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Welcome to Class! Monday 9/22/2014 Please do the following: Take out your INB Take out a BLUE or BLACK pen or a pencil (NO RED) HIGHLIGHTER (any color.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Class! Monday 9/22/2014 Please do the following: Take out your INB Take out a BLUE or BLACK pen or a pencil (NO RED) HIGHLIGHTER (any color."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Class! Monday 9/22/2014 Please do the following: Take out your INB Take out a BLUE or BLACK pen or a pencil (NO RED) HIGHLIGHTER (any color EXCEPT BLACK or RED) Be in your seats ready to participate :-)

2 Quizzes If you earned a 4 or 5: Congrats! If you earned a 3: Opportunity to raise your grade to a 4. Please see the teacher page for “QUIZ REDO” DUE ON TUESDAY 9/23 If you earned a 0-2: MANDATORY “QUIZ REDO” to raise your grade to a 4. You will get PRIDE if you do not complete this task. Please see teacher page @ DUE ON TUESDAY 9/23

3 The “TRE3” Branches of Government

4 INPUT 1788 US Constitution goes into effect. Framers laid out a federal system of government that divided powers between the the states and federal government. Certain powers were delegated to the federal government and others to the states. Powers delegated to the federal government were divided among 3 distinct branches... Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Tim and Moby: Branches of Government

5 INPUT Article 2, Section 1 and 2: Executive Branch Consists of President, Vice President, and Cabinet.

6 INPUT President: Native born US citizen, also resident for 14 years. Minimum 35 years old. Elected every 4 years, two term maximum (8 years). Proposes laws. Administers laws. Commands armed forces (Commander-in-Chief). Appoints ambassadors and other officials. Conducts foreign policy. Makes treaties. Can issue executive orders and grant pardons. Can sign or veto bills. Appoints judges to the Supreme Court.

7 Discuss with your shoulder buddy: If you were going to run for President... What kind of changes would you suggest? Why? What would you keep the same? Why? Try to come up with at least (5) things. Be prepared to share some of your ideas :-)

8 INPUT Vice-President: Second highest office. Presiding Officer of the Senate, power to cast a vote in case of a tie. Ceremonial assistant to the President. Elected with President, same eligibility rules. “Heart beat away from being president”. Many VP's have gone on to being Presidents themselves.

9 INPUT Cabinet: Includes the VP and the heads of 15 executive departments. Secretaries of: Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs, as well as the Attorney General Presidential Cabinet

10 OUTPUT Prompt: If I were President... Imagine that you have just been elected President of the United States. What would be your first order of business? What difference would you like to see in our country’s policies? How would you deal with the following issues: the military, the poor, education, homeland security, and the economy? Write (3) paragraphs outlining your presidential policies in your INB. You must include at least three (3) things you would change OR keep the same and reasons why for each. You will need to include an introduction paragraph with strong thesis statement, body, and a conclusion. I expect your paragraphs to be no less than (4) sentences long each.


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