcement (512) 239-5100

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