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Abby and Gabby WOMEN’S RIGHTS.  Definition:  Any act of gender-based violence that results in or is likely result in physical, sexual, or psychological.

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Presentation on theme: "Abby and Gabby WOMEN’S RIGHTS.  Definition:  Any act of gender-based violence that results in or is likely result in physical, sexual, or psychological."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abby and Gabby WOMEN’S RIGHTS

2  Definition:  Any act of gender-based violence that results in or is likely result in physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering to women including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary, deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN

3  Criminal harassment/stalking  Financial abuse  Spiritual abuse  Physical abuse  Sexual abuse  Emotional or verbal abuse VIOLENCE CAN INCLUDE…

4  The fact that men think they are superior or better than women  What it can lead to…  Humiliation  Intimidation  Control  Abuse  Possible murder WHAT CAUSES THE VIOLENCE

5  Any woman, no matter what age, income group, culture, or religion  Although this is said…  Younger women  Between the ages of 15- 24 was 42% higher than women between the ages of 25- 34  Disabilities  60% of women with disabilities experience some form of violence  Immigrants  Can experience abuse because of lack of knowledge about the community, economic dependence, and language block WHEN ARE THEY MOST AT RISK?

6  Men  More likely to be assaulted by a stranger  Tend to over estimate their partners violence, while underestimating their own  More likely to initiate violence  Women  More likely to be assaulted by someone they know  Tend to over estimate their own violence, and underestimate their partners  More likely to use violence as self defense MEN VS. WOMEN

7  Make an effort to keep all genders equal  Don’t be afraid to report the crime HOW CAN WE HELP?

8   What do you think about this video?  How do you personally think that women’s rights have changed over the years?  What are some positives things they said that impacted you? What are some negatives? WOMEN AROUND THE WORLD

9  Giant circle with little circle branches  How we see it in school/ local community  Boys are smarter than girls  Men are more dominant in political field  The past  No voting- ratified in 1920s- 19 th amendment  No jobs- 1870; women allowed to keep money they earned  Around the world  In 76 countries less than half the eligible girls are enrolled in secondary school  Education restraints with girls/women  Not given proper education to help the people who are sick or pregnant- therefore more deaths  Women make up more than 50% of the global population, but fill less than 20% of parliamentary seats  Men vs. women  Women are less likely to read adulthood because of abuse, etc.  Only 5% of Hollywood featured films are directed by women  The 2 highest IQ’s ever recorded on a standard test both belong to women POSTER

10  Women’s rights and what we have learned GROUP SUMMARY


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