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Industrial Revolution. Expressionism George Rouault.

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1 Industrial Revolution

2 Expressionism

3 George Rouault

4 The beginning George Rouault was isolated at a young age among artists. George made paintings that proved it to be possible for him to be an independent and committed modernist. He was born in Paris, May 27 th 1871 in a cellar house in Belleville. The city where he was born was going to get bombarded by government troops from Versailles in future years, who were trying to defeat the Paris community. His father finished off and varnished pianos in a Pleyel factory.

5 At a young age he was sent to a Protestant school which was not a success for George. In 1885 Ronault taken away to be a maker of stained glass named Tamoni. Later on he was employed by George Hirsch, who restored old medieval windows.

6 In 1891-1898 George Rouault studied under Gustave Moreau at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. At first George Rouault studied under Elie Delauney until Elie’s death. After that George was now under Gustave who he had a close connection.

7 After Gustave Moreau died George Rouault was appointed curator of the Musée Moreau in 1903, while at the museum he still managed to remember his teachers teachings. He also used the memory of his teacher’s work to do medeival paintings.

8 Still at to his 30ies he still would make water color paintings and would express his paintings through color which founded his reputation as a fauvist painter. Some of his first paintings were of workers and farmers.

9 He was encouraged by his art dealer Ambroise Vollard he started doing graphic art between 1917 to 1927. one of his most famous famous series was the extensive cycle “misserere” that finished in 1927.

10 The End Around the 1920s he found out about impasto painting this was a technique were paint is applied in thick, pastose layers. He died at the age of 87 in paris in the year 1958.

11 Fauvism

12 What Materials Artists used to depict A Human Figure The materials that are used to create a sculpture are a hammer and a chisel.

13 Why some artists painted realistically and other prefer abstract Some artists find the emotional impulse that makes them a want to create, and show emotion in what they are making and others are driven to just do plain art.

14 What was Michelangelo thinking when he carved David When Michelangelo was carving David he was thinking about his rival Leonardo Da Vinci and what he could do to be different from him.

15 What Rodin used as inspiration to sculpt the “Thinker” Rodin’s main inspiration to sculpt the “Thinker” was Dante’s “Inferno” and the images contained within Rodin’s artistic vision.

16 Are Michelangelo & Rodin Connected One connection between Rodin and Michelangelo is they are both sculptors and painters. Another connection is their painting inspiration is created by other past artists.

17 An Article on Henri Matisse’s work Le Rifain assis (Seated Riffian) is one of Henri Matisse’s painting done in late 1912 or early 1913. In henri’s paintings he uses a LOT of color. He also does a lot of shading. Henri Matisse doesn’t put much detail into his paintings but they are still nice.

18 Henri Matisse's work

19 Art Nouveau

20 The definition of art nouveau Art Nouveau is an elegant decorative art style described by intricate patterns of curving lines.

21 The time of the art nouveau movement The time of the art nouveau lasted in Europe & North America from about 1880 to WW1.

22 Artists involved in Art Nouveau Artists involved in art Nouveau were Jules Van Riesboek Bruno Paul Joseph Maria Olbrich Paul Bruck

23 Where was the art Nouveau Art Nouveau was staged in Europe and North America

24 What were the artists similarities in their work I find that the similarities in their work were that they all look like camera pictures and ancient drawings. I also found that they all had a certain way of shading. In the paintings you don’t find much color which most artists usually use.

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