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Unit 8.2 Publishing on the web You are going to create a series of web pages to adults about your school.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8.2 Publishing on the web You are going to create a series of web pages to adults about your school."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8.2 Publishing on the web You are going to create a series of web pages to adults about your school.

2 Starter – Criteria to judge a website’s accuracy and validity Does the site have links to other reliable sites and do they back up the information? Is the source reliable? Is the information fact or opinion? Is it biased or misleading? Is it complete or are bits missing? Is it up to date and clear? Does it meet the needs of everyone that wants to read it?

3 Learning Objectives (WALT – We are learning to….) Give examples of criteria used to judge a website. Use a software application to create a simple web page in HTML Describe how an effective website must take into account the needs and interests of the user.

4 Learning Outcomes (WILF – What I’m looking for….) Identify the criteria to judge a website Create a simple web page in HTML using notepad or similar text editor Consider the needs and priorities of your audience.

5 Criteria used to judge if a website is accurate and valid Reliable (Official/Unofficial) Information (Fact/Opinion) Information (biased/Misleading) Information (Complete/Incomplete) Information up to date Information is clear.

6 Criteria to judge if a website is easy to use Language or vocabulary is easy to understand to read Easy to navigate and move around the site Do menus help to find the information?

7 Criteria used to judge the quality of the display Clear Font size appropriate for all users Attractive/colour Sound Do graphics and animation add to relevance or attractiveness, or do they distract?

8 Web page using HTML Your web page needs to be created using Notepad. It must contain at least one heading, some body text and a hyperlink. Remember to save your work with the file extension.htm (the computer will recognise it as a web page)

9 HTML Code Tells the computer you are writing in Html Code Tells the computer you are stopping writing in Html Starting to write the main part of the web page, includes the text you want on the main page. Ends the main body section and to start and end a heading Bold text end bold text Paragraph End paragraph Tells the computer you want a blue back ground colour or a colour code Tells the computer that you want red font or use a colour code Google To Insert a hyperlink to a

10 Homework Plan what sort of information should be on a website about the school for parents. Explain why you think it’s important to include the individual bits of information.

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