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Airstream Mechanisms and Phonation Types

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1 Airstream Mechanisms and Phonation Types


3 Types of airstream mechanism
Pulmonic airstream mechanism Glottalic airstream mechanism Lingual (velaric) airstream mechanism States of the glottis Voice onset time

4  In English, all sounds are produced with pulmonic egressive airstream
 Other airstreams are possible: -Velaric Airstream Mechanism -Glottalic Airstream Mechanism  The velaric airstream can only be ingressive (and has nothing to do with the larynx).  The glottalic airstream can be egressive or ingressive

5 Plosive爆發音 stop made with pulmonic airstream mechanism (lung air pushed out). Implosive縮氣音、內爆音 : stop made with ingressive glottalic airstream mechanism (vibrating glottis moves down). Ejectice外擠氣音 : stop made with egressive glottalic airstream mechanism (closed glottic moves up). Click嘖ㄗㄜˊ音 : stop made with ingressive velaric airstream mechanism (tongue moves down and back).

6 Pulmonic airstream mechanism肺氣流機制
Initiation by means of the lungs(actually the diaphragm and ribs) is called pulmonic initiation. The vast majority of sounds used in human languages are pulmonic egressives In most languages, including all the languages of Europe Pulmonic egressive, where the air is pushed out of the lungs by the ribs and diaphragm. Pulmonic airstream care called plosives. All human languages employ such sounds (such as vowels), and nearly three out of four use them exclusively.

7 When the Larynx moves up = Egressive glottalicairflow
Glottalic airstream mechanism呼氣氣流機制、外擠氣流機制 An upward movement of the closed glottis will move this air out of the mouth. A downward movement of the close glottis will cause air to be sucked into the mouth. When the Larynx moves up = Egressive glottalicairflow  down = ingressive glottalicairflow A glottalic egressive sound is known as an ejective  Apostrophe following the normal voiceless stop/affricate/fricative symbol: Note that all ejectives are voiceless. Language: Africa( Hausa ), North(Lakhota, Navajo) (Hausa ejective and laryngealized sounds)

8 Pronunciation of a glottalic egressive velar stop 聲門呼出機制: 外擠氣音

9 EX: Lakhota P.138

10 Ingressive glottalic airsteam mechanism are called implosives
• Incomplete closure of the glottis voicing • Rightward curl on top of voiced stops: • Implosives are typically voiced (but not necessarily)

11 Pronunciatgion of a glottalic bilabial implosive 聲門吸入機制: 內爆音/縮氣音

12 Ingressive glottalic stops(implosive)
Sindhi stops

13  Clicks are common in Bantu languages, like
Velaric airstream Mechanism The velaric airstream mechanism involves air trapped between the velum and the tongue.  Sounds produced with the velaric airstream mechanism are known as clicks. Clicks can be voiced or voiceless, nasal or oral. Paralinguistic uses of clicks:tsk,tsk signalling impatient or exasperation  Clicks are common in Bantu languages, like Zulu, but also in other languages of South Africa, such as ! Xόõ and Nama.

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