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Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Welcome and Introductions Copyright of AWARE 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Welcome and Introductions Copyright of AWARE 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Welcome and Introductions Copyright of AWARE 2009


3 So, you think you know what is Sexual Harassment? Copyright of AWARE 2009 Self evaluation

4 You think you know what is sexual harassment? (True/False) 1) Most sexual harassment are just harmless flirting? False. 2) Only women are sexually harassed, this does not happen to men; all harassers are male. False. 3) Outstanding men do not harass women / men? False. 4) All harassers are holding higher position than the victim? False. Copyright of AWARE 2009

5 You think you know what is Sexual Harassment? True/False (cont.) 5) People harass others because they are sexually attracted to them? False. 6) Women “asked” to be harassed by dressing or acting provocatively? False. 7) Sexually explicit pictures placed as screen-saver on a computer, or on the office wall is not sexual harassment? False/True. 8)Talking about one’e sexual exploits at work in a graphic way is not sexual harassment? False. Copyright of AWARE 2009

6 You think you know what is Sexual Harassment? True/False (cont.) 9) Victims of sexual harassment usually would immediately make a complaint once they are sexually harassed? False. 10) Sexual harassment policies overdramatise what could have been a really normal behaviour between people. False. Copyright of AWARE 2009

7 “Sexual harassment means unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, or other conduct based on sex, affecting the dignity of women and men at work. This includes unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct” The European Commission’s Council Resolution (1990) Copyright of AWARE 2009 Sexual Harassment defined

8  Conduct must be of a sexual nature  It is unwanted; unwelcome; offensive  It could be persisted; repeated; or a singular act  It creates an unsafe working environment for recipient  It is intimidating, hostile and humiliating Copyright of AWARE 2009 Essential characteristics of Sexual Harassment

9  Quid Pro Quo Harassment  “Something for something” – Sexual Blackmail  Abuse by someone in authority (employer, supervisor, manager)  Demanding sexual favours for job benefits…  Withholding job benefits to get sexual favours  Hostile Sexual Environment-  Created by fellow employees/employers Copyright AWARE 2009 Two major types of Sexual Harassment

10 AWARE SURVEY Source: The New Paper, 10 th July 2008 Copyright AWARE 2009 Do people in Singapore experience Sexual Harassment?

11 WHERE ? Anywhere where work related activities are carried out WHO are the perpetrators? Bosses, colleagues, clients, in and outside the office WHO are the victims? Anyone affected by the offensive conduct Copyright AWARE 2009 Workplace Defined e.g. Office parties, lunch outings, entertaining clients, team building events… AWARE SURVEY

12  Verbal  Visual  Physical Copyright AWARE 2009 Forms of Sexual Harassment

13 Verbal Sexual Harassment  Sexually suggestive remarks  Obscene or insulting sounds  Repeatedly addressed by unwelcome or offensive terms Copyright AWARE 2009 Forms of Sexual Harassment

14 Visual Sexual Harassment Emails, SMSes…..instant messages of a sexually explicit nature Exposing themselves in a lewd manner Obscene sexual gestures Staring at your body parts….. Sexually explicit images… pictures, calendars Copyright AWARE 2009 Forms of Sexual Harassment

15 Physical Sexual Harassment  Brushed against  Touched  Standing very close/ leaning over  Kissed  Hugged Copyright AWARE 2009 Forms of Sexual Harassment

16  Victims generally experienced multiple forms of sexual harassment  AWARE’s survey showed that majority of victims experience verbal, followed by physical and visual forms of sexual harassment. AWARE SURVEY Copyright AWARE 2009

17 Behavior that is Welcome Friendly Mutual Is an affair at the workplace, a sexual harassment offence? What is NOT Sexual Harassment? Copyright of AWARE 2009

18  Society conditions women and men to behave in a certain way EmotionsAppearanceRoles/ Responsibilities Creates stereotypes: -Men are assertive, aggressive -Women are gentle, passive -Women not serious about career -Men are breadwinners of family Copyright of AWARE 2009 Why does Sexual Harassment occur?

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